Chapter 233

Name:Profound Pure Guard Author:剑如蛟
Jingxi operation has not stopped in Jingxi, but as the starting point and core area of Jingxi operation, fengri city has begun to finish first, which is quite the opposite of the growing situation in other places outside fengri city.

The reason is also simple. Shen Hao is personally grasping the fengri City, and the intelligence is first deployed and controlled in advance, and then arrested uniformly. There is no time for these "big people" to respond at all. After that, Zhulian also acted quickly and did not procrastinate. More than 80% of Zhulian didn't have time to run away, and the leaky brokers were chased out of hiding by the sea arrest documents in the later days.

The prisoners were almost finished and were locked up in the dungeon. Naturally, there were not many arrest dramas crying for parents outside. Passers-by on the street, in addition to occasionally passing by the red wall of the high door and seeing the seal on the door will curl their lips, they still have to live as they should.

For ordinary people, those who suffer are "big people". They are too far away from them. They even feel ungrounded when chatting after dinner. They are not as excited as widow Zhang's house next door.

Compared with the turbulent but fast and calm fengri City, other places in Jingxi are too complicated.

First of all, in addition to fengri City, many other places in Jingxi also participated in the smuggling of large quantities of strictly controlled materials from the Baijiang river basin to the barbarians in the south, which is no worse than that in fengri city. But these criminals were not charged at the first time, nor were they arrested at the first time. Even the news from fengri city has spread all over Jingxi. These people are still safe. They have a lot of time to plan, hold a group, get rid of it and ask for help

Escape? That's the worst policy. Who would be willing to run if there was no way out?

Besides, daring to do a lot of smuggling activities that are detrimental to the country and full of private goods is definitely worthy of the self-esteem of "big people". The network of relationships under your feet is complex, especially the silver you get. Who doesn't go in and out with the left hand and go in a circle to enrich a group of people? Now, if I get hurt, no one wants to run!

Even xuanqingwei itself can't stand beating. In the past, although there was not much contact with the local authorities, xuanqingwei's signboard could still attract flies. One day, he might become a part of others' relationship online. Now if you want to be selfless, you have to be hard enough.

Therefore, it is appropriate to use a chicken feather to describe places in Jingxi except fengri city.

Moreover, this situation has begun to spread to other parts of the country with the intentional or unintentional disclosure of more information about smuggling ships seized in baijiangshan in Jingxi.

As Shen Hao estimated at the beginning, Jingxi cannot be the only place with such a large traffic volume on the Baijiang River, and can't run anywhere else.

It's just that Shen Hao didn't expect such a big change everywhere.

When was xuanqingwei so weak? And pick up the skin from the place?

Don't you understand?

But Shen Hao has no room for others to sing. He had directly told Xie Youlin, the chief official of fengri City, that the smuggling case was not handled by Xuanqing Wei, but it was different when it involved barbarians, which was the fundamental reason why Shen Hao was able to persuade the above to launch Jingxi action. Wu Changhe knew these over time secrets first, and Xie Youlin knew them.

When it comes to the smuggling of controlled materials to barbarians, the nature is very different. It's not too much to say that the capital enemy is traitorous. However, xuanqingwei has the power to investigate and deal with such cases independently and does not need to go through local Yamen and legal procedures.

From this point of view, xuanqingwei's power is indeed towering, which is why it has been criticized by many people.

The first batch of arrested criminals have spit out what should be said in their stomach. Next, after Shen Hao asked Jiang Cheng for instructions, he went directly to the legal procedure. All principal criminals directly involved in this series of cases will be punished as having an affair with the enemy country, beheaded and killed the three ethnic groups. Demote from crime, cut your back, and don't implicate your family.

All procedures were quickly simplified in xuanqingwei's hands. As long as the evidence on the file was conclusive and the confession was obtained, the prisoner was directly asked to draw a pledge. There was no need for procedures such as cross examination in the hall. Therefore, after the order of the governor's Yamen came down, the bundles of files that night were stamped with the seal of "closing the case".

Closing the case means that the name on the file has completely become a person's name and no longer has the use of representing individual life.

That night, 4912 people were secretly executed in xuanqingwei's prison. According to the "waist cut" on the order of the governor's Yamen, there was no perfunctory. You were completely cut off. It hurt enough for an hour to swallow your breath. The loud scream frightened the residents around the guard station. At the same time, it also said in secret: no wonder the houses here are so cheap.

The next day, when the board team pulling the corpses came out of the dungeon, their vests were cold. It felt like they had turned around in the slaughterhouse, the kind of slaughtering people.

This is the request of the governor's office. All the criminals in this case are not allowed to be executed in public, but can only be executed in secret.

It's also reasonable. After all, if the common people knew that those "big men" who swagger in ordinary days were secretly doing shameless activities to lose money to the country and satisfy their private interests, they might be stimulated. This is not good for the foundation of the country and the dynasty, so it's best to let these black sheep die quietly.

When Shen Hao finished executing the criminals and began to lose his family property, the situation report from fengri city also quickly spread to the governor yamen of Jingxi town.

Jiang Cheng seemed to have been waiting for the report note of the execution. After opening it and looking at it, he nodded with satisfaction. In particular, there is such a sentence at the end of the file: prisoners are ambushed for punishment, the unrest in the area of fengri city has been eliminated, new officials have filled vacancies one after another, all of them are cautious and conscientious, and the atmosphere of fengri city has taken on a new look

Shen Hao is polishing his report. After all, after the big action, fengri city is more stable than other places. They all begin to return to normal. Naturally, they can pull out and blow a wave. But these words have different meanings in Jiang Cheng's eyes.

Just after getting the file handed over by fengri City, less than a meal, Jiang Chengcheng personally sent it to the commander's Yamen. Before, huge people specially told him to report the news of fengri city at the first time.

Pang ban still looked light. After reading the file sent by Jiang Cheng, he nodded without too much expression. Instead, I asked about the previous round-up in Ogawa.

"What are you going to do with those false evil friars?"

Jiang Cheng bowed back: "my subordinates have set up another file to prepare..."

Before he finished speaking, Pang ban waved his hand and interrupted: "the hundred families surnamed Shen under your door have good skills and careful thoughts, and he also found out these pseudo evil friars, right? Continue to hand over the case to him. Give him a convenient order to see how far he can find out."