A boy I saw for the first time stood in front of me. 

The boy with brown hair and green eyes was wearing a sword practice suit, perhaps a student of the sword department. 

However, instead of a wooden sword, he had a box in his hand 

Let’s see, this is…? 

“Yes, maybe you’re going to ask me to give some chocolate to Alice. right?” 

It happens every year. 

Alice was popular, and there were many students who felt it was difficult to approach because of her unique atmosphere. 

So, I guess the easy target was me, who’s always next to her. 

Boys would often ask me to deliver chocolate to Alice. 

I thought it would be the same this time, but the boy’s expression in front of me was weird. 

“Alice? Who’s that?” 

“Oh, no? Is it for Penny? But you can’t. Penny has a boyfriend…” 

“What are you talking about? I…!” 

His voice-boosting face soon flushed. 

He murmured. 

“It’s for you.”

“To me?” 

“Yes. Will you take…?” 

“To me…?” 

I accidentally received the box he gave me. 

It was my first time getting chocolate on Valentine’s Day from someone other than myself. 

“Thank you. I’ll eat it.” 

The boy’s face burned redder as he smiled awkwardly and whispered. 

I felt like he was going to pop when poked with a needle. 

“Well, can I ask you something?” 


“Are you dating Felix Christian?’ 

“Wha….What are you talking about!?” 

I screamed without realizing it. 

“He and I?” Don’t say that.” 

“Oh, I’m sorry.” 

Fortunately, the boy apologized meekly. 

I accepted his apology generously. 

“It’s all right, but why did you think like that?” 

“Well, you and Christian stick together all the time. Last Valentine’s Day, too….”


Felix wasn’t feeling well last year. 

That’s what happened. 

Come to think of it, I think I was with Felix the year before. 

I couldn’t remember why. 

“Anyway, it’s a relief.” 

That’s a relief….. What? 

The unknown boy said again before I asked. 

Oh, come to think of it, it would be nice if he could tell me his name first. 

“If you have time…” 

“Oh, you’re here?” 

Cedric interjected the conversation. 

He looked at the boy. 

“Cedric Cainte?” 

The boy looked at me and Cedric alternately, then suddenly apologized, 

“I’m sorry! I didn’t know!” 

And disappeared like running away. 


“Did you know someone in the swordsmanship department?” 

Cedric replied lightly and handed over a wooden sword. 

“Come on, let’s practice.” 

“I think there are people waiting for you?” 

I glanced behind him. 

The girls were looking this way and waiting for him. 

“Cedric, don’t you have to go?” 

“Huh? Oh, I’m fine.” 

“But they were waiting.”

It’s not just another day, it’s Valentine’s Day. 

Those girls would have been waiting for today. 

I jumped up with my bag. 

“I don’t think I can take a class today because I’m not feeling well. I’m here to tell you that.” 

I have to sacrifice myself. 

“Huh? Where does it hurt?” 

“I just have a headache. Maybe it’s because I smelled a lot of sweets.” 

“Don’t you think you should go to the nurse’s office?” 

“Not that much. I’m just going to rest in the dorm.” 

I rummaged through my bag and pulled out a box of chocolate. 

“Here, take this.” 

Cedric’s eyes opened slightly wide. 

“What’s this?” 

“Chocolate. I made it with my friends yesterday, but it tastes okay even though it looks weird.” 

I added a word since I was embarrassed. 

“But if you don’t like chocolate, you don’t have to take it. I saw you didn’t take one earlier.” 


Cedric quickly took the box, thinking I wouldn’t give it to him. 

“Thank you for the food. Thank you.” 

He looked a little excited somewhere. 

I added an explanation out of the fear that he might misunderstand. 

“Well, it’s just friendship chocolate.” 

I didn’t want him to misunderstand that I liked him and make our relationship awkward. 

“Alice said she used to give chocolate to her friends on Valentine’s Day.” 

“Oh, really?” 

Cedric’s voice lowered a little. 

“Yes, so don’t worry too much. Oh, I’ve got to go.” 

