Ye Miaomiao's brain is running fast. He wants to come up with a good way to get the best of both worlds. Since Tan Yihan doesn't know, he can let himself go out.

But it's too hard. How can we not be monitored by bodyguards!

Ye Miaomiao inadvertently raises her head to have a look at what Tan Yihan is doing at the moment. Unexpectedly, the moment she raises her head, the whole person froze, as if in the middle of the ice and snow.

Because at this moment, Tan Yihan's dark eyes are staring at her, as if they have been looking at her for a long time, but she doesn't know.

Ye Miaomiao quickly turned off the mobile phone screen, a little guilty smile: "why do you stare at me so much? You only have one hour's working time. If you don't hurry up, one hour will be fast."

Unexpectedly, Tan Yihan leans back and leans on the back of the chair. He looks at her fiercely, as if he wants to see her through.

"It's done."


So fast? It's too efficient.

Ye Miaomiao was a little unconvinced: "did you finish it ahead of time?"

She stood up and went around to the other side of the desk, looking at the signed documents and all the e-mails on her laptop. She had to say that this man's work efficiency is really high.

Tan Yihan looked at her stiff expression: "who were you talking to just now?"

"Ah? No one. " She's a little nervous.

Tan Yihan: "I hear your wechat ring."

This man is also monitoring her like a supervisor in her private life. She has no choice but to say, "it's Gao Yaqi who sent me the photo and asked me to help her choose the diamond ring."

If Gao Yaqi doesn't mention private detective, she can open the chat to tan Yihan, but

Tan Yihan didn't seem to believe her. He narrowed his eyes slightly: "Miaomiao, the most important thing between husband and wife is mutual trust. Have you done it?"

"I did it, did you? I believe you, and you have to believe me. "

In fact, it's all bullshit. No matter how intimate a couple is, don't they have their own privacy?

Just like Tan Yihan didn't let her check her cell phone before, does this man dare to guarantee that ye Miaomiao doesn't keep any secrets?

She doesn't believe it, so what if she has reservation about talking about Yihan.

Tan Yihan nodded: "well, I believe you."

So he pulls Ye Miaomiao into his arms and sits on his lap. Ye Miaomiao wants to get up, but he can't get up.

"What are you doing? Do you want to interrogate your wife? When you are working hard, I am so bored to accompany you and chat with my good friends?"

She thinks that Tan Yihan is still clinging to this matter. In fact, this man is very sensitive. As long as there is a little wind and grass, he can feel it.

Talk about Yi cold but a face is calm: "I didn't say this matter."

"What do you want?" Maybe it's because I've done something bad first, so I feel guilty. I just want to avoid talking about Yihan.

At this time, the mobile phone in her hand lights up again. It's wechat news. Fortunately, she has set it to not display the content of the message and the name of the person, because her intuition tells her that it should be Lu Xingyu.

Tan Yihan looked at her mobile phone screen: "don't open it to see who sent the message?"

"No need to see it. It must be the official account that was subscribed to. She gave a smile.

Talking about Yihan picking up her mobile phone, ye Miaomiao is a little guilty and wants to get it back, but the man takes it higher.

"Talk about Yihan! What are you doing! Don't touch my cell phone

Tan Yihan looked at her nervous expression: "what's the secret in your mobile phone, why can't you touch it? Are you cheating? There are other men hidden inside, and the message is set to secret mode. Who are you interfering with? Me

Ye Miaomiao feels that this man is so overbearing that he won't let himself touch his mobile phone. Why does he now question her mobile phone.

"Husband, it's unfair for you. I wanted to see your mobile phone before, and you wouldn't let me see it anyway. I don't want you to see it now. There's no secret, but it's my privacy."

At this time, Tan Yihan's mobile phone screen lights up again, and there is another wechat message.

Ye Miaomiao prayed in his heart: Lu Xingyu! Please don't send any more. I'll get back to you when I see it later! Don't keep sending!

Tan Yihan directly ignored her words just now, opened the password page and asked her: "how much is the password?"

"You think I'll tell you? Give it back to me. You are not allowed to look at your mobile phone, you are not allowed to look at my mobile phone, this is fair! "

Ye Miaomiao wants to get up and grab his mobile phone, but Tan Yihan can't move with one hand. This is still an uncomfortable state. If he is in good health, he can't lift it up and throw it to bed with one hand.

Tan Yihan continued to guess: "don't you tell me? Then I'll guess for myself, your body day? "

He tried it with Ye Miaomiao's birthday, but he couldn't open it.

He looked at Ye Miaomiao in his arms: "it's not your birthday. Is it my birthday? Or my son's birthday? "

Ye Miaomiao was suppressed by him and couldn't move. She struggled to get her mobile phone back. During this period, wechat was still sending dozens of messages in a row. She was really crazy. Could Lu Xingyu stop and reply when she saw it? What's the matter with the non-stop sending.

Tan Yihan continued to use his birthday and his son's birthday to try again, but it was wrong.

Talk about Yi Han can't help but smile, looking at the little wife in the arms: "what is your password in the end?"

Ye Miaomiao simply stopped struggling and looked at him calmly: "you can't guess. You won't know. Don't try. Try to lock the machine for me again."

Tan Yihan: "don't you plan to tell me?"

"Why should I tell you my mobile phone password? Do I plan to peep at my mobile phone every day? Tan Yihan can't be like this. You don't allow me to look at your mobile phone. Why do you look at my mobile phone?"

She thinks that this is the least fair, since she is not allowed to see his mobile phone, then do not interfere with each other.

Tan Yihan sniffed: "I am your husband, I have the right to see your mobile phone."

"Then I'm still your legal wife. Why don't you let me see it?"

"There are trade secrets in my mobile phone, which can't be leaked. What's in your mobile phone?" The man's overbearing and arrogant tone annoyed Ye Miaomiao.

She can't help sneering: "I have my privacy in my mobile phone! As important as your trade secrets! Give it back to me! "

She finally snatched back her mobile phone and took a look at the 34 wechat messages on it. It seems that Lu Xingyu said a lot.

Looking at her look, she said, "it is definitely not the push of the official account."