Chapter 106

Name:Profound Pure Guard Author:剑如蛟
Liao Chengfeng's tone was cold. He could hear that he seemed to have some words against Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng has sat up from the recliner, and his smile has also converged. He said seriously: "Lord Liao, the subordinates of the commander's official newspaper of the Yamen are studying it repeatedly every day. Every time, they have new insights. They vaguely feel that the above is moving seriously this time.

My subordinates know that this kind of thing is not suitable for the way from top to bottom, so after the establishment of the black flag camp, I put a great deal of autonomy to the lower line, hoping to have an opportunity to break the situation. As a result, I was lucky. Licheng black flag camp in the area has made great achievements repeatedly, and it happens to be in line with the upper wind direction. My subordinates just pushed the boat along the water and stood on the cusp of the wind and waves.

Now the wind above is getting stronger and stronger. My subordinates think it's better to choose earlier. In order not to die in the future, there's nothing wrong with my family and life this time. "

Jiang Cheng's voice fell, and it was cold in the warm shed with a leisurely atmosphere. This tone and words can be regarded as "theory" with Liao Chengfeng.

Liao Chengfeng stared at Jiang Cheng with low eyebrows. He didn't speak. He looked at it for a long time. He sighed and lay back on the chair and closed his eyes. Lian Xiang on the side quickly shivered and massaged his forehead. However, he didn't know that everyone in the greenhouse except Liao Chengfeng, including Jiang Cheng, had a layer of fine sweat on his forehead.

"We Xuanqing guards are awesome, but you know how angry we are. Who can climb to the current position is not from the bones? Now the wind is chaotic in the middle, which is not wise to protect yourself for fear of being affected by the fish in the pond. You should take the initiative to hold the knife handle and hand it to the top.

Ah, you are really rash this time. "

Although Liao Chengfeng was still expressing his dissatisfaction, his tone was not as cold as before, and his inexplicable deterrence disappeared.

"Hey, Lord Liao, you're still helping to hold it. Besides, even if we handed the knife handle to it, the knife edge didn't cut at us. No matter how many people die, we won't die."

"What if... It loses? Do you think about the consequences?"

Jiang Cheng smiled happily, shook his head and said, "my subordinates bet all the way. My subordinates have never lost, so I never think about what will happen if I lose."

"That's all. You're a person on my line and can't get rid of it. Now that it's over, you can do as you think. If there's any pressure, you can push me. But I can warn you, since you choose, you can't give up halfway, otherwise..."

"Don't worry, my Lord. My subordinates always recognize the reason of death. They will never do that kind of dirty thing."

"Well, that's the best."

Finally, in the late evening, Liao Chengfeng didn't choose to stay with him. Instead, they returned to the Imperial City in a carriage all night. It seems that they don't dare to stay outside more.

As soon as the three big men left, Shen Hao obviously felt that Jiang Cheng was relieved, and even his action of leaning against the chair was natural.

"Go and get some more full meals and two more jars of wine. Don't drink fruit wine and pick up strong ones."

After sending people back, Jiang jianma asks people to get some more supper. The previous banquet was not full for him or Shen Hao.

Lianxiang didn't go either. She was still waiting on the side. With a smile in her eyes, she seemed to have cleared the door for Jiang Cheng's routine. She also called a small bowl of clear soup noodles with a smile. She said that she wanted to eat supper after watching Shen Hao and Jiang Cheng eat delicious.

"Well, now we can open up to eat and drink. Come on, Shen Hao, let's go!"

"Good Lord."

This time, instead of using a thin cup, Jiang Cheng's favorite horn cup was used. They dried it in one bite. A mouthful of half a catty is not a problem for Jiang Cheng and Shen Hao.

A bowl of noodles for one person and two kilograms of stewed pig feet can be regarded as full.

Walking outside the greenhouse, the night wind blew, and the singers in the flower boat didn't follow. Only Jiang Cheng and Shen Hao were in the bow.

"Liao Chengfeng, you should have heard that he is one of the four Town envoys in the Xuanqing garrison of the imperial city. He commands the affairs of the Xuanqing garrison in Jingxi and has the power to supervise the local garrison troops. He is also a military origin, but unlike me, he is a follower. The master he worships is a royal golden sword friar

I mentioned the Wen family before. You should know that it's the case in your hand. Tell me what you think now. "

In fact, Shen Hao has been thinking in his mind. Now he listens to Jiang Cheng's inquiry, so he says, "my Lord, Wen Renhai, the son of the Wen family, has indeed violated the law and is a felony. If all external factors are abandoned, there is no problem sentencing him to 30 years' imprisonment. Besides, he has provoked his subordinates, so he can't be locked up in prison."

"Hehe. Do you know the details of the Wen family?"

"I've asked some people. I know that the Wen family is powerful and is still a vassal xiuzu in Tianfeng valley. I still have a spirit stone vein in my hand and have contacts with the Jingbei army."

"More than that. The Wen family is an old vassal xiuzu. They have deep-rooted relations in the country and the DPRK. They are not only close to the Jingbei army, but also have deep-rooted intersections in the local areas. There are many people in the dynasty to help them deal with their troubles."

"Yes, it is said that the eldest wife of Wen Hong, the head of the Wen family, is the daughter of the right chamberlain of the household Department of the current Dynasty."

"Now that you know the Wen family, do you know why you have caught their son for so many days, but you haven't received any internal order to let you go?"

"Please teach me." although Shen Hao guessed some reasons, he still bowed down to ask for advice.

"Naturally, I brought you to this bureau today to teach you. Did you hear what Liao Zhen asked me when he was drinking tea?"


"He has a very good word," the cusp of the storm ". Hey, I'm not the only one standing on the cusp of the storm now, aren't you Shen Hao? Even Chen Yiyun and Tang Qingyuan are the same.

There are many things you can't touch. Even me, because I'm far away from the temple, the news lags behind. I'll tell you today.

The highest level of xuanqingwei is Pang Ban's huge man, who is a senior member of the three grades. But there are also from the second grade, the second grade, the first grade and the first grade. Compared with the position of the third Duke in the temple, Pang's title is actually much worse. But pang can look at the eagle in the temple, and few people dare to provoke. Do you know why? "

"Because xuanqingwei is the pawn of his majesty, others don't dare to provoke him easily?"

"Oh, that's right! Xuanqingwei has its own system. It belongs to your Majesty's personal soldiers and is even more a pawn. With your Majesty's power, huge people can stand upright and deal with the princes in the court. However, it is also because of our unique system and the great power given by your majesty that many people are dissatisfied. They think that if we are not supervised, we are easy to end and become a disaster.

In fact, the black flag camp was established in the midst of rising opposition. "