Chapter 69 - 69 - To the Komati's Valleys

Name:Pokemon Pearl Author:Marc0702
The next morning, as the sun rises over the mountains and city horizon, at Campillo's vacation house, Campillo was making breakfast, which consists of French toasts, fried hash browns, banana bread, and servings of fruits. While that happened, Rico was training with his Pokémon at the beaches near the harbors of the city while Juan is having a walk in the park with his Pokémon. The morning hours shows the beauty of the sun rising over the valley horizon, with its rays striking the trees, streets, and buildings with beautiful effects of shadows and shading at an angle. Stores, malls, and markets opened up for business as suppliers, mostly from farms and small manufacturing centers, and their Pokémon work together to stock up for the everyday customers. Cafes and restaurants, big or small, fancy or decent, opened their doors for early birds who needed a quick breakfast before going to work. The morning traffic was normal as usual, but it will get a bit heavier as the day goes by.

Later, as Campillo prepare the table for breakfast, Rico, Juan, and their teams came back and skipped to the dining table in excitement and with a hearty appetite. And as the kids sat down after they had washed their hands, Campillo greeted them good morning and asked them how are they.

"We're fine, professor," Rico responded back in positivity. "We had a good time this morning." Riolu, Litleo, and Piplup then responded with happiness. A bit later, they all eat up while their Pokémon are eating their special food. The kids really enjoyed the breakfast Campillo made for them, as good as the ones Rico's parents made.

"Wow! It's so delicious and light!"

"Yeah. Dad, that was a great breakfast we ever had."

They then looked at Campillo and said thank you to him for the delicious and hearty breakfast as Campillo smiled in happiness.

After breakfast, by 8:26 a.m., all of them prepared for their day, taking short showers and dressed up. This time, Rico wears his adventure jacket. But, however, Campillo received a phone call from Emerson. Emerson gave him some bad news: She couldn't pick them up because of an issue at Komati Valley's festival and told him to take public transport to get there. Despite the bad news, Campillo was ready to accept this suggestion before saying goodbye to her and ended the conversation. Once the kids are ready, Campillo gathered them in the living room and told them the bad news. Strangely, the kids and their teams are ready to accept this. So, once they were out of the house, they locked the gate and walk down the streets to the nearest bus stop for the valleys. Along the way, they saw the urban environment of that neighborhood: residents enjoying their time in front of their homes, often those who own small businesses like mini restaurants. Rico, in enthusiasm, took snapshots of them and their lives using his smartphone as he and the others greeted them good morning and hello. Those residents are very friendly, content, and warm so they and their Pokémon greeted them back. The street was mostly filled with small businesses and stands cooking and serving local delicacies like empanadas and coconut water. Most of the small stores there sell books, toys, and clothes in cheap prices, giving them jobs and livelihood even in a heavily industrialized city.

9 minutes later, they had arrived at the nearest bus stop and waited for a bus to take them to Komati Valleys. Rico and his team then looked at the colored bus schedule for any bus going on that route. The schedule was the same daily, with buses marked with a red color are bound for northeast and the airport, while the green ones goes to the harbor and south, the blue ones goes to the southern plains and the Iona River, and finally, the yellow ones goes to the Komati River Valleys and the eastern parts. Rico, being an avid reader of schedules and timetables, was interested in these, especially those are more colorful and complex.

"Wow, this one is a lot more cool and complex," he thought to himself. Then, right in time, a city bus bound for Komati River Valley came to their stop and opened its doors. That bus was called The Komati Valley Express, due to its route. In response, Rico and the rest boarded it and swiped their cards. They then occupied some seats and settled there. They are now excited for the festival at the valleys. A minute later, the doors are closed and the bus starts to depart to its next stop. Along the way, they saw the city downtown and the more busy areas of the city, then, the less busy, more residential neighborhoods, and finally, the valleys after crossing a bridge. The ride took them 22 minutes, but the ride was worth it because they saw the beauty of the city and the outskirts, especially its environment and appearance.