Li Yi stepped on the earth several times in a row. The solid earth really made a lot of reactions to him. Many hands made of mud and stone wanted to hold him.

The time is still too short. The strength of these mud and stone pillars is not good. Although they have great power, they will be broken if they are pulled lightly.

When he stepped on it, the earth splashed.

Countless extremely strong stones flew around, and many trees around were punched with countless holes.

Li Yi also took advantage of this time to step out a few steps again, changed into a sharp sword and flew to the sky.

Countless powerful blades of the vigorous wind beat and tore his body like waves. These madness are not the purest wind. They are even stronger than steel.

Unfortunately, for Li Yi himself, it still did not cause any harm. I have to admit that under this powerful offensive, he did suffer great obstacles.

Its own speed drops, countless winds want to drag him away, the surrounding weather and other conditions have also changed.

The divine world and health are satisfied with the situation and nod. This is the advantage of their joint efforts.

God, if one person makes a move, will inevitably have too many scruples, and will disturb other people or God and many other things.

They do it together. They don't need to care at all. Even if there is a big trouble, Sister Ping and some of them can take a good rest soon.

Don't worry that the problems here will disturb other human beings. The only thing to worry about is that Li Yi will go to the human world.

Only a few of them can get real restrictions there, and then they can't let go of what they do, because once they target Li Yi, they will target many people.

The vast majority of mortals simply can not bear this powerful force. The goal of this force itself is not them, nor is it aimed at them, but just a little leakage is enough to make them die.

For example, just now, the vegetation around her withered, full of wood, if he was in a human city, the light is scattered, these Twilight will be enough to kill all mortals in a city.

Of course, Li Yi won't go to the places where human beings gather, which will cause these people to cast a rat's trap, but the problem is that he may also cast a rat's trap.

Strictly speaking, he is not a good man, but he is not so bad that he has to kill people.

When he went to the gathering area of human beings, he complained about machines, but if something goes wrong, if Fengshen doesn't wash the ground.

These gods are driven to madness, so they will not regard human life as life.

If something goes wrong, at least tens of thousands of people will die. From the beginning, he also avoided entering the human gathering place. If nothing happens, he should be on the sea now.

His intention is very obvious. Just from some situations exposed before, he can judge that it is impossible for him to hide in the earth like before.

Even simple exposure to the outside world to move is a very laborious thing.

So at present, the only place you can take and should go is the ocean. At least for the time being, the other side has not exposed anything in the ocean.

Maybe it's because he didn't enter the ocean, but it doesn't matter, because he knows that the sea god is not alive.

The sea god is dead. The dead god can no longer control the sea, nor can he command the sea to attack him.

It's very safe for him to hide in the sea.

Li Yi's flying speed is extremely fast, that is, he can't sign a contract in the void, and even he doesn't dare to hide in the void, otherwise he will hide in the void early, and this group of people will not be able to catch him.

It's just that the world stopped him, but now there are more and more people.

These people are all gods, from God or under the angel.

Of course, although they came here with a large number of trials, none of them had authority.

Now all the power is in his own hands. Of course, he will help these people in the fight.

The other gods and their people have not yet come down, and it will take a little time. Before Fengshen himself, in order to have more energy to guard against Li Yi, he sent some envoys and envoys into the world in advance to help him manage the flow of wind between heaven and earth.

Only in this way can he have more energy to pursue Li Yi, and he can mobilize a large number of envoys to come here in a short time.

Because he controls the wind between heaven and earth, and this time he is determined to solve each other at one time.

Some of your methods that won't lead to chaos are beginning to be used gradually. What's more, many gods help him to clean up the mess together.

It may cost a lot after the end, but as long as you can kill the other party and take back your power, the lost things are not worth mentioning at all.

That's why he wantonly used the wind to bring these people here. When people saw Li Yiyi, they didn't say anything. All of them worked together and even tried to blow themselves up.

You only have one to consume his strength as much as possible, hurt him badly, and stop him from entering the ocean.

He will also suffer great damage when flying, although Fengshen did not find the God in charge of the rain between heaven and earth.

With the help of wind and the formation of the earth, there are some seasons caused by the circulation of temperature difference and many other reasons have been able to form heavy rain.

Heavy rain can even find a way to attract thunder and lightning to hinder his action. In front of Li Yi, the sky is dim and thunder snakes dance wildly. Behind him are all envoys of Fengshen.

In addition, some mountains are even stepping backwards. The collapsed mountains are full of personality and creativity. They are all aimed at him.

Yes, he is now physically strong, these things can not hurt him, but this does not mean that these things will not hinder his way forward.

Some of the rocks from the mountains were so powerful that even he had to pause a little to cushion his strength.

It is based on the fact that his physical body is powerful, the density of his physical body is very high, and his physical body has a huge weight.

Otherwise, these stones will fall on them, and I'm afraid they won't fly out directly next second.

But it has to be said that their plan has been successful, which has caused great obstacles to themselves, but also many mountains have collapsed.

Although this is a no man's land, there are no people. Many plants and animals in the mountains are also destroyed by a disaster that originally did not belong to them.

Gods fight, mortals suffer.

Li Yi walked into the minefield without any scruples. Although the thunder snakes danced wildly in front of him, because of the change of terrain, weather and surrounding temperature, and the circulation of four seasons, the whole area belongs to the thunderstorm area.

