"Brother Ruan -" Le Yutong couldn't help jumping into his arms and crying.

This cry has excitement, sadness and pain

All the emotions gathered together.

Ruan Lingyun quietly hugged her and let her cry. She let her cry and tears wash away the pain accumulated in her heart.

After crying for a long time, Le Yutong gradually stopped crying and felt much more comfortable in her heart. She raised her head and glanced at Ruan Lingyun's snow-white shirt. It was all her tears and nose.

So she looked at Ruan Lingyun in horror: "brother Ruan, your clothes -?!"

Her startled cry really frightened Ruan Lingyun. However, when he understood what she meant, he smiled faintly: "nothing!"

"Sorry, sorry!" Le Yutong apologized again and again, found out a paper towel and wanted to clean it for him, "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to."

This is her habitual action. Unexpectedly, this habit was used on Ruan Lingyun again.


"Nothing!" Ruan Lingyun said with a smile.

"But brother Fei always hates me rubbing my tears and snot on him! He scolded me so much when I was young... "Le Yutong said with a red face.

When it comes to Mu Jifei, the bottom of Le Yutong's eyes darkened.

Ruan Lingyun kept a constant smile on his lips, and his voice was low and mellow: "I am me, he is him, his anger doesn't mean I will be angry!"

"..." Le Yutong bit her lips and didn't speak. She was very wronged at the thought of Mu Jifei's hegemony.

Ruan Lingyun looked at her and said, "in fact, he just yelled at you and scolded you. It's good for you. He didn't beat you or kick you. You should be happy secretly. Xiao Fei, he is a man of cleanliness, and he wants to be strong. "

Since middle school, he and mu Jifei have been close friends. When they are good, they are very good. When they are bad, they fight and fight. Many times, she takes the initiative to stop fighting, and he is willing to give up.

"Yes, he just went too far and bullied me from childhood!" Le Yutong said bitterly with his mouth bulging.

Then, the grudge between the two began, all against mu Jifei——

"That's normal!" Ruan Lingyun said: "he has been used to bullying since he was young. He not only bullies you, but also bullies my cousin who is two months older than him!"

"Well, he's just too overbearing. He always gives people a bad face. When he's angry, he will beat people!" Le Yutong said angrily.

"Do you know Xiaofei is afraid..." Ruan Lingyun showed a mysterious smile on her face.

"Ah? What is he afraid of? " Le Yutong asked curiously.

"He is afraid of dogs and geese!" Ruan Lingyun finally laughed, "ha ha, I remember once when I went to play with him in the wild, a farm dog suddenly burst out of the bamboo forest. He was so frightened that he turned around and ran away. As a result, an arrow rushed into the farm's seedling field, and his feet fell into the mud and couldn't move. I laughed miserably!"

"Ha ha!" At the thought of Mu Jifei's embarrassment in the middle of the seedling field, Le Yutong smiled.

"Another time, I was playing with him in a small river in the suburbs. Somehow, he provoked the big white goose in the river. A big male goose rushed towards him with his head down and chased him with his mouth shell, which scared him to climb in the water. Ha ha -"

"Hahaha -"

"Then I knew he was afraid of dogs and geese. After that, as long as he annoyed me, I cheated him to play in the countryside, and then deliberately provoked the dog and goose. He was so scared that he held the head of the rat string! "

Le Yutong listened to Ruan Lingyun talk about Mu Jifei's past embarrassment and laughed so much that her stomach was almost painful.

"It's just that when he grew up, he began to let ran train dogs, and he also trained Tibetan Mastiffs to be ferocious dogs. Maybe it's because he's afraid of dogs..."

Well, no wonder mu Jifei used to yell at "little poor" and throw it out!

"Brother Ruan, what are you afraid of?" Le Yutong asked curiously after laughing.

"Me..." Ruan Lingyun said with some embarrassment, "I'm afraid of those soft things without bones, such as..."

"Snakes, caterpillars, meat worms, green worms..." ah, Le Yutong had goose bumps all over her body.

"Well, that's all!" Ruan Lingyun couldn't help shaking a little when she said it.

He just hates those things very much!

It coincides with Le Yutong's disgust.

"Brother Xiaofei must know you're afraid of these, don't you?" Le Yutong asked, holding hands.

"Yes." Ruan Lingyun also felt creepy and nodded and said, "once, Xiaofei caught a bottle of leeches to scare me, which made my hands and feet soft..."

"Ah, leech!" Le Yutong almost jumped.

That thing is really the nemesis of the little fish!

"Damn little brother Fei, he caught me and scared me!" Le Yutong complained angrily.

"Uh huh, damn Xiaofei!" Ruan Lingyun scolded with her.


The presidential palace.

Mu Jifei just walked into the office and sat down. As soon as he turned on the computer, a spy sent him a picture——

This is a picture of Le Yutong and Ruan Lingyun together.

They sat on a big stone in the bamboo forest and hugged each other.

And video——

Looking at Le Yutong clinging to Ruan Lingyun's arms, she cried all over her face... Then they talked and laughed... And laughed so happily

Mu Jifei's eyes are a little dark, a little cold, a little bright red, a little bloodthirsty, a little angry, a little angry.

He tightly pursed his thin lips, his face full of murderous spirit and haze, and stared at the two people who were holding together in hatred and terror. His expression was like Satan who had just attacked from hell.

His whole body was bursting with the terrible dark gas of bone etching, as if he wanted to break them into pieces.

Biting his teeth, he violently squeezed out a sentence word by word from the clenched teeth: "Ruan Lingyun, Le Yutong, you're dead!"


boxing ring.

When ah Hsiung was knocked down for the 19th time, he was so tired that he didn't even have the strength to breathe. Mu Jifei just gasped: "get up and come again!"

Fu Yuncong and others stood by and watched the battle. They held their breath and looked at ah Xiong, who was beaten black and blue. They frowned collectively and felt uneasy. At the same time, they all squeezed sweat for ah Xiong.

At the same time, they had to hold tears of sympathy for ah Xiong.

Mu Jifei is venting all his resentment on ah Xiong!

Ah, so what a wise choice ah Hsiung would make if he retired early!

Now, where is Mr. Mu practicing boxing? It's obviously killing people!

When he practiced boxing when he was angry, he was inhuman at all. He didn't leave any feelings and beat him to death.

Ah Hsiung is still alive. He is already a fortune teller.

Ah Xiong, who once won the National Wushu champion... At this time, he tried to support his body to stand up. Finally, he was unable to lie on the ground and didn't move.