"Mu Jifei, this man is dangerous! You can't have feelings for him, let alone fall in love with him! "

However, when she was hugged by him, kissed by him, and her two wet bodies were close together, she suddenly had an uncontrollable sense of intimacy and a sense of long absence from her heart.

This feeling... Is not from the outside because of the sensational, but more like the palpitation and emotion from the heart.

He suddenly felt the coolness in the corner of her mouth, paused, slightly withdrew his face, looked at her, slightly frowned, but his eyes were crazy.

This look... Melted her heart

Involuntarily, she stretched out her hand, hooked his neck, slightly raised her head, and took the initiative to kiss his lips, both astringent and warm.

There was lightning and thunder outside and heavy rain.

The car is also a piece of lightning flint, ups and downs, waves rolling, life and death


Time seems to stop at this moment——

"Le Yutong, from now on, you are le Xiaoyu. Your task is to get close to Mu Jifei..."

She knew she had succeeded in capturing the mysterious president of Pakistan who turned pale at the mention of him.

Her fingers wrapped around his back and rested on his bare back.

At the moment, the man is still lying on her, forgetting his feelings and sweating like rain.

He didn't know that she had ten fingernails on her ten long fingernails covered with a transparent nail polish, and the nail polish was wrapped in the most powerful poison.

When the love is strong, she "ecstatically" grasps any exposed skin on him with her fingernails, and the discolored young president will be reimbursed in an instant.

yes! Her mission is to assassinate Pakistani president Mu Jifei.

"Little fish, you are the only one in my life... From now on, I love you, love you, pity you, protect you, and will never let you go until the end of my life..." he murmured in her ear.

The hot air from his mouth seemed to melt her ears.

Her sliding fingers, which were still wrapped around his back, stood still.

"Little fish, do you know..." he gasped in her ear and whispered like a whisper——

"I thought I'd never see you again... On your 12th birthday, I sneaked back from a foreign school to see you... I put down your favorite strawberry cake under the banyan tree and waited for you... But I waited for a long time and you didn't show up... You've run away from the orphanage..."

Suddenly, two tears fell from his eyes——

"Patter! Patter! " It fell on her neck.

She was stunned - was it sweat?

no It's tears.

Is mu Jifei's tears!

Will mu Jifei still cry? Shed tears for a woman?

Yes, mu Jifei shed tears for Yue Xiaoyu!

Le Yutong's heart was suddenly awe inspiring——

It seems that she is Yue Xiaoyu now... She is Yue Xiaoyu that mu Jifei is thinking about