So, if it's something she's determined to get, no one else can take it away.

Liu nodded and said, "yes, if I worry about not shooting, I have a lot of savings to help you..."

"Hum No! "

Liu said half of his words, and suddenly, he was interrupted by a cold hum of depression.

Yuyue blinked from his eyes and turned to the position where the voice was made. Then he cried out surprise: "ink shadow, ink shadow, you wake up! Great. You wake up at last. Do you feel better? Is your head still dizzy? Is it still painful in the chest? "

Her lean figure rushed towards the man in bed, knelt in front of the bed, carefully wiped the cold sweat on Li Moying's face, just like a loyal little maid.

Who can think of her as a super genius who is strong and rebellious?

Even debauchy couldn't see it. He coughed twice. "Cough, I said Apprentice, you are relieved that there should be no problem with the master mu for a while. You don't have to be so nervous. "

Yuyue left but did not hear, still blinking big eyes, focused on Li Mo shadow.

Li Mo Ying had heard Liu Bu Yan, and was a little bit sour in his heart, but he felt relieved to see the little fox in his family so nervous.

In the eyes of peach blossom, he took a little smile. He raised his soft and weak right hand, and held Yuyue away from his small hand, and whispered, "I'm much better, don't worry..."

Yuyue listened to this, relieved a little, but his face was still full of air, Du Zui, "I believe you have ghosts! You said you were OK before. It was good. What about the result? Almost lost my life! "

The fox is angry, in the eyes of Li Mo Ying, it is really lovely.

He wanted to go up and hug her immediately and appease her. Unfortunately, he couldn't get up from bed.

Yuyue hurriedly pressed and held him down. "Your body is still very weak. Can you stop moving? Can't you just listen to me? "

Yuyue is away from Liumei, the Lord can only recognize the plant.

He can only lie flat with the strength of his little girl.

Liu did not say to see their interaction, how is not the taste in their heart.

In the past month, he has also taken care of the little girl in all ways. He hopes that she can be so spoiled, but she has never received a substantial response. Even in the state of amnesia, she instinctively avoids her touch.

However, in front of Li Mo Ying, she can easily put down all the precautions, showing attachment.

She just Is it really a shadow of Li Mo?

It seems to be aware of Liu's silent sight, Li Mo shadow half closed eyes suddenly open, cold line of sight, turned to Liu not words.

In contrast, Li Moying tick the corner of his mouth. "Doctor Liu, I am in charge of your more care for my fiancee in this period of time. However, you really do not need to worry, we cangxuan sword clan has money, but also can not use you a "outsiders" to join in the bustle. "

He added the word "outsiders", and then he saw with satisfaction that Liu's eyes were another gloom.

And debauchy could not help but exclaimed, "what? fiancée? Is white girl your fiancee? Well What about words? What is this , the fastest update of the webnovel!