Baby Fever

“It feels weird.”

I thought it would be exhilarating if I sent the little boy away.

This is because it was getting harder getting tied around the little boy all day without any free time even in the holiday

However, I felt strangely uneasy at the thought of parting ways with the little boy.

No, it’s not meant to be like this.

No matter how good we are, he won’t remember anything.

If he goes back to where he was, he’ll forget everything in a few days.

As Felix said, will the little one remember me?

Will he forget the me, who feeding him the soup.?

Will he forget the dancing, we did together at the festival.?

Will he forget the two of us playing tickling?

Will he forget the me, who changed his diaper.

It would be nice if he forget the thing happened with Angus, but it felt sad when I thought of him forgetting me and Felix.

I lifted his upper body and kissed the little boy’s forehead.

“Have a good dream baby.”


The little boy clenched his lips as if answering.



I heard the little boy crying next to me in my sleep.

But there was something strange about it.

Unlike his usual whining when he was awake, his voice was weak.

“Little boy….?”

For a moment, I was completely out of sleep.

I quickly opened my eyes and examined the little boy.

It was dark, so I couldn’t see the little boy’s face properly, but I could barely hear the breath of the little boy lying quietly in bed with his eyes closed.

A weak sound that’s about to break.


Theld the little boy in my arms carefully.

Because of his higher body temperature than me or Felix, the inside of my arms were always pleasantly warm when I hugged the little boy, but now it was different.

My arms were so hot that I felt uneasy.


I screamed and went out to the living room, and Felix, who was reading a book with the light on, looked at me with surprised eyes.

“What’s the matter?”

“I think he’s having a fever.”

I was choked by the terrifying heat I felt in my arms.

“He was fine before we went to bed, but now…… What should I do, Felix? Is the little boy all right.. …?

“Calm down Elly, I will see.”

Felix’s face, who touched the little boy’s forehead, got distorted.

The sound of the little boy’s breath was as faint as the fire that would extinguish at any moment.

“I’ll go to the health center first. There might be nurses or Doctors for emergencies.”

“Magic? Can’t you do anything with magic? You healed my wound, too.”

“That was a scar. Magic can help, but it can’t lower the fever perfectly.”

The moment I heard that, I felt suffocated.

At the same time, the strength drained from my hand holding the little boy.

Felix gave me a basin and towel filled with cold water and hurried out.


As Felix told me, I squeezed the towel with water and wiped the kid’s forehead and neck.

The cold towel quickly warmed up as if the fever had risen a lot.

I kept dipping the towel in the water hoping that the little boy’s condition would get a little better.

The simple movement was repeated to the point where my fingertips were freezing, but the little boy did not get much better.


“I’m sorry, little boy.”

The sound of the wind hitting the long door sounded terrible.

I shouldn’t think negatively, but as the breath of a little boy kept being buried by the sound of the wind, my thoughts flowed in the wrong direction.

I couldn’t get over the emotions that swirled like a winter breeze in me.

Eventually, my vision seemed to be blurred, and tears dripped over

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

I thought it was all my fault.

I couldn’t give him nutritious food.

I couldn’t dress him warmly.

There must have been some strange signs before it got this bad, but I didn’t notice.

If the little boy had spent time with his family, this wouldn’t have happened.

How can I be so full of mistakes in everything I do?

People cannot always be perfect.

It was quite natural that I, who had never raised a child, could not be a perfect guardian.

But that wasn’t an excuse.

“It’s not time to cry.”

I roughly wiped my eyes with my cold hands.

Now I had to concentrate all my attention on the little boy.

I kept wiping the little boy’s body, hoping Felix would come back soon.

It was the first time in my life that a minute felt like an hour and every second felt so scary.


“What about the little one?”

Felix returned after a while and was alone.

He seemed to be out of breath as if he had been running at full speed.

He asked in an impatient voice, looking at me touching the little boy’s forehead and neck with the back of his hand.

“The Doctor?”

Felix shook his head.

“No one was there. Maybe they are yet to come back from the holidays.”

“Then what shall we do?”

“We’ll have to go to the village. Put some clothes on the little one. Warmer ones…”

Hearing Felix’s words, I quickly began to take the little boy’s clothes from the hanger and put them on him.

