"Shit! What's going on?" Yang Tianlei got up from the ground with a disheartened face and looked at the strange stone in surprise.

"Boom!" just then, the stone suddenly burst, and a black light shot out from the crack of the broken stone and rushed towards Yang Tianlei. The speed was amazing. Yang Tianlei had no time to respond. The black light had escaped from Yang Tianlei's mouth and disappeared into his body at once!

Immediately, Yang Tianlei felt that there was a dark and round thing inside his body and in the lower abdomen Dantian, which looked like a pebble. As soon as this strange thing entered the Dantian, it began to rotate from slow to fast. With the rotation of this thing, a strange energy quickly penetrated into Yang Tianlei's limbs and bones.

This energy was extremely rapid and controlled Yang Tianlei's whole body in an instant. Soon, Yang Tianlei found that his body seemed petrified and became stiff. He opened his mouth blankly, but couldn't even make a sound, because before he screamed, the energy had spread to his face and completely bound Yang Tianlei's body.

I don't know if it's Yang Tianlei's illusion. Gradually, Yang Tianlei feels that he is not only the skin of the body, but also the muscle tissue, skin membrane, blood, meridians and bones... Have begun to be strangely petrified. Even the invisible power of stars seems to be slowly stopping, solidifying and petrifying, turning into tangible solid matter, blocking Yang Tianlei's Dantian and meridians. At this time, even the breath he breathed became as thick as stone slurry, hot and flowing in front of his chest.

For a time, Yang Tianlei felt that he had become stones from the inside out, from the real body to the ethereal energy and spirit!

He couldn't move, was hard to breathe, and even stopped thinking. The scene was strange and crazy.

At this time, Yang Tianlei only has a small group of extremely condensed star power near his heart, and is still making the final and weak resistance. Although this resistance seems very futile, Yang Tianlei has not given up after all.

But just then, the strange energy that had been aggressive suddenly slowed down its rhythm. At the same time, something more absurd and strange happened.

Yang Tianlei felt that a spiritual force came out of the strange stone and penetrated into Yang Tianlei's spirit. An inexplicable intimacy, as if connected by flesh and blood, immediately filled Yang Tianlei's whole mind.

Before his rebirth, Yang Tianlei also felt this feeling when he sat on the boulder. He often felt that the boulder under him was alive, could understand his joys and sorrows, and had some unspeakable close relationship with himself. However, at the beginning, this feeling was only vague, ethereal and not true. At this time, Yang Tianlei clearly felt this strange connection.

Yang Tianlei's feeling of intimacy was relieved involuntarily. He seemed to feel that the stone was telling him that it would not hurt him. The power of the stars, which had been hard condensed in his heart, also relaxed for a moment. But at this time, the fierce invasion of strange energy suddenly occupied the last area in Yang Tianlei's heart and completely petrified Yang Tianlei!

Yang Tianlei's eyes were black and he completely fainted!


"Is that the boy?" I don't know how long later, a thin and tall figure quietly appeared in the courtyard of Yang Tianlei's dormitory like a ghost.

The figure looked coldly at Yang Tianlei, who was curled up and fell to the ground. It seemed that he had fainted.

The strong smell of soil drifted from Yang Tianlei.

"Oh? I've gathered the five elements attribute? It seems that this little idiot is really extraordinary... Well, the star with earth attribute is just restrained by my wood constitution, which is more convenient for me to do things." the unexpected guest whispered to himself.

This man is Lei Ao. It's easy to find a new student's hiding place with his ability. What's more, Yang Tianlei's hiding place is easy to find. Who doesn't know that this little idiot will never step out of his dormitory and the yard in front of the dormitory? It was just nine o'clock in the evening. From time to time, fighting and shouting came from the whole campus, which was the peak period of night practice.

Lei Ao is calm and cautious. He chooses to appear at this time. Once he makes any sound, he will not attract anyone's attention. In addition, Yang Tianlei is in a coma for some reason. It is the best time to kill and set fire.

"Boy, I have no grievances with you, but since you offended the young master, don't blame me for being ruthless." after saying these words, Lei Ao slowly approached Yang Tianlei.

"Whoosh, whoosh!" although Yang Tianlei seems to have no resistance at this time, his cautious character still makes Lei Ao release a few strands of light green energy and hit Yang Tianlei to test Yang Tianlei's reaction.

Naturally, this means is not the real power of stars. At this time, Lei Ao is just the cultivation of level five stars at their peak. The power of wood stars belongs to the type of late success, and it is impossible to release the power of stars beyond the level. This is a special wood power belonging to Lei Ao. What it releases is actually the power of the power, not the power of the stars. It has little lethality, and there is not much room for improvement. But it is this power that makes him have the ability to silently destroy the new person's constitution and beat it into a waste root.

The interaction between the five elements makes Lei Ao's wood power strike Yang Tianlei, and quickly suppresses the strong earthiness of Yang Tianlei. It seems that Yang Tianlei's unconscious power of earth stars has been completely entangled and suppressed by the wood power.

Lei Ao nodded and raised his hands again. This time, he is ready to directly use his disabled physique ability. This ability can only be achieved by close contact with each other.

"Eh?" but just then, a flash of vigilance flashed in Lei Ao's heart. Because he found that Yang Tianlei's earthiness was only condensed into a small mass under the package of wood energy, and was not really suppressed. This concentrated small mass of energy looks extremely violent. It seems that its concentration is for better explosion. His own wood energy seems to activate this process.

The alert character saved Lei Ao once. When he noticed something wrong, he immediately backed away.

At the same time, with a dull sound of "boom", the earth gas on Yang Tianlei erupted like a volcano, which blew up all the countless stones beside Yang Tianlei and tore them apart.

"Hiss..." Lei Ao unconsciously took a cold breath. What is this? Its destructive power is so powerful! If you don't retreat, you will be seriously injured if you don't die at this time!

At this time, Yang Tianlei, who was full of strong rustic atmosphere, slowly got up from the ground.