But when he really entered the building, he felt the chilly air under the brilliant lights.

Yes, he spent every day on thin ice in such a chilly atmosphere, until now.

He hasn't got a firm foothold and his wings haven't been plump, so he has to continue to pack it like walking on thin ice. His expression and his state of mind are inversely proportional to his youth.

Master Ruan is waiting for him in his study.

The moment he opened the door, something hit him in the face.

As a soldier, he was quick to respond. When his head tilted, the thing flew over his forehead and fell to the ground, making a "bang".

It turned out to be a purple clay pot lid.

"Dare to hide!" A voice echoed, and then something that looked like the cover of the tea cup flew over again. This time, Ruan Lingyun didn't hide hard, only slightly one side, let the cover of the cup wipe off his cheekbones, and immediately left a crimson on his cheekbones.

He gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Then he walked in slowly and stood in the shadow of the lamp. He called respectfully, "Grandpa."

He knew that according to his grandfather's dignity, it would be good if he didn't take out the gun and give him a shot.

Master Ruan was very angry, but he couldn't see a trace of anger on his face. Even if he didn't get angry all his life, it was frightening to look at him.

"Boy, you know you may ruin your chance to turn over, you know?" Master Ruan raised his head and focused on tea, as if he hadn't smashed the two covers just now.

After a moment of silence, Ruan Lingyun said, "Grandpa, I..."

Master Ruan raised his head, his eyes like sword light, and interrupted him: "no matter what reason you have, I'm not interested in knowing. What I just want to know is what you're going to do now?"

As a soldier, what kind of love do you want? You should die if you delay the fighter!

Is it easy for you to get here?

Your origin is full of criticism in the Ruan family. Now there is an opportunity in front of you to reshuffle your fate. You actually screwed up yourself!

If you are willing to be so degenerate, I can't help you, sir! You live your life under your reputation as an illegitimate child!

Looking at the grandsons and grandchildren of the old man, which man is not covetous and ambitious? Ruan Lingyun, it depends on your experience whether you are Lingyun straight up like your name, or whether you are wronged to be a rich man who shrinks his head and tail.

Ruan Lingyun was silent.

Old man Ruan picked up the steaming teacup in front of him and stabbed Ruan Lingyun with his eyes: "I don't care what method you use, the marriage with the white girl must not be yellow -"

The old man paused and said, "otherwise, you will bear the consequences."


That year, it rained continuously in an old rental yard.

Master Ruan sent someone to pick him up and said that "the children of the Ruan family can't live outside". When he was six years old, his mother was left in the rented yard.

Another year, Bai Ziqi was five and Ruan Lingyun was eight.

The two of them met at a grand banquet held by a dignitary.

She was wearing a red princess dress and black short boots on the gorgeous carpet. Her short black hair was slightly fluffy and naturally curled, lined with a delicate and charming face with white and bright skin.

A smile is like a bright sunny day.

Seeing this beautiful and proud girl like a princess, his heart has always been inferior.

Occasionally summon up the courage to look at her, and her heart seemed to be burned, and immediately lowered again.

However, his performance was another matter to her——

At the party, all the boys brought by their parents revolved around her, except the tallest one, who stood thin and straight. The children's clothes he wore were incompatible with his expression. His eyes were clear and cold, and there was a strong cry in his eyes - down.

That year's baiziqi didn't understand. After many years, she recalled how she looked when she saw him, and then gradually guessed that it should be called, aloof and disdainful.

Apart from the beautiful face even in a sack, the breath and eyes are so incompatible in the luxurious atmosphere of lights, wine and green.

However, she probably didn't understand. Her clean and bright red and bright smile fell into the bottom of his eyes. Even if it wasn't love at first sight, it was also a brand and lasting for years.

Because the girl fell in love with him at first sight, he could never get rid of it in his life.

All the people surrounded her and praised her for her beauty. Several dignified adults protected her from looking at the ground step by step.

She paused in front of him, raised her head, looked at him and thought vaguely - well, such a good-looking person doesn't seem to like her.

It seems that someone around her immediately introduced her, "this is commander Ruan's grandson."

However, even though commander Ruan's name is very loud, everyone still doesn't like this child. For one thing, there are many CHILDES and young ladies in commander Ruan's family. This one is definitely the one who is ignored,

The adult world is always so realistic.

A child who came to the party with other children in his family, not many of them, not many of them. His parents don't pay attention to him. Why should others pay attention to him.

But she wanted to break this rule, break away from the crowd, run over and say to him, "I want to play with you."

He looked at her stupidly, without joy or indifference.


The next day, Bai Ziqi returned to school, but did not live in the school, but in a hotel near the school.

Because she is in a bad mood, she doesn't want to live in the student apartment. She can be alone in the hotel.

After school, she lay on the bed in the hotel suite, thinking alone about the heartless man.

Just the door bell rang.

She's too lazy to take care of it. Her foot hurts.

She refused her mother's arrangement and asked Ye Ma to take care of her. She hurt her foot. She wanted to suffer slowly.

The doorbell stopped after three rings. After a while, it rang three times again and three times in succession. She got up from bed and walked to the door one by one.

Of course, she couldn't open the door rashly, but looked out from the cat's eye on the door, and her heart jumped a few times.

Ruan Lingyun!

With little hesitation, her hand reached for the doorknob.

When Bai Ziqi opened the door of the room and looked at the figure standing at the door, her first reaction was to close her eyes and slowly open them, then close her eyes and open them again.

So repeated three times, I can't believe the man standing at the door is him

What if all this is just a dream?

However, when she closed her eyes and opened them three times, she was sure it was not a dream, it was true, and he stood in front of her.

When she opened her eyes again, there was surprise, disbelief and irrecoverable surprise in her eyes.

"Ziqi, it's me." Ruan Lingyun sounded with a sigh, and her emotions were complex.

Fatigue, guilt, and a hint of heartache.

Does he love her?