Chapter 29

Name:Profound Pure Guard Author:剑如蛟

When Shen Hao arrived at the school yard, he only saw a mess.

Both groups of people were wearing xuanqingwei's training short coats. Some people's clothes were broken, their faces were bloody, and there were not a few people with bruises. Some people's hands and feet had been obviously deformed, mostly broken.

Shen Hao, the group on the left, looked familiar. He saw Zhang Liao and Han Xin in front, as well as the Hercules he personally recruited. The rest were more than 40 common soldiers.

Seeing Shen Hao coming, Zhang Liao and Han Xin rushed to introduce Shen Hao into the crowd.

"How many people have been hurt?"

"More than 30 people were slightly injured and five were broken."

Shen Hao was relieved to hear that the situation was not serious. He heard the following people say that his men had fought with the people of the a-flag on the school field. He was worried that his people would suffer losses. He hurried to find that it was much better than he thought.

As for the situation on the opposite side, Shen Hao can see it directly without asking. The group on the right is the A-shaped flag. The number is more than double that of Shen Hao. There are no less than 20 hands and feet discounted. Many of them have blood on their face. There are also a lot of crying pain. The scene looks much more tragic than Shen Hao.

So that Shen Hao found that even if the five people on his side had broken bones, they were only biting their teeth and iron face, but none of them shouted pain.

More than 50 people beat more than 90 people. They not only won, but also hurt a few. It's funny to think about it.

Looking at Zhenzhang in detail, Shen Hao nodded secretly. He thought it was right to let Zhang Liao and Han Xin pull people in. Even if these people are just ordinary soldiers, they are definitely hard men.

Few people break their bones without saying a word.

"Before, we had been practicing the combination skill on the school field according to your requirements. As a result, the people of the A-shaped flag suddenly provoked and said a lot of strange things. We scolded the past here and started on the opposite side. However, they looked at a large number of people, but they were all soft eggs and didn't resist beating. Tut, now it's fun to hum. They have no face and no skin!"

Zhang said, and he did not forget to make complaints about the two sides of the Tucao. In his opinion, he should have hurried away when fighting and lost.

Shen Hao has completely relaxed and asked people to send the five broken hands and feet to the hospital. The rest are skin injuries. Go back and wipe some medicine and wine yourself.

"More than 50 people beat each other, and nearly 100 people won. It seems that you have practiced your combined attack very well."

"I'm not bragging about the general flag. Although we haven't been raising the flag for a long time, the brothers all know good or bad and deserve your settlement fee, so they all tried their best in training and have made a lot of achievements now. It's a joke if all the old soldiers who can't deal with the a-flag can't do it."

Old soldier, these three words are not new in Licheng guard station. Privately, many people use these words to satirize the numerous Xun GUI children in the A-shaped flag. Most of them have high eyes and low hands, and they are annoying.

"You also know that the other party is an old soldier? How dare you lay such a heavy hand?"

"Tut, general flag, if you don't laugh, I really believe it. Some fists and feet just fall on you. They're not heavy. If you hold a knife handle, at least half of these scum will die today."

"Just talk about it in private. Don't let outsiders listen to it. It won't have a good impact. By the way, can everyone run and jump except those unlucky bastards with broken bones?"

Zhang Liao and Han Xin's eyes brightened when they heard the speech. They thought Shen Hao had to take the initiative to find something. They immediately patted their chest to ensure that the rest of them could not only run and jump, but also go to battle.

"That's good. Now you immediately form a team and run 50 laps around the school yard. Since it's comfortable to fight, you can start to be punished, including you two."


"Isn't it, the general flag? It's also a penalty?"

Shen Hao said with a smile, "don't you know the rules in the guard house? Fighting is strictly prohibited. What's the problem with punishing you? I'm not afraid to tell you. I'll go to Baihu adults to ask for punishment later. Start running quickly and try to catch dinner."

Shen Hao is here, and Li Bing is here.

It's estimated that Li Bing didn't expect that there were enough people in two groups here, but they still couldn't do the opposite! His face turned blue with anger, and he was pointing to two small flag officials and scolding them.

Shen Hao glanced at the other side and didn't bother to theory at all. These tricks made him not interested at all.

Don't want to know that this is definitely something that Li Bing feels uncomfortable in the morning, so he deliberately asked his men to come to the school to find fault? But he was beaten the other way around.

When Shen Hao left the school field, the people of the black flag camp had been running under the leadership of Zhang Liao and Han Xin. One lap was one mile, and fifty laps was fifty miles. If they ran slowly, they didn't have to expect to have dinner on time.


Shen Hao didn't joke with Zhang Liao. After he left the school, he really went straight to the public house of Tang Qingyuan.

As the old saying goes, you should obey the rules before you become a big man. Big men like to obey the rules. People who don't obey the rules either go against the sky or break into slag.

Shen Hao doesn't want to go against the sky or break into slag, so he always abides by the rules.

"My Lord, my subordinate Shen Hao wants to see me."

"Come in."

When you push the door in, Tang Qingyuan is standing by the window in the public house, playing with potted plants. Compared with the busy households at the grass-roots level, they are much more relaxed and won't have so many chores.

"What's up?"

"My Lord, my subordinates have failed to teach. My subordinates have just clashed with the a flag. Please punish me."

"Oh? Wait a minute, I'll finish here." Tang Qingyuan had no emotional reaction at all, and trimmed the potted plants himself.

Shen Hao was not in a hurry and waited patiently. Tang Qingyuan's calm reaction just now has confirmed his guess. It's impossible to hide something from this hundred families in Licheng guard station.

Do not defend, do not sophistry, admit mistakes, and have a better attitude first. It seems that Tang Qingyuan still eats this set.

"I heard you've been looking into Li Bing's stall recently?"

"Yes, Li Bing is not clean, and I have found a very good breakthrough, which is just suitable for the current needs of the black flag camp."

"Tell me."


Shen Hao told Tang Qingyuan the details of the Yunyang smuggling of prohibited materials case he found in the case file, but he didn't say dead, just said that he took this case as the first target of investigation.

"If you want to find out, you must find out, and make an iron case. Tut Tut, there has long been a miasma in the guard house. This time, you just take advantage of the wind above to clean it up."

gust? Shen Hao doesn't think so. He doesn't think the black flag camp is a "gust". He prefers it to be a "monsoon", which blows every year and year after year.

"Anything else?"

"No more."

"Then step back."

"My subordinates leave."

From the beginning to the end, Tang Qingyuan did not mention a word about today's fight. This is called silence is better than sound. It's not a matter on the table. When the attitude is in place, there's no need to hold on. As for Li Bing, who hasn't come to Tang Qingyuan for punishment for so long, who knows what Tang Qingyuan thinks.