Just as he was about to punish her, song Xiaoya added, "I'll be distressed if you're sick. Just like you love me... "

When hearing these words, Jiang Beichen's face finally eased down. She still has conscience.

The next moment, with a wave of his long arm, he took her into his arms, "darling, sleep with me for a while more!"

He stayed up in the middle of the night until he felt her temperature calm down.

In the afternoon, two people get up. Although song Xiaoya still has a stuffy nose and a heavy voice, her condition has improved and there is no serious problem.

After a simple meal, song Xiaoya has a rest at home. By the way, he knows about the operation of Xiaoya clothing by telephone.

After the new product launch some time ago, now the company's product sales have risen to a new level, creating a new sales record.

With the appearance of so many well-known stars and media coverage, the publicity effect is very ideal, far beyond expectations.

Although song Xiaoya didn't go to the company, she could also feel the achievements of the company. She decided to give a red envelope to all overtime employees as a reward after returning to the company.


when Qiao Weiwei came out of the coffee shop, it was very late. She moved her shoulders a little tired, and then walked back to the apartment Qiao runzhe bought for her.

The living place is very close to the newly rented coffee shop, so it's not necessary to take a bus. Walking to and from work is regarded as exercise.

On the other side of her apartment, a family was decorating. Many workers were busy all day, collecting decoration materials and tools. It seemed that they had just bought it today.

This is a new apartment building. There are not many residents, and they are usually a little lonely.

Maybe in a few days, she will have a new neighbor.

Qiao Weiwei takes out the key to open the door and enters the house.

Today, after a busy day, she was a little tired. She took off her clothes, went to the bathroom and took a hot bath first. Then wrapped in a bath towel came to the living room, brewed a cup of fresh coffee, comfortable nest on the sofa.

Anyway, she's the only one in the family, so she's more casual. After taking a bath, she's too lazy to dress again.

Turn on the TV, drink hot coffee, sleepy gradually hit up, Qiao Weiwei slowly closed her eyes, fell asleep on the sofa.

She didn't have a quilt on her body, so she slept all night. The next morning, Qiao Weiwei finally woke up from the cold, opened her eyes and sneezed first.

Look outside, it's daybreak. Qiao Weiwei goes back to her bedroom, puts on her clothes, eats something at will, washes, takes her backpack and goes out.

The weather is not very good. It's raining and there are few pedestrians on the street.

After these busy days, the decoration work of the coffee shop has been completed, and all kinds of appliances are available, so it's almost open to welcome guests.

Because of the weather, the coffee shop was cold and there was no one.

Weiwei wants to get familiar with the business process, even if it's a batch of business experience. Now it seems that we have to wait for tomorrow.

At this time, someone came in at the door, and the waiter went over enthusiastically, "welcome, sir!"

As soon as Qiao Weiwei heard that, another guest came, she immediately showed a happy smile, turned her head and looked at the door, and then Her smile froze.

It was Jiang Beimo who came in.

Qiaoweiwei surprised expression congealed in the face, for a moment did not respond.

What is he doing here?

The waitress welcomed him. Seeing such a handsome man coming in, she turned a little red. "What would you like to drink, sir?"

"Mocha!" Jiang Beimo casually came in, found a seat to sit down, and then said to the waiter.

In the whole process, he never looked in the direction of Qiao Weiwei, just like a very ordinary guest, without any abnormal reaction.

Qiao Weiwei put away the surprised expression on her face, calmed down slowly in her heart, and only regarded him as an ordinary guest.

Just as if he came here by accident.

Soon, a cup of mocha was sent by the waiter. Jiang Beimo smelled it. It was still a long lost breath. The temperature was just right. Even the cup was very delicate.

He missed the taste.

Jiang Beimo took up the coffee and looked at the small coffee shop casually as she drank it. The decoration and layout inside were very particular. It can be seen that she used a lot of thought.

It is not only elegant, but also elegant everywhere.

After drinking the coffee, Jiang Beimo looked at the time, then went to the counter, ready to check out.

Qiaoweiwei didn't take the money he handed over, just very easygoing smile, "you are my first guest in this coffee shop, don't pay, I invite you."

Jiang Beimo looked at her, and her face was calm, without any surprise or panic.He took the money out of his body and put it directly on the desk at the counter. "No, I don't like to be treated by women."

Qiaoweiwei was helpless, but she took a look at the money Jiang Beimo took out and reminded him, "a cup of coffee, can't use so much money, you wait a moment, I'll give you change..."

Jiang Beimo interrupted her and said, "then help me make another cup of tea."

Qiao Weiwei is in a bit of a dilemma. She runs a coffee shop, not a teahouse. Who wants tea in the coffee shop!

"Another cup of coffee, will you?" She asked.

Jiang Beimo didn't worry, "what I want now is tea. If not, I can wait! "

Qiaoweiwei a Leng, and then turned into the inside, "well, you wait!"

Jiang Beimo nodded and sat back in his seat, waiting patiently.

She changed her dress and wore a small apron on her waist, which reminded him of the way she cooked for him when she was at Jiang's.

After a while, Qiao Weiwei came out with a cup of brewed tea in her hand, and then put it on the table in front of Jiang Beimo's face, "the tea you want."

Jiang Beimo looked down at the tea on the table, and then his face was a little stiff.

Qiaoweiwei found his strange, quickly explained, "I'm here is a coffee shop, no tea, now only this kind of tea..."

She knew that he didn't like this kind of tea, but now she only had this kind of tea, so she had to make do with it.

"I don't like this!"

Qiao Weiwei is speechless now. It's unreasonable for him to come to the coffee shop for tea. Now he has to be choosy. Is he deliberately coming to find fault?

She said angrily, "I only have this here. If you want to drink something else, go home and let your servant soak it for you!"