It's the evening of May 3, around 11 o'clock.

This is the information Yang Tianlei just obtained when he bought medical gauze at a nearby clinic. In my memory, Li Xue has returned to Hancheng for two months. The night he was struck by lightning, it happened to be April 30th.

Open the memory of the past, as long as Yang Tianlei is willing, the past scenes can be clearly presented in his mind. May 1 is a holiday. Even senior three has a holiday.

Yang Tianlei remembers that on the evening of April 30, it was really a thunderstorm. The reason why he came back late was that his only brother with the same taste wanted to ask him to rub a meal.

If there is anything worth remembering in high school, I'm afraid this brother is the only one. Yang Tianlei and he are really like-minded. Their academic performance is always between explosion and explosion, occupying the top of the class