Hearing the speech, Li Fei also looked at the introduction of Qin Luo in the poster.

The world's youngest and promising president, chief executive officer, global Forbes and fortune, the most influential entrepreneur in the Empire, the number of subsidiaries under the group's name, industries all over catering, entertainment, real estate, new media, electronic technology

In a word, trench!

Looking at the face in the poster, his eyebrows are cold, his eyes are sharp, and his actions are strong. He is different from the beautiful boy who is harmless to people and animals in his memory.

But looking at the unique black diamond Cufflinks

Li Fei rubs the head of small button, smile slightly, "of course, can your mother cheat you?"

Small button light oh.

Li Fei looks at his placid eyes without any excitement, surprise or surprise. He looks at Qin Luo's eyebrows in the poster.

Worthy of being a father and son, this meeting's expression is really like a wonderful!

At this time, Li Fei felt the unfriendly eyes in the elevator and whispered.

"Now how can a girl be so vain that she dares to say that San Shao is her husband?"

"That's right. Can you talk nonsense?"

"She won't like us three less, after all, we three less handsome and more gold."

"A water man doesn't look in the mirror?"

Several women looked back at Li Fei and exchanged their eyes with a smile - toad wants to eat swan meat!


The dull sound of an empty bucket falling on the ground.

It attracted everyone to look at Li Fei.

Li Fei raised his eyes slightly, and there was no emotion in his black eyes under the shadow of his hat brim.

They all turned their heads and closed their mouths.

Li Fei is very satisfied with the effect.

At this time, a woman in front of Li Fei turned to Li Fei with her arm in her arms, "what are you? It's worth mentioning the three of us? "

The tone is very strong!

Li Fei sees her name plate clearly, Pei Fei, the manager of the first purchasing department.

It turned out to be an official. No wonder he is so horizontal!

Since Li Fei had a small button, she had already lost her frivolity and was not easily angered. She asked coldly, "what are you?"

"I'm not a thing!"


Hearing the laughter of the people around him, Pei Fei realized that he had been affected by Li Fei's routine, and his angry face was deformed, "you..."

Suddenly, the elevator shakes.

Small button can't control a forward collision, just pounce on Pei Fei body, a hands touch in Pei Fei's suit skirt.

Pei Fei turned his eyes and slapped the button with his backhand!

"Where do you feel? Son of a bitch

The little button was staggered.

Li Fei helped him in time, "is it all right?"

Li Fei's sharp eyes sweep to Pei Fei. She is reluctant to touch her child. How dare she beat her?


A slap from lifeliso.

Pei Fei was beaten up, "you dare --"

Another slap!

"It's you who beat me!"

Pei Fei covered his face and yelled, "let go! Come on

When the elevator opened, the security guard rushed in, "what's the matter, manager Pei?"

Pei Fei angrily pointed to Li Fei's mother and son, "she hit me, and his son, touch me, play hooligans on me!"

"I didn't!" The young children's voice of the little button.

But no one believed it, and they all scolded the little buttons.

"If you don't learn well at a young age, how can you grow up?"

"No, her mother has that virtue. What good can her son have?"

"Is, don't know where come of wild seed, still dare to say is three little?"

In the face of so many adult's pointing, the small button is still small, biting the lip and shaking his head, the aggrieved eyes are red.

"I'm not!" It's not wild!

Pei Fei glared at the button and hummed, "shut up, little bastard, you are as shameless as your mother!"


Li Fei gave a big drink and his whole body was shaking.

"Who is the wild seed? Who is shameless? "

It's always like that!

Even if the mother is wrong, what does the child do wrong?

Why grow up with a shameless brand?

Li Fei wants to pull down the small button mask on the spot.

Zoom in on your dog. Who are you talking about?

Who is the wild seed?

But she in the end or hold back, the identity of the small button, temporarily can't expose.

Li Fei said coldly, "elevator monitoring is here. Let's go to the police station and say, if you slander my son, what are you going to do?"

"What are you looking at? So many people here can prove it, right? "

Pei Feichong winked at everyone.

The crowd immediately responded, "that's it, that's it! You are a poor man. What's the reason for manager Pei to slander you Isn't it a show that there are more people and less bullies? Li Fei was so angry that he picked up the button and turned to leave. Watching Li Fei leave in a mess, Pei Fei holds his arm and sneers. But see Li Fei suddenly gloomy heavy turn head, "I tell you, you hit him, you will regret!" pretend to be something! Pei Fei hissed, "ah, I'll wait!"“ Are you all right? " To the car, take off the mask, Li Fei distressed looking at the small button was hit red face. Children's skin delicate, a little bit of force have to go back for several days, such a lovely child, this woman how to go under! Button shook his head. "It's OK." The sensible is distressing. Looking at his similar face with Qin Luo, Li Fei half joked, "do you want to find your father, he is the boss here, find him to avenge you?" Small button also smile, "think!" Li Fei, who wanted to say something, was astringent, but he listened to the little button and said, "I want dad and Fei Jie. If I can only choose one, I want Fei Jie." Li Fei body a shock, good half ring just look back to small button. Handsome eyebrows with childish, but clear eyes and like to see through the heart. Li Fei smiles happily and starts the car slowly. Looking at the F.H. group building going further and further in the rearview mirror, she is confused. How long can she keep the button“ Feijie, are we still setting up a stall today? "“ Of course Four years ago, she had little buttons, and she didn't finish high school, so she had to sell barbecue to raise little buttons. Li Fei parked the car at the back door of Jinzhou University, took out the barbecue oven, and helped her set up the stool with a small button. Because she often set up a stall here, and the barbecue taste is good. As soon as the stall was set up, several familiar customers came to sit down. When there were fewer people, Li Fei opened wechat and calculated the income“ What are you looking at? Let's go Listening to the sound, Li Fei closed his eyes with a headache. Here we go again! These little gangsters bully the market and do all kinds of evil. Every time they see her set up a stall, they come to collect protection fees. She tried to avoid them, but she couldn't. When several men with flowery arms came, they kicked down the chairs and tables, scared away the people on the stall, and surrounded Li Fei. One of them, brother Fei, stepped on Li Fei's stall and said, "where's the money?" Li Fei instinctively covers his waist. She worked hard to earn it. Why did she give it to them“ Yell, don't you want to give it? " Seeing Li Fei's immobility, Feige stares at Li Fei's undulating chest. "It's OK not to give it. It's OK to play with our brothers?" Brother Fei spat. Toothpick hit on Li Fei's clavicle, Li Fei pain ah“ Hey, hey, hey Several people saw Li Fei's undulating chest line, showing a wretched smile. What a special group of scum! Li Fei stealthily touches his usual knife for cutting mutton“ Give or not? If you don't give it... "Brother Fei looks at the small button in the car and touches his chin unkindly." it's said that it's your son... "As soon as Li Fei's hand holding the knife is tight, his whole body muscles are tight, and then in the next moment, he is powerless to let go. She can't risk a little button! Looking at Li Fei's four digit wechat transfer, Feige smacked his mouth and patted Li Fei's face, "as soon as you say your son, you are as obedient as a sheep. It's really cheap!" Looking at a few flower arm man to leave, Li Fei clenched his fist. What kind of world is this? There are two-dimensional codes for collecting protection fees. Li Fei gas picked up the phone, on the number of a Sao operation! I want you to threaten me, I want you to think of my son, and I won't kill you! After the operation, Li Fei was relieved, but looking at the hundreds of yuan left in the account, Li Fei was worried again. That money is to pay hospitalization expenses, now no how to do?