Felix fastened the kid’s buttons on behalf of me, who was in a hurry but couldn’t move properly because of my frozen hands.

After carefully taking care of the little boy’s socks and hat, I held the little boy in my arms, and Felix put the big coat on my shoulder that he had given me before.

“Will there be a Wagon at this hour?”

In case of emergency, there was always a wagon that resides in the academy.

However, it was unclear whether the coachman would be in the academy at a time when even the public health center was empty.

Felix didn’t answer my question.

Felix raised my coat, which kept falling down, and hugged me by the shoulder.

His hand patted me on the shoulder as if he was telling me to calm down.

“Don’t worry,”

As soon as he said something that might have been an answer to my question or comfort to me, his necklace shone brighter than ever.

I couldn’t keep my eyes open at all, so I closed my eyes tightly

My feet shook as if I was in an earthquake.

Felix’s arms firmly supported my staggering body.

I felt nauseous similar to when I was in a carriage.

When the shaking body regained its balance and stood properly, the cold wind touched my cheek as if I had come outside.

I opened my eyes wide with a strange mind, and for a moment I was stunned by the scenery in front of me.

We were really outside. in the middle of a dark alley.

It was the Spatial movement Magic that I had only heard

Felix loosened his arm around my shoulder and approached the door marked with a clinic sign.

I covered the little boy with the hem of my coat and followed him.

Felix knocked violently on the door.

“Is anyone there?”

But when no one came out, he slammed the door with his hands.

The door shook as if it were about to break.

I went next to him and knocked with him.

“Please open.”

Perhaps we were half out of our minds.

As a result of ignoring the voice of a man next door shouting that it was noisy and knocking on the door, the iron fortress-like door finally opened.

A middle-aged woman wearing a cardigan over her pajamas came out with a candle.

She looked at us with surprise for a moment, and hurried us inside, when Felix said there was a patient.

The middle-aged Doctor, who came out under the call of the woman, was similarly dressed in pajamas.

As soon as he heard that the patient was a baby, he looked at the child in a remarkable surprise.

“How long did he have a fever?”

“I don’t know exactly, but he was fine three hours ago.”

“Did he have any other symptoms besides fever?”

“Did he have diarrhea or cough?”

“He didn’t have a cough and he didn’t have diarrhea.”

“He ate well and slept well in the evening.”

“He played as well as he normally do… …but”

The Doctor who listened to me quietly took the little boy away from me and put him in the bed.

When he took off the kid’s coat and lifted his jacket, he saw something like a red dot on his white belly.

It was something that didn’t existed when I changing the diapers.

The Doctor clicked his tongue.

“We’ll have to get rid of the fever first”

Hearing that, the middle-aged woman, brought a basin and a towel to wipe the child’s body.

The Doctor opened the little boy’s mouth to look inside, and pressed his belly with his fingertips.

Felix and I waited for Doctor’s words with nervous faces by the bed, but the Doctor stood up without saying anything other than, he would go to make medicine.

Felix jumped up and grabbed him roughly by the arm.

“Why in the world did this happen to the kid?”

The Doctor looked perplexed.

“We’ll see why.”

“Do you mean you don’t know the reason?”

“There are no other symptoms to call it a cold, and I don’t think he has a stomachache, and I don’t know why he has a fever….”

“Does that make sense?”

Felix clenched the Doctor’s arm hard.

“Does it make sense that you don’t know the cause of a fever? How are you going to fix it if you can’t find the cause?”

“What? I know how you feel, but just calm down…”

“Do you think I can calm down in this situation?”

“Oh, you can’t do this here!”

Felix raised his voice, and the woman taking care of the little boy grabbed Felix arm and tried to remove it.

I felt the same way as Felix, but I had to stop Felix for now.

I was afraid that the Doctor might get angry and might refuse to treat the little boy.

Even if we didn’t know the cause yet, we needed the Doctor

“Calm down Felix, the first thing to do is to treat the little boy.”

Finally, Felix let go of the Doctor’s arm.

The Doctor went out to bring the fever reducer, and the middle-aged woman went out to help him.

I approached the bed and picked up the wet towel.


My heart ached seeing the little boy, frowning in agony.

I rubbed him on the red-spotted stomach.

“It’s all right baby. The doctor will get you some medicine in no time. It’s all right, Baby….. It’s going to be fine…”