Chapter 529

The little girl came out laughing, pink down jacket, with lace, lining the whole person pink.

The skin is a bit whiter than the snow in winter. Under the clever Qi bangs are a pair of big and black eyes. The eyelashes are like a small fan. At the moment, the smile on the small button is curved, which makes people feel better unconsciously.

Small button also followed to smile.

Yi Yi just sat next to him and looked at the little button. The sun was shining on his side face with a piece of gold. When he laughed, his face was a bit fleshy and his eyes were warm with the sun.

Yi Yi was stunned and said sincerely, "brother xiaobutton, it's nice to see you smile."

Small button face once red, looking at Yi Yi clear and clean eyes, he covered his mouth light cough, "Ling Yuzhe asked for leave."

It's very useful to change the topic. Yi Yi is immediately attracted, "where has he gone?"

"His mother is getting married, and he's gone."

"Ah, then he can see his mother, can't he?"

Little button nodded.

"That's good." Yiyi patted her fleshy hand.

But then, suddenly, her face collapsed, and she lowered her head, index finger to index finger, "I've never seen my father!"

Obviously depressed, let small button also follow depressed.

Looking at the little man huddled together, he pursed his mouth. "Actually, I haven't seen my father before."

Yi Yi suddenly raised his head, his face was wrinkled, his mouth was shriveled, "but you have it now."

Small button: "his comfort seems to be a mending knife.

How to comfort her?

In front of her, Yi Yi's big eyes were round and her long eyelashes were trembling. She cast a row of shadows on her small face like a cooked egg. It was like a delicate doll in the corner. It wasn't really beautiful.

Small button blinked, "Yi Yi's father must be very handsome, in order to make Yi Yi so beautiful."

Thought she would be happy, the result of the little girl heard, dark big eyes immediately open round, Zheng Zheng looking at him.

He's wrong again?

Ah, she has never met her father. Saying this will only make her more sad.

The little button regretted his words and coughed, "in fact, I mean..."

"Brother button, I don't know if my father is good-looking, but I think you are good-looking!"

She suddenly smile, eyes bent into a semicircle, small mouth happy, showing a pair of cute little tiger teeth.

The afternoon sun is slightly drunk, plating a layer of gold on her hair, her round face is also covered with golden sunlight, like a golden apple, shining.

Little button suddenly remembered that in the fairy tale book that her father bought him, there was a princess with golden hair. She was wearing a silver crown. When she was born, she held a golden apple, but her eyes never opened.

Some say it's a bad omen.

The king had no choice but to shut her up in the basement of the castle without sunshine all day.

One day, the dark magic came to the whole kingdom, where there was no longer day and sun, but endless darkness.

Although people are not blind, it has nothing to do with being blind.

They live in the dark and want to die in pain. They all say that the misfortune is brought by the princess, and roar to the king to kill the princess.

The king was forced to divide the princess by the fire.

In the eyes of thousands of people, she was tied to the cross, and there was boundless fire under her feet, which burned her red.

The princess was still holding the golden apple, and her eyes were still closed. Suddenly, a holy light enveloped her.

In a white light, the princess slowly opened her eyes, holding the golden apple, her eyes are brighter than the stars in the sky, more beautiful than the flowers on the ground.

Her eyes were full of tears, and she looked at the people mercifully.

There was a golden thread in the sky that cut through the darkness. The sun slowly rose and the dawn finally came.

The dark magic is broken!

Under the gaze of the crowd, the wings behind her spread and slowly flew to heaven.

Only then did everyone understand that she had been enduring the darkness in order to save the country.

In front of Yi Yi, just like the princess who was born with a golden apple, her eyes are so bright that people can't look directly at her.

Only his face was reflected in his eyes like a black crystal, and she said it was the best

The little button's handsome face was flushed. When he was young, he didn't know how to face it, he had only one move. He reached out and pointed——


Yi Yi immediately followed his fingers.

"Brother button, what are you looking at?"

See Yi Yi's attention is attracted in the past, small button secretly shush tone, as expected divert attention most useful.

"Ah, it's the little button's father!"

Yi Yi suddenly pointed to the little button and exclaimed after him. The little button instinctively turned around, thinking that Qin Luo was coming, and the result was good!

did not! Only the towering skyscrapers in the distance, the cold man with white suit lining on the huge projection screen, the slender index finger on the tie, looking back coldly, the temperament of the dead“ Ah, yes Small button looked at Qin Luo involuntarily showed a smile, with Yi Yi together squint at. Yi Yi small fat hand ten, heartfelt praise, "Wow, little button brother's father is really good-looking, so can the little button brother born so good-looking!" Khan, why did you talk about him again? I saw that pair of bright and clear eyes fell on his face again. The small button froze and touched the back of his head with a dry smile Diversion or something, he has given up. Ear a small sigh, "I envy you, if my father is like your father so good."“ Like? " Small button strange look at the past, saw Yi Yi holding a small face, that pair of beautiful eyes like a fog, gray, "if I had a small button brother's father, I wish I could protect my mother, my mother would not have to work so hard every day!" Xiaobutton knows that Yiyi's mother seems to be very busy at work. Every time she comes to pick up Yiyi, she is the last one. More than that, Yiyi's mother always asks for leave for kindergarten meetings and activities. Every time other people's parents come to participate in the activities, Yiyi is in the corner, looking at them with an envious look. Like at this moment, holding a small face, looking at the distance, look lonely. I don't know how to comfort her. The little button pursed her mouth and practiced the old method skillfully. "Do you want to come to my house to play? My grandparents are very good. They will make delicious food for you. My family also has a Samo, which is very lovely, white and warm..." "Can Yi be my father's daughter?" Ah? The little button is dead. Yi Yi suddenly picked up the spirit again, broke the small hand of the meat toot to calculate, "little button elder brother's father is handsome, gentle, also very rich, I like it very much, little button elder brother, can you ask your father, can I be his daughter?" That pair of eyes and bright, small button hesitant bit the lower lip, "... May not work." Yi Yi small face one straddles, "why?"