Chapter 139

Name:Profound Pure Guard Author:剑如蛟
"No residual smoke was found in the body and wing room of the deceased, and it is possible to retain the phantom array and imprisonment?"

"There are obvious traces of searching in the warehouse of the auction, which is suspected to have been committed by the murderer. However, compared with the bottom of the warehouse in and out of the auction, nothing was lost in the warehouse."

"According to Qin Zai in the auction house, after the auction every day, the three owners will gather in the warehouse to avoid being disturbed by others."

"No one noticed that there were suspicious people in contact with the three dead."

"The three dead have many enemies because of their complex business experience for many years. We can't rule out the possibility of intentional revenge."


I went through the file one by one. The basic procedure was finished, and the obtained materials rushed back to the tent. Fortunately, the things were still there.

I'm very glad I changed into a regular suit when I went to the auction yesterday. I didn't identify myself after I went in. I even photographed things and came out. I didn't communicate with others at all.

If, Shen Hao was thinking, if he didn't change his regular clothes at that time, was the result another way?

Looking at the Yin jade in his hand, Shen Hao was depressed. He knew he was looking for a big trouble this time.

Throw it away? Anyway, don't you just draw down the picture as it is?

But as soon as the idea came up, he felt a stabbing pain in his chest. It seems that you can't throw it.

Fortunately, this thing is not big. It's the size of a palm. Although it's a little strange, it can still be carried. At present, this is the safest way he can think of.


All day long, I was depressed. In the twinkling of an eye, a new day came. Tomorrow is the day when the Mountain Gate of Guishan monastery is opened. The excitement of the whole Pingjiang city has reached its peak. Not only can't there be so many people in the city, but even outside the city, there are many temporary tents near the city wall. The people who hurried to the city live outside the city.

However, the lively scene made Xuanqing guards feel a sense of depression.

Another person died in Pingjiang last night.

Three people died, two adults and a child. In the inn. The body was found by a resident next door to the crime room. Similarly, they died quietly. They were also cut off and bled to death. Similarly, there was no trace of fighting. Even if the guest next door doesn't smell a strong smell of blood, at least it won't be found until dawn.

Homicides occurred for two consecutive days, but the dead were all monks, and even their accomplishments were not low. The first three gathering places, this time a gathering place, a refining place, and a seven year old child.

There were also obvious signs of being rechecked in the room, but it was not clear whether anything had been lost.

What makes Shen Hao frown most is the young one of the two adults who died this time. If he remembers correctly, this man was sitting behind him and Chen Tianwen.

The first case can be held down, but then there is a second one, which can't be held down, especially when the place of the crime is in the inn, which was sent away at the first time. Not to mention causing panic, at least everyone who heard the news was secretly alert.

It's not easy to kill those who can gather in God's realm.

The man who took over the second case was the flag. The general flag is called ma he. Knowing that this is a big trouble, he didn't dare to take responsibility alone. He immediately asked Liu Chuan for instructions and asked for a joint investigation with yesterday's first case.

No accident, the two cases soon went through the formalities of merging the files in the library, and reported to Licheng at the same time.

Moreover, Liu Chuan simply said that since the case could not be suppressed, he simply opened it and advertised it. Anyway, at present, it seems that the target of the murderer is focused on the monks who came to attend the mountain gate event of Guishan monastery, so that everyone knows that there is a murderer in the dark. After that, they should be able to raise their vigilance and reduce the scope of the murderer's activities.

However, the cases have been merged, but the investigation efforts have not been improved. Neither Liu Chuan nor Han Yuan and ma he, who are specifically responsible for the case, have focused on the case, because the mountain gate event of Guishan monastery is imminent, they are simply too busy.

Only Shen Hao was more and more sure that the murderer should be looking for him.

On the first day, I broke into the auction to look for things. I found that I didn't. I happened to meet three auction owners who met in the warehouse. I guess I was forced to ask, but what I asked was the general appearance of the people who bought the things, such as age, body and line, and the general seating position. Then there was the murder the next day. Although the body shape and age of the people found this time are similar to Shen Hao, it's a pity that the people found are a row away from him.

Shen Hao simply stroked it in his mind according to logic, and then secretly said it was dangerous, with a layer of cold sweat behind him.

"No, it's only a matter of time before you can be found. You have to find a way."

In fact, the simplest way is to walk away and run far away so that the other party can't find it. After all, it's still difficult to find the right person just by relying on superficial clues. But the problem is that Shen Hao can't go now.

What's more troublesome is that according to the means of the other party's two cases, Xiuwei is afraid to be terrible. Shen Hao feels that once he is found, he is basically dead.

What should I do?


November 12, sunny, breezy.

The gate of Guishan monastery is wide open. There are three passes under it to receive disciples.