Honghuang mountain range is one of the five dangerous places in Tianxuan continent. It stretches for thousands of miles, stretches across countless empires, and is surrounded by countless sects. It is an excellent training place for many empires and sect practitioners.

There is a strong aura of heaven and earth in the Honghuang mountains, which breeds countless heaven and earth spirits and powerful Warcraft, even monsters, beast gods and other powerful beings!

Warcraft, like human beings, has its own unique cultivation methods. Once promoted to monster, it will be like the strong man in the innate realm of human beings, and the beast God is equivalent to the eternal giant of human beings - the strong man of Shinto! It can transform human form and has the power to move mountains and reclaim the sea!

One can imagine the danger!

What's more frightening is that there are countless Warcraft kingdoms in the barren mountains. Like humans, they have their own cities, sects and fields!

The battle between humans and Warcraft has never stopped since ancient times. This is one of the reasons why many cultivation sects are located around the Honghuang mountains.

Although the cultivation world disdains the secular state, it undertakes the responsibility of safeguarding human life and death.

How can fur be attached without skin? Although there are many people in the cultivation world, compared with hundreds of millions of creatures in the secular world, it can only be regarded as a small part. Moreover, the cultivation world is derived from the secular world, and has countless connections, far from being as simple as the surface.

Risk and benefit coexist, and ability and responsibility depend on each other. The greater the risk, the greater the benefit, the greater the ability and the greater the responsibility.

Of course, for practitioners, responsibility does not mean burden. It is a test, a discipline and the best way to improve themselves!

Similarly, in the boundless mountains, there are countless opportunities, countless treasures, sacred tombs, ruins, elixirs, magic weapons against the sky, mysterious fields. Disciples with atmospheric luck can easily get their own opportunities and adventures, so as to embark on a real road of strength. Of course, it may also fall in one of them.