The longer I talked to Cedric, the more fierce the girls’ eyes became. 

I decided to stay away from the place to prevent strange rumors. 

“See you next time.” 

“Elena! Hold on a second.”

Cedric didn’t even listen to my answer and went into the building next to the training room. 

I waited for him, smiling awkwardly at the girls who looked at me as if we were enemies. 

After a while, Cedric came with a box larger than I had given him. 

“Here, take this.” 

“What is this?” 

“Chocolate of friendship. I can’t be the only one getting it.”

“Thank you. I like chocolate. I’ll eat it.” 


Cedric smiled brightly. 

“You said you had a headache. Hurry up and get some rest.” 


I put the box Cedric gave me in my bag. 

Then, the bag was full, so there was no room for the box given by the unknown boy. 

I was forced to hold the box in my hand. 

But contrary to what I told Cedric, my destination was not the dormitory, but the grass field behind the dormitory. 

It was to find Felix.  

Pushing through the grasses I soon found Felix. 

“Who is it?” 

Felix, who was wary of the intruders, found that it was me and lay down in the grass again. 

“How did you get here?” 

“Obviously. You hide here every year.” 

“Don’t you have a swordplay class today? How did you get here?”

“Oh, I thought there were a lot of people who wanted to see Cedric, so I left. You were lucky to be hiding here. It would have been chaos otherwise.” 

The mere thought of that sickens Felix. 

He shook his head and looked at my hand. 

“What’s that?” 

“Oh, this?” 

I had the box given by the unknown boy in my hand. 

“Oh, this? Someone gave it to me earlier.’ 

“Who the hell?” 

The nuance of the question was a little strange. 

It was as if saying, ‘Who gives chocolate to someone like you?’ 

My listening might be too twisted. 

However, Felix’s personality is enough to interpret it in that sense. 

I deliberately swept my hair back. 

“There is a boy who wants to give me chocolate, too.” 

Felix looked at me with a wistful face. 

Well, was it too much? 

I lowered my hand awkwardly. 

“Anyway, that’s it. I got it.” 

“Give it to me.” 


Felix took the box and opened the lid. 

“I want to eat”. 

“What? When did you start eating chocolates?” 


That’s weird. 

Felix didn’t like sweets. 

“Ok, eat it. Then I’ll also try one.” 

Felix raised his hand with the box as I was about to pick up the chocolate. 


Felix raised his hand higher as I took my hand along the box. 

It was clear that he didn’t want to give it to me. 

“That’s the chocolate I got. Why are you trying to eat it all…?” 

Suddenly Felix started coughing. 

At first, it was a simple sneeze, but the condition was a little strange. 

It felt like he was having trouble breathing, his eyes slightly loosened. 


His arm, which I casually grabbed, was as hot as he was having a fever. 

“What’s wrong?” 

Felix exclaimed. 

“I guess something here….in the chocolate” 

“What’s in it? Alcohol?” 

I’ve heard that there’s chocolate with alcohol mixed in it. 

A stifled breath and a heated-up body. 

It was a symptom that could occur when drinking. 

But Felix denied it. 

“It’s not alcohol.”

“Then what the… oh, no way.” 

There was something that flashed through my mind. 

The love potion Penny was going to put in the chocolate yesterday. 

Was it in here? 

But it wasn’t clear. 

I have no choice but to go and ask the boy who gave me this chocolate right now. 

In the meantime, Felix had loosened a couple of buttons on his shirt, perhaps because he had a sore throat. 

I lifted my head up trying not to look down his neck. 

“Wait a minute. I’ll find out what’s in there.” 

Felix grabbed my wrist. 

His hold was stronger. 

Of course, his hands were hot. 

“Don’t go.”


He kept talking to me, breathing hard. 

“Stay with me… Ha…..haaaaa, Stay with me Elly.” 

It was a mournful voice. 

At a glance, it was something that made my heart pound. 

But the person in question was Felix. 

Even if every man in the world said that to me, I was confident that Felix wouldn’t. 

Then this means…..

Felix is really…….

out of his mind now!