Walking in it, it's not so easy to be struck by thunder. There are a lot of thunder, but it won't strike you so easily.

When he came in, many envoys of the gods naturally rushed in. At this time, there was no obvious chance to escape. Fortunately, he was fighting in the air. Although he was not at high altitude, it also provided him with great convenience at low altitude, because in this way, he could break through in more than four directions.

There are six directions for Li Yi to sneak attack. From the beginning, he didn't plan to fight with these people.

Because if you fight here, although you are hard to be killed, you can even kill many people of the other side easily, but the number of people of the other side will increase bit by bit.

And because the earth will change, the four seasons will change, and the style of painting will also change, what they can make now is only some LeiBao, but if they pause in one place for too long, God knows what they can make with these changes.

You said that the only way to be safe at present is to get rid of each other through constant high-speed movement. What tricks and methods do those gods want to use, but they can't get around. The most difficult point is to trap yourself in a certain place before they can work slowly.

He had arranged the array himself. If the stars were big, the geomantic omen of the forest and the mountains and rivers changed day by day, it would not be so easy for him to arrange it.

But I must not be controlled by them. Once I am limited in a certain range, God knows what they will do.

So the other side always wants to control themselves, at least to limit themselves to a region, in order to make a good concoction.

With his high-speed movement and strong strength, Li Yi quickly moved to the sea, and then entered the deep sea.

They can affect the surface of the sea, but they can't affect themselves if they are thousands of meters or even thousands of meters deep.

Even if the God of the earth can take charge of every piece of land, even the land under the sea, but he can't control the deep sea or even the land in the sea. If he wants to change something, he has to bear the same pressure.

So as long as you enter the deep sea, you are absolutely safe.

The sea is large enough that they can't control all the sea areas. As for the defense of the big star forest and the evil forest, it's still easy if they are willing to break through.

Instead of doing so, he fled to the sea.

His goal is the sea. Although it's far away now, he has no scruples at this time. He uses it wantonly and gets the full product with crazy acceleration. It won't be long before he can reach it.

Of course, we need to break through before we arrive. Li Yi takes out a lightning rod, a very long lightning rod.

He almost forgot when this thing was put into his storage ring. There are a lot of things in his storage ring. Some rings are classified concisely and clearly, but most of them are in disorder.

It has enough storage space, so it doesn't need to worry about what can be loaded and what can't be loaded. Therefore, the accumulation time inside is getting longer and longer, and there are all kinds of things.

Even he didn't know why the lightning rod was still in it. It was when he was going to use it to set up an array. It was used to lead the thunder in the sky and increase its power.

Unfortunately, I didn't use it later, but since I have it, it's best.

Many thunder and lightning are coming towards him between heaven and earth. The mine is not to prevent thunder from splitting, but to pour the power of thunder and lightning into the ground.

Li Yi in a person to bear hundreds of thunder power, but there is no great harm, for his body can also bear to live.

But those who want to attack him can't bear it. Their bodies are not very strong.

Although it is better than ordinary people, it is only better than ordinary people. Naturally, there will not be any chance to stop thunder.

Even a face-to-face, they have not had time to do anything, have not had time to resist already familiar.

Li Yi also took this opportunity to flee directly. Now the other gods have not come yet. How far can he go.

At that time, waiting for people to continue to come, more and more people will soon block themselves.

This kind of thing is not as simple as 1 + 1 = 2.

Directly superimposed on each other, the strength has been improved. The strength is not a little bit, but a lot. Even if I have strong strength at that time, I'm afraid I can't fight back.

He knows that he is still in the no man's land. If there are more people in the no man's land, the other party will not let go. However, in the no man's land, no one will know about their fight. The sequelae of the fight will be cleared up in a short time.

It will not cause any changes and changes to the whole world. Naturally, these gods will be more open-minded.

So I can't let myself fall into such a situation in any case. At that time, it will be a disaster.

Li Yi bumps right and left and runs away.

The sea is close at hand, and the distance to the sea is constantly shortening.

At his side, countless huge silent wind began to accelerate for him, at the same time, there are many wind walls in front of him.

Their methods have indeed had a lot of effects. Even their own bodies can't support this extreme situation.

Li Yi can see that a large number of capillaries on the surface of his body have collapsed, and a lot of blood has passed away. Fortunately, it's just the burden on the surface of his body and internal organs. Some of them seem extremely terrible, and they may have to vomit two mouthfuls of blood.

The real root was not hurt, so she didn't have to worry about what she would be hurt.

The body is just a few superficial minor injuries, as long as it takes time.

It won't be long before he can grow up. As he moves, he gets closer and closer to the sea.

The obstacles are getting stronger and stronger, but it is no longer useful. As long as there is no accident, he will be able to enter the ocean successfully.

Similarly, he is facing more and more obstacles, and the whole world is deliberately targeting Li Yi.

The endless wind between heaven and earth tried to stop him as much as possible, and the gods of Fengshen were like fish in water.

From time to time to stop him, but even if they can delay a second, the next moment is immediately killed.

Without any change, Li Yi walked towards the sea step by step.

Even if his speed is very slow, but still one by one firmly toward the sea.

Fengshen and other gods looked at each other, and they all knew that they were close at hand.

However, it seems impossible for the other party to read the finger. The other party can easily walk two steps into the sea.

As they thought, it wasn't long before Li Yi succeeded in stepping on the waves.

The next second it disappears into the deep sea.