However, he Jiang Ping really can't think of what can make mu Dashao, who is already unruly, not interested in the beautiful women who take off their clothes and throw themselves into arms?

"Well, well, I'll find some more people right away to raise your interest." Jiang Ping reached out and pulled the wronged woman standing beside him. After making a promise, he went out again.

After Jiang Ping left, mu Jifei turned his attention to the man who had just followed Jiang Ping in.

"Why are you free today?" Mu Jifei's mellow voice is very charming. There is no subject in the question. The leisurely tone seems to be a casual greeting between friends.

"I haven't come for some time." Ruan Lingyun's mellow voice is also charming. "If you don't come again, someone will suspect that I have a problem." He added.

Ruan Lingyun and mu Jifei are so much alike. They are both handsome and pressing, and they talk less and coldly.

"Is everything going well at home recently?" Mu Jifei seldom cares about other people's affairs.

Like the shogunate, the Ruan family is a famous family. Master Ruan has two wives and two sons and two daughters, while Ruan Lingyun is the grandson of master Ruan's second house.

Everyone knows that there are many people with mixed mouths. Born in Ruan's house, they are ostensibly born with a golden spoon. In fact, they all camp separately for fear that they will be caught by the people who get along with them every day.

The Ruan family is the same as the shogunate family. In order to win the upper position and win the favor of master Ruan, it is necessary to fight openly and secretly.

Ruan Lingyun has been familiar with this truth since childhood. In order to make others can't guess his mind, he always looks like he doesn't care and stays out of the matter. In fact, his mind is like mu Jifei. When he was a teenager, he was unfathomable and had excellent academic achievements.

He was so excellent that Da Fang turned his attention to him and made a good comment on his clever and sensible. On the surface, he seemed to be caring for him and praising him, but in fact, he was reminding all his relatives that what must be hidden in this silent teenager who didn't seem to be his teenage peers

At that time, Ruan Lingyun was really afraid. He was afraid that he would also encounter the experiences of many aristocratic families around him. His mother and his brothers and sisters were counting on him. He had to fight for himself.

Since then, he has also participated in absenteeism, girls and fights one by one. He is as energetic as ordinary teenage boys.

Several relatives did not praise him as much as before, nor did they guard against him as before. He was a little relieved. It seemed that all the disguises were not in vain.

Every act and every move was a real habit. He became more and more reluctant to go to school. His eyes were too much. Every move he would take was reported.

But obviously, the outside world is not much freedom. He often finds himself tracked. So he has to hide in the shogunate. Mu's grandson, even his grandfather, dare not move. Therefore, it has become his best shelter, and mu Jifei has naturally become his best friend.

After that, he and mu Jifei became people on the same road. After mu Jifei became president of Pakistan, Ruan Lingyun's identity jumped to the top.

"Jifei, are you interested in telling me what happened to you recently?" Ruan Lingyun asked.

Mu Jifei raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh, what did Jiang Ping tell you?"

"Where do you need Jiang Ping to say anything? Look at you now -" Ruan Lingyun poured a special black coffee to Mu Jifei in a very elegant posture. "Don't always paralyze yourself with wine, people, you'd better live soberly."

Mu Jifei took a sip of black coffee, and his facial features immediately tangled together, "it's bitter to death, and I don't know what you love it!"

Without concealing his love for his friends, mu Jifei took a mouthful of wine and gargled, "Ruan Lingyun, you see, just as you love black coffee and I love American wine, many things suitable for you are not suitable for me, such as being too sober."

Ruan Lingyun had no intention of pestering him more about whether he was sober or not. As soon as the topic turned, he asked him tentatively, "so -- trapped by love?"

Mu Jifei raised his eyebrows——

"Will I be trapped by love? Ha ha! "

Except Yue Xiaoyu, he is determined not to like any other woman.

"My soberness is only for one woman, and the others don't have to be too sober and serious. If I say I will be sad without Le Xiaoyu, I will like women other than Le Xiaoyu, and the whole person will become abnormal. Do you believe it? "

"Why not? I always believe... "A woman, Le Yutong, appeared in Ruan Lingyun's mind.

He always felt that mu Jifei would not be really ruthless to le Yutong. If it was true, when he found out that Le Yutong was an American spy posing as Le Xiaoyu to assassinate him, he silently executed her. Will he still have a big headache now?

Now Le Yutong has become his nominal wife, and the real Le Xiaoyu appears again. It's strange that he doesn't have a headache!

Hide here in Jiang Ping every day and pretend "you don't have to be too sober". It's just that you don't want to go back and face those two women, right?

Hey, hey, the president will hurt himself for women!

"Jifei, to tell you the truth, do you like Le Yutong?" Ruan Lingyun stared at his good friend for many years and seemed to be very concerned about his reaction.

"Are you kidding? Will I like her? " After sipping red wine, mu Jifei sneered disdainfully from his nose.

The woman? Thunder will hide under the tree and play badminton with a big stomach!

forget it! This IQ, this idiot

"I will only love one woman in my life. That woman is Yue Xiaoyu." Mu Jifei stressed again, "as for Le Yutong, she is at most one of my many bed companions."

Bed companion?

And make children?

Ruan Lingyun doesn't believe it at all - it's not your style of admiring Jifei!

"If... As you said, how about giving me le Yutong?" Ruan Lingyun seemed to be joking, but his eyes were so serious.

He looked at mu Jifei sideways, as if he was waiting for mu Jifei urgently.

However, mu Jifei narrowed his eyes dangerously and was obviously unhappy. "Brother Ruan, don't be smart when you talk and do things."

Is he warning him?

Since I don't like happy Yutong, since I only use her as a tool to have children, why do I bully her?

"I'm just worried about Le Yutong's future after giving birth to a child -" Ruan Lingyun replied without weakness.

After all, you already have Yue Xiaoyu!

"This is my family business. Don't worry about it, brother Ruan!" Mu Jifei's face was a little ugly and said coldly, "what would you think if I asked you to send your fiancee baiziqi to me?"