Every time, she used "two hundred million" to force him, and he returned "20 million", and then the two continued to entangle endlessly.

It seems that uncle mu can't get rid of this big trouble in his life.

This Mi Shumei is as persistent as her daughter.

In order to pursue mu Jifei, her daughter did not hesitate to try to be a test tube baby. She thought she could succeed with her daughter, but her daughter was ah Xiong's child.

In fact, her behavior has influenced her mother to a great extent. Her mother has always threatened his father uncle mu with her daughter.

A poor and sad mother and daughter.


Mu Heng flew away, and he returned to Meiyin town in country F.

He remembered that Sonny said the small yard was very good. She liked it.

She used to live here and wait for him, but now she's gone, and the yard is empty again. There are only vines and residual snow in the yard.

Will she come back?

She may never come back.

Mu Heng flew to the United States. In the primitive village where he met her, he asked the village head and everyone in the village. They all said that Senni had not come back.

And the people here are hostile to him.

The village head's daughter shouted at him, "get out! You'd better get away and don't let my hatred burn you. "

It was this "big sunshine" that stole little sunshine, and her favorite friend left the village.

The village head also said to him angrily, "go quickly. If you don't go, my arrow will shoot through your throat."

If Sonny hadn't said "if he appears again, please forgive him", he would have been rude to this man.

Mu Hengfei had to leave the village.

He went back to the yard in Mayne town.

At this time, winter has passed, spring has come, the courtyard has been tidied up by him, clean and tidy, and the courtyard is full of flowers.

He believes that this small courtyard once full of laughter and laughter will usher in his real lover.


She said that after Senni left Meiyin town in country f, she returned to the United States like a wild crane, but it was difficult for her to find a job in the United States because she was separated from the black flash organization.

Even if she studied financial management in a world-famous school, because people from the black flash organization excluded her everywhere, she was like a person on the blacklist. Our country ran into a wall everywhere.

Because she betrayed the organization and broke away from the organization, this is the biggest punishment for her.

Her life is a little in trouble. She can only stay at home and continue to eat nothing.

But after all, she is not a gnawing old man. Gnawing old is not a tradition in the United States, so she went to a family education association to volunteer to help the homeless.

In fact, isn't she a homeless person?

She worked for an organization in this country since she was a child, but she fell into such a lonely and helpless situation. She was also disheartened.

On this day, after a busy day in the church, she walked lonely in the street under the moon. Looking at the bright lights on the street and the warm lights overflowing from the folk houses, she felt very lonely.

She walked silently and hesitated alone in the street. She knew that another lonely night had begun.

Walking aimlessly, suddenly a woman's cry for help came from ahead——

"Help, robbery!"

It's very common for one or two such incidents to happen on the streets late at night in the United States.

This is a prosperous Empire during the day and evil empire at night.

The woman who can go out late at night and play in the street is either a foreigner who doesn't understand American, or someone like her who has a hard home to return to.

Sonny didn't want to meddle, but she was the second "help!" She was attracted because she saw that the woman was not only robbed by the gangster, but also dragged into a car by the gangster.

This is to the point of having to help!

Senni rushed up with an arrow and shouted, "stop!"

The gangster looked like a scum of American society. He saw a great beauty combining things. He immediately obediently stopped and said with a smile: "hee hee, here comes a great beauty. Come on, brother. Let's catch it together and have fun!"

Then, a black man jumped out of the car.

The two men besieged her.

However, before the two men rushed up, Senni had already lifted her hands and feet, and knocked the two gangsters to the ground.

Then she took the woman and ran away.

Because I'm afraid these dregs have guns on them.

Of course, she is not afraid, just afraid that the innocent foreign woman will be injured.

She dragged the woman for two streets and finally got rid of the two men with hidden guns.

The woman was rescued by her to the apartment where she lived.

"Don't go out late at night." She said faintly, "stay with me tonight and go back tomorrow morning."

The woman is a Singaporean. She traveled to the United States alone because she was lovelorn. Unexpectedly, she almost died on the American street late at night.

She was very grateful to sunny for her help.

The woman's surname is AI, her name is AI Shangmei, and her ancestral home is from Pakistan.

As soon as she heard that she was from Pakistan, she should be regarded as a Pakistani. Senni suddenly had a good impression on her. They talked for a long time.

The next day, they became good friends.

When she learned that Senni didn't have a job at present, AI Shangmei took the initiative to invite her: "Senni, look at the fate that we met and met, you can come to my company to help! Although my company is small, I will give you the fullest trust and the strongest friendship! "

Of course, it was also out of gratitude for her rescue.

Sonny agreed, because she was in need of a job, so she went to Singapore with Amy.

Aishangmei runs a clothing company in Singapore. She suffered a heavy loss because of her ex boyfriend's betrayal. She almost reached the critical point of bankruptcy.

And the ex boyfriend took money from the company, and the company's capital chain has been broken.

For such a shaky company, Senni's arrival is also difficult.

"I'm sorry..." Ai Shangmei said with some embarrassment, "I really don't want the company I run to collapse, so..."

"It's all right. Let's work hard." Senni didn't dislike it. After all, she finally had something to do.

Instead, she encouraged aishanmei: "let's work hard and we'll get through it."

But somehow, since Sonny joined the company, aishanmei suddenly got a large amount of money sponsorship on the last day, so the company's flag was pulled up again.

The company immediately started running again. With Senni's joining in, the company soon got on the right track.

AI Shangmei did not expect that she would encounter the gospel after she left for the United States. This Senni is her gospel
