"Old Yang, you are in good spirits today!"

"It's Hong Xuan. I didn't expect you to come this time to see your grandson?"

On the eve of the competition, some big people who came late gradually came together. Most of the young students gathered around each challenge arena to watch the competition from a close distance. Some senior students and teachers of the college sit in the stands on the left and right sides of the Beidou challenge arena group. Those Yajian buildings similar to the box are specially built for people with identity to watch the competition.

In the largest box, there were a group of the biggest people, including the president of Jiyang college, Yang Lao, some backbone elites of the college, and representatives of the Empire.

As one of the three traditional events of the Empire's highest star college, Jiyang empire will send representatives of civil and military officials to pay attention to each rookie competition. Among the generals of the Empire, Yang Hongxuan is respected, while Lei Wenyu, the leader of the Lei family, is the leader of the Wen minister. Therefore, the representatives sent by the Empire are also from the Yang Lei family. After all, the newcomer competition is a traditional event with relatively small influence of Jiyang college. Generally, the owners of Yang Lei's two families will not be present in person, but send representatives to go. For example, the Lei family sent Lei Zhen, Lei Wenyu's eldest son.

If the final Star Contest, which is held every three years and represents the highest level of imperial stars, is held, the emperor of the Empire will definitely be there to support it.

But this time, the Yang family came from the owner Yang Hongxuan.

"Yes, I just came to see Xiao Lei's performance. I also knew that the kid had signed up." Yang Hongxuan didn't hide anything in front of old Yang.

"My grandson took part in this competition for the first time. How can I not be a grandfather? Ha ha... But I really didn't expect that this kid dared to take part in the rookie competition in less than a month. It's too much for himself." Yang Hongxuan said modestly, but the glittering red light on his old face proved that, The old man is very proud that his grandson can go from no foundation to qualified to participate in the rookie competition in less than a month.

"Thanks to Yang Lao's cultivation." of course, Yang Hongxuan didn't forget to thank Yang Lao. If it weren't for his insight, Yang Tianlei suggested that Yang Tianlei learn the nine turn muscle changing Sutra, Yang Tianlei wouldn't have made such rapid progress.

"This is the result of Xiaolei's own efforts. Of course, Xiaohan has made a lot of efforts." old Yang smiled. Old Yang is an old friend of the owner of Zhang Zihan's family. He asked Zhang Zihan to teach Yang Tianlei's nine turns of the muscle changing Sutra. In addition to trusting Zhang Zihan's ability, he can't say that he has no selfishness at all.

Although Zhang Zihan's family is also a famous family, but this family focuses on business in business and has no deep foundation in the dynasty. It is necessary to establish a good relationship with a powerful family such as the Yang family. Therefore, as Zhang Zihan, she was not qualified to enter the box, but old Yang deliberately brought her.

"Yes, yes, and thank Mr. Zhang. Mr. Zhang, come and sit down." Yang Hongxuan affectionately beckoned Zhang Zihan to sit next to him. Looking at the beautiful and quiet girl, she liked it more and more. It's a pity that she is older and several years older than Xiao Lei. I don't know if Xiao Lei will mind. Otherwise, when Xiao Lei grows up, It's really nice to take this girl home and be a granddaughter-in-law.

Yang Hongxuan and Yang Lao are in a good mood, but at this time, Zhang Zihan around them is forced to smile and feel on pins and needles.

Others don't know the inside story and risks of Yang Tianlei's participation in the newcomer competition, but Zhang Zihan knows it. Originally, Zhang Zihan really planned to forcibly prevent Yang Tianlei from participating the day before the competition. Although Jiyang college punished the students who signed up but missed the competition for no reason, it's always good to risk their lives in the challenge arena?

Unfortunately, the little slick slipped away before dawn, which made Zhang Zihan jump into the air. At this time, Zhang Zihan can only pray that Yang Tianlei won't have any big problems. Otherwise, she really doesn't know how to face Yang Hongxuan and Yang.

"Hmm? Xiaolei seems to have appeared." at this time, the sharp eyed old Yang saw Yang Tianlei walking into the challenge arena on an auxiliary challenge not far away.

"Yongchun? Yongchun is like that? Ah... Ha ha... What's the fucking posture? It looks like a frog and a woman."

"So this little idiot is still a sissy."

"Did you learn this posture from a woman? Ha ha..."

At this time, on the edge of the challenge arena, several friends of Ouyang Qing were obviously knocked down by Yang Tianlei's gesture.

Yongchun boxing is also called "young master boxing". This alias has two meanings. One is that to practice Yongchun boxing, you must have the teaching of famous teachers and constantly compete with famous experts. Poor literature and rich martial arts, you can't hire a famous teacher without money, so in the past, Wing Chun boxing was mostly practiced by rich young masters, which is why Yang Tianlei can only practice half a bucket of water before crossing.

Another meaning is that Wing Chun boxing was originally created by women. For martial artists, many postures do look too feminine. If men pose these postures, they can only look like those literate young masters.

But once Wing Chun moves, no one will think it's Niang angry. This boxing method based on actual combat is extremely lethal. Wing Chun boxing and Jeet kune do, derived from Wing Chun and created by Bruce Lee, are the most respected Chinese boxing by foreigners. Even in the hearts of many foreigners, Chinese Wushu is equal to Wing Chun boxing.

The "center line theory" and the "face to face pursuit" principle in Wing Chun make boxers always face the enemy and keep a plane with the enemy's center line (that is, the line from the top of the head to the tail keel), and Wing Chun's attacks are sent from their own center line and directly attack the opponent's center line, which is also the shortest distance between the enemy and us.

At the same speed, the closer the attack distance is, the faster the target can be hit, which is also the reason why Wing Chun boxers' fists always come later.

"Yang Xuedi's posture is really... It's really refreshing, ha ha." Ouyang Qing opposite is obviously not light by thunder. He can't even pretend to respect him. "Then I'll do it. Be careful."

With that, ouyangqing's whole body condensed an invisible wood aura. He is ready to give half his strength so that he can beat the sissy little white fool down at once. After all, his friends bet that Yang Tianlei will be the fastest eliminated contestant. He can satisfy his friends' wishes and rub him when he wins money.