Chapter 155

Name:Profound Pure Guard Author:剑如蛟
I can't sit down on duty. The feeling of sudden wealth makes Shen Haoru sit on a needle felt, especially the saliva in his mouth. Unable to endure the worst, Shen Hao went home with several boxes.

"Don't disturb me."

He left a warning to Hu Tian. Shen Hao slammed himself into his study.

Regardless of anything else, he opened a box of inferior pills. There were 100 pills in it. Shen Hao was dazzled. These pills he knew were all xiaopeiyuan pills he had dreamed of before!

Cross your knees, regulate your breath and calm down.

Take a pill to relieve your craving first.

"Eh?! what's the matter? Why does Dan's energy feel different?"

This is Shen Hao's first time to take pills after he broke through the spirit gathering realm. Before, he had been practicing "nature" with the energy from the soul furnace in his chest tattoo, mainly to consolidate the foundation. Now the foundation has been stable. He wanted to use pills to flush the realm, but he found that a small Peiyuan pill was different from before.

In the past, the feeling of swallowing xiaopeiyuan was cool into the abdomen, and then spread to the whole body. Later, with more swallowing times, the effect of xiaopeiyuan pill began to weaken gradually, and the coolness was gradually imperceptible.

This time, a small Peiyuan pill unexpectedly harvested the first cool experience. It was comfortable and surprised Shen Hao at the same time.

What is more surprising is that the drug properties of these pills have not weakened as usual.

What's going on?

In order to understand this matter, Shen Hao swallowed four xiaopeiyuan pills in a row. He understood each one carefully and slowly understood where the strange thing was.

It turned out that the root knot was still on the black beast tattoo on his chest. I don't know when an imperceptible force extending from the chest acupoints has spread all over his body, like adding a layer of tight network, firmly locking part of the drug power that would have dissipated due to drug resistance in the meridians, and the last point has been absorbed.

"If there was no such thing before, could it be that the ability of the black beast's tattoo has become stronger after entering the spirit gathering state?" Shen Hao can only guess in his heart. He has no way to control the ability and uncontrollability of the tattoo.

In addition, Shen Hao also found a very interesting place. That is, the object of "eating desire" in the black beast tattoo does not include pills!

Shen Hao has eaten Yin tofu before, which is the taste of Xizhilang; After eating soul, the taste of sour plum powder; Have eaten soul stove, sour plum powder hardcover version; I've eaten evil core and salty chocolate.

But in the face of the pill, Shen Hao never had that runaway desire to eat. I thought Xiao Peiyuan was too low, so he wouldn't arouse the reaction of black animal tattoo, but now he is in front of hundreds of pills, including a top-grade treasure pill, but the tattoo has been dead and unresponsive.

Pill is also energy. Why can't it arouse the reaction of black beast tattoo?

This is what Shen Hao is most interested in.

After listing all the previous, Shen Hao soon found a common ground. That is, all the energy items that can cause the "eating desire" of black animal tattoos are closely related to the soul: Yin tofu, soul, soul furnace and evil core.

What is the essence of pill? It's all kinds of medicinal materials. It's not related to the soul at all.

From this derivation, can we be sure that the black beast tattoo only has a desire to eat for the soul? At least for now.

This discovery excited Shen Hao. This was the first time he had a little knowledge of the tattoo on his body.

My mind turned around and finally came back to my eyes. Since the black beast tattoo will not lose control of the pill, and may be due to the improvement of the great realm and its new ability, it once again has an incomparable advantage for Shen Hao.

In the view of people like Tang Qingyuan, pills are not only used to eat, but also a "token currency" between "silver money" and "spirit stone". This is especially true of Xiao Peiyuan Dan, who has been of little use to him.

But Shen Hao's current situation is that the pill is used for eating. There is no monetary attribute, because it has the greatest utilization rate for him.

Because Shen Hao's medicine won't weaken his medicine now! It means that others can only eat 100 xiaopeiyuan pills and then have no effect. They can only spend resources to find higher pills, so drug resistance occurs repeatedly. But Shen Hao will not happen.

Not to mention eating a hundred, eating ten thousand is still that taste or that effect.

In order to test his guess, Shen Hao also had the courage to swallow 20 xiaopeiyuan pills one by one. Each pill was carefully understood. From beginning to end, as he thought, there was no attenuation of efficacy, and the magical network emitted by the black animal tattoo showed no sign of disappearance or weakness.

Originally, I wanted to continue to try, but the massive energy brought by more than 20 xiaopeiyuan pills to Shen Hao made him dare not eat any more.

Because when he came back, he broke through.

Jushenjing double!

It was such a breakthrough without waves and obstacles.

In fact, this is not only the credit of today's 20 small Peiyuan pills, but also the energy from the soul furnace instilled in the black beast tattoo every day for two months.

A breakthrough in a small realm will not bring much change in strength. A little makes a lot. But there is one thing that can't tolerate Shen Hao's carelessness, that is the consolidation of the realm. This is about the future. Therefore, Shen Hao will seriously consolidate the state of the state to the best before continuing to move forward.

Calmed the Qi in the body, felt that the veins seemed to be slowly widening again, and there were signs of expansion of the sea.

This is the upper limit raised by realm improvement.

Most friars don't have the feeling of Shen Hao, because they can't break through every realm like Shen Hao when the previous realm is full. Shen Hao has been chiseling up against the ceiling, and can clearly feel the ceiling after the realm has been improved.

After the practice, I looked up at the window and it was still late at night. Shen Hao was sleepless. He got up, poured a glass of water and began to look through the list in the box.

There are two main categories of fancy pills. One is the most common Da Peiyuan pill. In terms of efficacy, one pill can top ten small ones, and can be taken by friars who have developed resistance to Xiao Peiyuan pill. In addition, there are auxiliary pills such as blood tonic pill.

If Shen Hao had been particularly excited before, he would be quite calm now.

Without drug resistance, unless gaopindan is of special function, gaopindan that simply provides energy can not attract Shen Hao's interest.

Anyway, it's a use. It's better to eat high products than low ones, and it tastes good. Why waste money?

Of course, fortunately, the top-grade treasure pill deducted this time is not energy, but function.

"Panacea? This... Seems to be an antidote?"