He possessed her, turned her from a pure girl into a child's mother, but threw her like a rag. Just thinking of this, 118 was so angry that his chest was almost burst.

He wished mu Jifei was right in front of him now, and then he rushed up to beat him


Hum, when he goes to the appointment alone, let's see how he can fix that bastard and vent his bad breath for the little fish.

"Fool! You'll die miserably later! " The humiliation of being slapped twice made huifengling spit out such a sentence.

Because she knew that mu Jifei would come to save her soon.

"You are so cheap! You are not only cheap, but also shameless! "

As soon as the voice of 118 was over, the palm in his hand waved in the past.

"Pa -!"

"The first slap, I fight for Le Yutong!" He finally broke his purpose of "not hitting women".

Mao Zu threw a slap on huifengling's face with all his strength. Looking at her arrogant, domineering, disgusting and strange smelly face, the anger in his chest burned wildly and recklessly.

At the moment, he had only one idea in his mind -- it made her look for teeth everywhere, it made her think she was beautiful, it made her cheap face seriously deformed, it made her seriously disfigured, and it made her return to her original shape.

A slap in the face completely made huifengling dizzy and dizzy. He couldn't tell the southeast from the Northwest

However, she has not fully adapted. The second slap, the third slap and the fourth slap... Fall like a rainstorm in summer.

Fight! Fight! Fight!

These slaps were drawn by the four young men for 118. He disdained to use his hand to smoke this dirty and vicious woman. His hand was reserved to teach mu Jifei that bastard.

"The second slap is for Yue Xiaoyu!"

"The third slap is still for Yue Xiaoyu!"

"The fourth slap, I think you're very upset -"

"The fifth slap is because you are ugly and evil -"

"The sixth slap is because you are shameless -"

"The seventh slap is because you are a real bitch -"

"The eighth slap is because you should be beaten -"

"The ninth slap is that people all over the world are proud of beating you -"

"The tenth slap is to beat you into a pig's head. It's our latest goal -"

"The eleventh slap is because you look so disgusting -"

"The twelfth slap is because I feel too happy when I smoke you


"The 15th slap, end of work -!"

It was only after watching huifengling slapped 15 times that he was willing to ask someone to stop.

Slapped her because Yue Xiaoyu had been waiting for mu Jifei for 15 years, but she was robbed by this shameless and vicious woman.

Looking at the woman who was smoked beyond recognition like a big pig, he finally relieved his anger.

He rubbed his palm, exhaled heavily, and warned: "119, I tell you, if you dare to bully Yue Xiaoyu in the future, it will not be as simple as these slaps! Hum, if you dare to hurt Le Xiaoyu, labor and capital will peel the human skin off your face! "

Then he took out a recording pen from his bag, looked coldly, gritted his teeth and roared, "tell me how you cheated mu Jifei and pretended to be Yue Xiaoyu, otherwise..."

As soon as his eyes were cold, he clenched his fist and waved in front of her.

At the moment, huifengling can't feel the slightest pain at all. She just feels that blood keeps falling along the corner of her mouth. Looking at the eyes of the surrounding environment, her sight is not only blurred, but also narrow.

"...." he bit his teeth, and huifengling glared at 118 with his swollen eyes and said, "you'd better not fall into my hand, otherwise, I'll slap you 200 times first, and then break you into pieces..."

"Pa --!"

Seeing that huifengling was beaten so arrogant, the "thug" next to her slapped her again.

For huifengling's clamor, I don't care at all, let alone worry that she doesn't tell the truth.

"Bring the mirror." He waved to the young man.

The mirror was brought and held up in front of huifengling——

"Who is this man? Well, who is the man in the mirror -- "

I saw a very terrible face in the mirror - red and swollen, even the eyes were swollen and about to become a gap, nose blood and tooth blood flying all over my face

In short, it's very scary, very ferocious, very... Weird.

"Ah --"

Huifengling uttered a scream of horror.

Is this her?

What about her beautiful face?

Very satisfied with her fear, she smiled coldly, leaned over slightly, and then took out a small glass bottle from her body.

He shook huifengling's face twice

Huifengling's eyes, swollen into two cracks, immediately seemed to explode——

She saw that there was a little snake as thick as a finger with a green and yellow background and a twist pattern in the vial.

She smiled in her ear and whispered, "119, I find your face too swollen. I'll let this snake suck on your face, okay? But... This snake is a poisonous snake... You say, if I let it suck on your face, will it poison you? "

Huifengling was completely defeated and collapsed. She cried, closed her eyes and shouted, "what do you want to do? Take the snake away, take it away quickly! "

118 laughed——

In fact, this snake is just a small vegetable snake he caught from the grass in the suburbs. It is not poisonous at all.

Look, it scared her


"Tell me all your crimes over the years. How did you pretend to be Yue Xiaoyu, otherwise..." 118 with a cold look, he put the "poisonous" snake on Huifeng Ling's swollen cheek——

Huifengling immediately burst into tears, screamed and shouted, "... OK, OK, I said... I said..."

She was relieved to see her finally surrender.

With this recording, he can easily settle accounts with mu Jifei, and Le Yutong can turn over.

Take away the small bottle, 118 hand over the recording pen, and motioned huifengling with his eyes to explain quickly.

Huifengling sucked his nose, his whole body trembled, and his eyes swollen into two seams turned quickly.

Now she must try to procrastinate until mu Jifei comes.

"I... ouch... My head hurts... It hurts..." she began to moan, looking like she was about to die.

Suddenly, she looked out of the window and saw a figure passing by. Her eyes flashed slightly. She suddenly changed her posture, cried and shouted, "OK! Don't beat me. Don't force me. I can't stand it. I said, I'll say whatever you want me to say!! "

"Say it! If you talk nonsense again, labor and capital will cut off your tongue! " Seeing huifengling faltering, she was very unhappy. Just about to take the bottle and threaten her again, she suddenly made a "bang ~"——