Chapter 125

Name:Profound Pure Guard Author:剑如蛟
Shen Hao has been busy these days. First, he and Tang Qingyuan repeatedly studied and judged the orders sent from the back of the thousand households. At the same time, he was rectifying the interior of the black flag camp. After sorting it out, he gradually opened the camp of the black flag camp and rebuilt the dungeon. He also took time to go to Jiugong Mountain to settle the brothers who died in the attack.

After that, the black flag camp still needs to be filled. This time, Shen Hao handed it over to Zhang Liao. In principle, it is still selected by the garrison soldiers and Xuanqing garrison, and try not to transfer from other general flag establishment.

As a result, the black flag camp has now become a fast promotion channel among the Xuanqing guards at the bottom, but it is not popular in the eyes of other general flag staff.

Now the new order of Qianhu Institute has come down. We should put the dungeon attack in a delicate position. We can neither dilute it nor continue to maintain the previous high-pressure situation.

Although there is no explicit explanation, Shen Hao and Tang Qingyuan both feel a signal: the power is accumulating above, and there should be a big fight soon.

Therefore, after receiving the order from Qianhu Institute, Licheng Health Institute began to shrink the investigation efforts and maintain a state of loose outside and tight inside. It looks like it is "angry but can't catch people".

There are rumors in the market that Licheng black flag camp suffered a great loss this time. Many people are guessing which thieves are so brave that even Xuanqing Wei dares to provoke them.

Rumors everywhere, no one deliberately to pressure, so that some people are worried, but others secretly read jokes.

In the public room, Wang Jian and Zhang Liao stood with their hands tied.

"At present, most of the scattered brothers of the general flag have been transferred back, all the relatives of 100 families have returned, and the garrison soldiers have also taken back their battalions. Now only the local government servants are still doing some investigation." Zhang Liao bowed his head and was uneasy. He is in charge of this matter, but he hasn't found anything useful for more than half a month. He has nothing to gain except the local ruffians who cut down all over the place.

"In addition, the complement of the black flag camp has been basically completed. Half of the 36 newly recruited people have been filled into group A and group B according to your instructions, and half have established a dungeon establishment. Now both parts are doing basic training, and it is expected that they can officially start their service as soon as the middle of this month."

Shen Hao didn't throw the blame as Zhang Liao thought. Instead, he asked in a flat tone, "do you have any plans for the reconstruction of the dungeon?"

Zhang Liao stepped forward, presented a document with both hands, then returned to the original position, and then said: "this is the new design just made in the Arsenal last night. The strength is three times that of the previous dungeon, and he will ask thousands of families to give the greatest support in array setting."

Seeing the design drawings and schemes, Shen Hao is not an expert in this field. He only looks at the data and text descriptions. The strength of the former dungeon was built according to the general standard of the hundred households Institute, but now the new design standard is directly raised to the strength of the prison for serious criminals of the thousand households Institute. If you don't look at the defensive strength, this kind of dungeon at the level of the thousand households Institute can resist the breakthrough of the monks in the yuan and Dan territories by laying the array alone, which can be said to have cost a lot of money.

After all, it has been destroyed once. If it happens again, xuanqingwei will have no face to see anyone again.

"Well, you should keep an eye on the reconstruction of the dungeon, and don't go wrong with the training of manpower."

"Please don't worry about the general flag. His subordinates must keep an eye on it." although Zhang Liao didn't know why he was not blamed, it was a good thing and relieved him.

Then it was Wang Jian's turn. He owed himself and said respectfully, "general flag, our people followed Qin Yurou all the way and found that she didn't return to Bai mountain climbing, but went to the imperial city."

"Imperial city? Back to your mother's house?"

Qin Yurou is the only daughter of Qin Wenhe, the right chamberlain of the Ministry of household. It's natural for Qin Yurou to marry Bai mountaineering Wen's family. Now Qin Yurou doesn't go back to Wen's family, but goes to her mother's family. I'm afraid there's something inside here.

"Is there anything special on the way?"

"No. all the way there was a teleportation array. It was transmitted to the imperial city without delay."

"Keep people watching her every move. I want to know her trend at any time."

"I see."

Shen Hao didn't dare to let Qin Yurou go. At least he had to master the other party's position at all times. Once he gave the order to do it, he could report to the other party and take it down at the first time.


On September 27, more than 60 newly selected members of the black flag camp officially took up their duties. While filling up group A and group B, they also established the third small flag establishment in the black flag camp: dungeon.

However, in view of the fact that the dungeon is still being rebuilt, all the people in the dungeon organization will practice in the prisons of 100 households, and will come back in place after the reconstruction of the dungeon of the black flag camp.

On September 29, the transmission array in Licheng city was restricted. Priority was given to arranging the transmission destination of the array to the Imperial City, and the transmission in other places was postponed to the afternoon.

An endless stream of dignitaries began to gather towards the imperial city with their heads held high. It is said that for a time, the imperial city was full of gold and noble spirit rushed into the sky.

On the third day of October, the Ministry of rites announced that in order to ensure the orderly progress of the Queen's 70th birthday, the imperial city will close five gates on October 11 and terminate the transmission of Dharma array. Only people with special permission can continue to enter and leave.

Compared with the imperial city like dumplings, Licheng is still as usual, but there is more material of "Queen's birthday" in people's chatting after dinner. The rest is what to do.

Shen Hao and Tang Qingyuan are not qualified to attend the grand banquet in the Imperial City, but their hearts are a little anxious. Why haven't they even heard about the promotion for so long? Just hanging? Or deliberately avoid the Queen's feast?

But I'm afraid it will change after a long delay!

So on the surface, there seems to be nothing wrong with Shen Hao or Tang Qingyuan, but in fact, they have been holding their strength in their hearts.

The tenth day of October. There is still one day before the grand banquet in the imperial city. It is said that from this evening, dramas sent from all over the world will be staged in the square outside the imperial palace to celebrate the Queen's birthday.

The Licheng guard station, which was originally prepared to leave early, received an order from a thousand households, saying that in order to ensure the stability of all places during the Imperial City banquet, all Xuanqing guards were put on alert from the evening of October 10 to the evening of October 12.

This order does not make people feel abrupt, or even feel "late". After all, the heads of all places are basically absent at the Imperial City banquet. At this time, there can be no trouble. Generally, the garrison, Xuanqing Garrison and all troops will be put on alert in case.

As the general flag of the black flag camp, Shen Hao naturally needs to stick to his post. He paved the floor in the public house and is ready to deal with it in the past two days.

On October 11, the Imperial City feast.

Licheng, Shen Hao watched the day go by like this. He was just going to lie on the floor to rest, but suddenly he heard bursts of harsh whistles.

"Is this... Hongling urgent report?!"