Mu Chenxi nodded and said, "I still have an empty room. I can talk to the landlord and rent it to me at a lower price. You can stay for a while, and then slowly find a way to find a job."

One more companion is always a good thing in this foreign country!

And she lacks a companion.

Moreover, how can she let go of such a high-value companion?

He looked at her strangely, his lips slightly, and a natural ruffian came out. Maybe he didn't feel at all: "aren't you afraid I'm a bad man?"

Mu Chenxi liked this ruffian nature very much, and then "poof" smiled——

Will bad people still be beggars? Will the bad guys be robbed of money by other beggars? drowned in laughter.

"If I thought you were a bad man, I wouldn't help you get your money back, and I wouldn't say so much to you! Well, just think I picked up a fellow who can often talk about Pakistani. "

"Well, well, nice to meet you!" He said that he inadvertently spit out f Mandarin.

I was stunned at the dawn - this man can also speak the language of country F. it seems that his background is really not simple!

So she generously held out her hand to the beggar man: "my name is mu, my name is mu Chenxi, and you?"

He hesitated before slowly reaching out his hand——

"Hello, my name is..."

He scratched his head and showed a trace of embarrassment: "I really can't remember who I am... By the way, it seems to have something to do with the sky... Why don't I follow your last name..."

"With my last name?" The sun's eyes are wide - are you really amnesia or fake amnesia? I also know that my last name

Seeing her incredible appearance, the beggar man lowered his head in embarrassment.

He really couldn't remember his last name. In his memory, he seemed to have been flying in the sky, and then suddenly fell down.

He didn't know where he came from. The days he remembered could only be remembered from a desert island on the sea. He lived a savage life on the desert island for a long time.

Every day he caught rabbits and fish on the island. Suddenly one day, a fishing boat passed by. He climbed on the fishing boat and followed them to the place. Then he wandered all the way here and suffered a lot.

There was a feeling in his mind that the place he wanted to go was here, this small town, but he didn't know why he wanted to go to this small town. He just wanted to go home.

"Well, just follow my surname -" Mu Chenxi grabbed his dirty hand in time because he was ashamed of himself.

She shook it hard - ah, the hands of her compatriots, the meticulous and warm hands, which made her a little reluctant to let go.

"Are you full?" She helped him pick up the rest of the food. "Should you have the strength to get up?"

The beggar man suddenly stood up.

Wow, really tall! About one meter eight or more?

Only about 1.7 meters in the morning, I was ashamed of myself.

"Cool!" She murmured, "Mu ronin, how tall are you?"

"186." He solemnly corrected, "please tell me to bathe in the sky, don't call me a ronin."

It's ugly!

Aren't they all the same? They are all wandering the streets of F country as beggars! What a pity. I'm so handsome.

"Well, I think you're tall and handsome." Mu Chenxi said sincerely.

"Oh, my wife used to say that." He blurted out.

"Wife? You have a wife? " She was surprised that beggars have wives!

"Yes..." he answered naturally, suddenly stunned again - do I have a wife?

Lightning flashed in my head - yes, I seem to have a wife... And a daughter

Looking at him staring at a point motionless, it was like digging a hollow thought. Mu Chenxi blurted out and joked, "I'll just ask you to stare!"

"Yes! My wife called me 'dry stare'! " He called in surprise.

"What do you call dry stare?" Bathe in the morning light, then you can stare!

This boy has a wife and a daughter!!!

Nima, such a handsome and beautiful man, has a master of famous flowers! so disappointed!

And, look, when this boy talks about his wife, his eyes are shining. Do you love each other very much?

"However, I can't find my wife. I can't find her everywhere..." his expression was extremely depressed. "I feel... My wife and children live here... In this small town, but..."

He was stunned - I have children? Do I really have children?

It seems that

Is it one... Two... Or several

Ah, I can't remember at all, I can't remember!

He was stunned, and Mu Xingchen was also stunned - Oh, I dare say he wandered to country f to find his wife? His wife ran away with her children?

"What's your wife's name?" Bathed in the morning light, she asked with strong curiosity in her little jealousy.

"Call... Happy... Happy... Um... What Happy... It doesn't seem like this... "He said.

I'm dizzy. You're saying everything you wish her.

"Forget it, forget it. Your name is dry stare, and your wife is happy. By the way, do you have a picture of her? " Asked the sun.

"Yes." He fumbled in his underwear for a long time. Finally, he shrugged helplessly and said, "there used to be. I kept it in my pocket, but I don't know when it disappeared..."

What a fart!

"Your wife is beautiful, isn't she?" Mu Chenxi asked, "can you describe her appearance? If she is really here, with your description, I think she should be found. "

"She......" as soon as he spoke of his wife, his eyes glowed: "yes, she looks... Should be very beautiful..."

I can't remember. What does my wife look like? Wife

"Seaside... Village... Fat man... Little fat man..." he murmured: "she... By the way, she has long hair and black... But why can't I find her... I can't find our home..."

Dry stared sadly, and his eyes darkened again.

He really can't remember his wife's appearance. He only vaguely remembers that his wife has long black and docile hair.

"Is your wife a little fat?" Asked the sun.

Sleeping trough, I still have long black hair. Have I become your wife? I'm not fat! Bathed in the morning light, she thought very disappointed.

"We have flowers and vines... Outside the kitchen..." suddenly stared and murmured.

"I said - there are no flowers and vines in this town. What you said is not characteristic!" Bathed in the morning light, she couldn't help shouting.

She stared at her and shut her mouth in dismay.

He really can't remember anything. His head is empty. Obviously, he has a lot of memories, but they are all hidden in the fog. He can't see clearly or carry clearly. When he thinks deeply, he has a headache. It's like digging his brain. He's so uncomfortable and flustered.