Chapter 98

Name:Profound Pure Guard Author:剑如蛟
Black flag camp, torture room.

Zhou Guangcai and Jia Sheng are still the only two torture killers in the camp. There are not many cases in the black flag camp now, so they have no plans to expand the torture team for the time being, so their days are much more leisurely than their counterparts in the health center. They usually carry tea when they have nothing to do. They lean on the couch for most of the day. They have gained a layer of fat in a few months. Sometimes they look forward to doing something.

As a result, something really happened in the evening. A well-dressed young man with delicate skin and tender meat was brought over. It was Mr. Wen's son who had been thrown into the dungeon before.

Looking at the torture catalogue handed over at the same time, Zhou Guangcai and Jia Sheng looked at each other and smiled. They finally had fun.

Those who engage in torture do not take torture as "fun" for a long time, so these talents will be called killing talents like praise and derogation.

"Brother Zhou, this man's cultivation is not low! He has nine levels of refining Qi and is full of perfection! When he comes to the door, he wants to step into the realm of gathering gods! He's only 19 years old, which is great!"

"So what? You're still at the mercy of us like your grandson? Get the pillar up quickly, first press his cultivation accomplishments, and then take off the town spirit talisman and plate lock. Be careful not to make trouble."

"Don't worry, brother Zhou. I can't do this if I can make mistakes."

Jia Sheng hung people on the cross pillar, and then activated the soul calming prohibition on the cross pillar. This thing is specially prepared for friars. It can suppress friars' accomplishments to ensure that they are not used to offset pain in the process of torture.

After being excited about the Zhenling ban, Jia Sheng took down the Zhenling talisman and board lock pasted on Mr. Wen's son, because he no longer needed these things.

"You are bold!"

After getting rid of the plate lock, the young master of the Wen family was finally able to speak. The first sentence of Tieqing's face was a violent drink. In his opinion, Jia Sheng and Zhou Guangcai were looking for death. They dared to take off his clothes and tie him to the post, which was absolutely humiliating!

"Speak well if you can. Don't make trouble for yourself!" Jia Sheng slapped his arm and shut up the words behind Mr. Wen. It's all here. Can't you put yourself in a position? The white faced scholar is still a little stupid.

The accomplishments were suppressed to almost nothing, but the Friar's physical strength was still there. Jia Sheng's slap on the face would not hurt people, but the dignified son of Wen's lineal family was slapped when he was said not to agree, which directly fried the state of mind.

"You, you, you! You're dead! You're dead!"

The only reason left was slapped in the face. The son of the Wen family roared hysterically, and his eyes became red with anger.

"Pa!" Jia Sheng was not interested in this energetic fool who didn't know how to restrain. He slapped him again, and slipped a whip down from the shelf.

"Brother Zhou, let's serve him a side dish first? How about salt water red strips?"

"OK, you do it first. I'll write the files of torture and fill in one later. It's more convenient." Zhou Guangcai didn't lift his head and wrote with a pen.

Seeing Zhou Guangcai nodding, Jia Sheng immediately grinned and soaked a whip in a small bucket nearby for a moment.

The bucket is filled with concentrated brine. The whip stained with water can be whipped to the meat, and it can leave more strength every time.

Raise your hand, swing it up, a whip flower, and then throw it down fiercely. The whip stained with water slapped the skin and meat. In an instant, it was a red whip mark two fingers wide. This is the origin of the side dish "salt water red bar".

Generally speaking, the salt water red bar will be drawn 100 times, and then the intensity and type of punishment will be determined according to the state of the victim.

At this time of 100 lashes, Shen Hao and Wang Jian pushed open the door of the torture room, waved to Zhou Guangcai and Jia Sheng not to be polite, took a chair and sat in the corner looking on.

Seeing Shen Hao coming in person, Zhou Guangcai and Jia Sheng naturally want to express themselves in front of Shangfeng. Their skills are more frequent. The patterns of torture seem to have a strange and cruel charm in their hands.

"What's your name?"

"You're dead, you're all dead!"

"Oh, the spirit is good, Jia Sheng. Give him three hard dishes directly!"


After a meal

"What's your name?"


"Jia Sheng, give him another hard dish, or go down the third way."

"Wait a minute, I, ah!"

After another meal

"What's his name?" Zhou Guangcai's voice was as gloomy as ever and a little careless.

"Wen, Wen Renhai."

"Why do you want to abduct people in the street? What's your purpose?"


Confessions one by one, some of the above questions deliberately close Wen Renhai's behavior of abducting people in the street today to the previous series of missing cases, which is full of "speculation", but they do not directly beat Wen Renhai into an "accomplice", but leave room.

"Make two rubbings of this file, one to Tang Baihu and one to Chen Baihu in Richeng. The original is temporarily returned to the private file of black flag camp."

"I see. So... The Wen family?"

"Don't worry. If the Wen family can't even receive this news, they won't be worried. As for Wen Renhai and others, they continue to be detained in the dungeon and strengthen their guard. No one can see them without my signature, okay?"


Wang Jiangang just reported the two rubbing files away. After only a column of incense, the news spread in the xuanqingwei of Licheng. This is the relationship that Wang Jian did not deliberately keep secret as instructed. At the same time, it also shows that the name of "white mountaineering Wenjia" is still very purposeful.

Tang Qingyuan called Shen Hao to his public house in a hurry. His face was very ugly.

"What the hell do you want to do!"

"My Lord, my subordinates just enforce the law impartially. Wen Renhai abducted people in the street and gave them medicine. There are human evidence and evidence, as well as Wen Renhai's own confession. This case..."

"All right! Don't be careless with me. You Shen Hao won't cheat about the case. I know very well. What I ask is why you're bothering the Wen family!"

"My Lord, Wen Renhai kidnapped my slaves for no reason and crippled my housekeeper. Was he the first to provoke me?" Shen Hao stopped laughing with Tang Qingyuan and said his unhappiness frankly.

Tang Qingyuan was not annoyed by Shen Hao's tone. On the contrary, in his opinion, Shen Hao's undisguised attitude is really what "his own people" should be.

"The Wen family has always been domineering. This is nothing new. Three years ago, they even dared to beat the gate man of fengri city. What's the matter with your housekeeper? However, your boy is bold and black. He's holding on to Wen Renhai. What are you going to do? Won't he really want to tear his face with the Wen family?"

"Sir, we're just handling the case impartially. Why should we tear the skin? The Wen family is powerful. If I can persuade Chen Baihu to release people, I have nothing to say."

Tang Qingyuan heard that the corners of his mouth pulled upward. He didn't know whether it was a smile or a bitter smile.