Chapter 302

Name:Profound Pure Guard Author:剑如蛟
In fact, the so-called sword washing pool is not far from the Daping dam where Shen Haodeng came up. Take a path close to the mountain wall and it will take about one incense.

And it's not as mysterious as expected. It's just a riprap pit with a radius of no more than ten feet. There's some water in it. Facing the north, there's a stone platform with one person sitting on it. There's an inscription on the mountain wall behind the stone platform: Sword washing pool.

If the word "Changbai" at the mountain gate would make Shen Hao feel tingling in his eyes and dare not look for a long time, the word "xijianchi" would be even worse. It doesn't need to be seen at all. It's just that there is a strange pain of acupuncture on his skin within ten feet.

"This... Is also the sword idea?" Shen Hao turned his head in horror and looked at Nie Yun around him. It was found that Nie Yun's face changed from the usual calm and light, and looked very serious. There was a faint momentum rising on his body, as if he were fighting.

"Yes, it's also sword meaning, and it's very powerful sword meaning. Some seem to mean" sword Fu Sheng "in legend."

Sword Fu Sheng?

Shen Hao didn't understand this, but the disciple of Chang Baifeng who led the way said proudly: "deacon NIE is really knowledgeable. The word" sword washing pool "was left by our ancestors after realizing the sword. After thousands of years, the sword meaning on it is still not bad. It is the exquisite realm of sword cultivation," sword Fu Sheng "

Nie Yun continued to explain to Shen Hao: "what kind of realm is the so-called sword subdued life? I don't know if it's sword repair, but the characteristic of sword subdued life is one sentence: where the meaning of sword is, all creatures are sad."

Where is the meaning of the sword?!

So arrogant?

Shen Hao was shocked when he heard it, but he also wondered that he just felt like being punctured all over. Isn't it "all creatures are sad"?

The disciple of Chang Baifeng said again: "this is just the residue of the sword meaning on the stone carving. If you deliberately urge this sword meaning, few people can come to the sword washing pool.

If you are interested, you can go to the sword platform in front to understand the meaning of the sword more directly. If the opportunity is good enough, you must be able to understand the mystery. "

Nie Yun looked at the disciple of Chang Baifeng with a smile and said, "in that case, why do you take out these treasures for outsiders to visit? Or do you Chang Baifeng don't care about such" opportunities "

"Ha ha, Deacon Nie, the reason why opportunities are rare is that they vary from person to person. The sword washing pool is here. Who can benefit and who can only stare. Don't you see the word" fate "? If this is not the case, this treasure will not be shown to others."

So, this sword washing pool is Chang Baifeng's "welfare" for guests?

It's possible. But Nie Yun smiled, but he couldn't deny it. Shen Hao on the side pursues less talking, more thinking and more reading. Anyway, he doesn't understand. I'll see what you say.

Nie Yun walked around the sword washing pool. He didn't know what he was thinking. He went to the stone platform, that is, in front of the sword understanding platform mentioned by Chang Baifeng's disciple just now. Without going up, he stood on the side, facing the three stone inscriptions. He closed his eyes and seemed to be feeling it?

"Tut Tut, Deacon Nie really deserves to be one of the two eagles in Jingxi. He can directly feel the meaning of stone carving sword. This soul strength is really terrible!"

In his ear was the sigh of Chang Baifeng's disciple. Shen Hao was still silent, but in his heart was: "Oh! Originally, the feeling of sword is linked to the strength of soul?"

I don't know if he has fallen into concentration. Nie Yun's breath is more and more low. It seems that he is not ready to get out of it for a short time. Shen Hao hurried closer and was vigilant around. This scene made Chang Baifeng's disciples frown, but they didn't say anything.

Because it was early on the mountain, when Nie Yun was immersed in his enlightenment, there was no one around except Shen Hao and several changbaifeng disciples, but gradually there were more people around. The changbaifeng disciple who led Shen Hao to the mountain couldn't have been waiting all the time. After complaining of his crime, he went to call others.

Half an hour later, Nie Yun still didn't have the posture from his perception, and many friars from other sects came to the sword washing pool.

But fortunately, Nie Yun's reputation and Shen Hao's cold face are enough to dissuade those who want to get close.

However, not everyone gives face like this.

Just an hour after Nie Yun entered the state of perception, there were bursts of noise outside the sword washing pool.

A graceful woman in a long dress walked into the sword washing pool surrounded by a group of graceful male friars.

Shen Hao heard others call the woman Qingwan fairy.

Looking at the emblem on the woman's waist, Shen Hao trembled. He didn't expect to see this kind of clan emblem in Jingxi.

It is a brass colored hexagonal emblem, with a mountain relief as the background, and an open scroll in the middle of the relief.

Seeing this badge, Shen Hao understood why there were so many friars, including senior friars of Chang Baifeng, who followed the woman with an attitude like holding the moon and said they were "fairies".

Fairy is not a female friar who can be called a fairy. Generally speaking, it is a respectful title for young female friars with high status.

So called, the woman's identity is naturally not simple: wanjuan Shushan, one of the only two super sects in the Jingjiu Dynasty.

When he got closer, Shen Hao found that the woman was probably not shy, but her real age was much younger than him. She looked less than 20 years old.

Around the woman, there was an old woman who bent and didn't look at her, but Shen Hao always dodged his eyes when he saw her, as if he subconsciously wanted to avoid the old woman.

Originally, Shen Hao was not ready to take the lead. He counseled Nie Yun to protect Nie Yun. When Nie Yun came out of his perception, he continued to follow his class, but after the woman came in, she came straight to Wu Sword platform, and Shen Hao had to speak.

"The fairy, please stay. My elder martial brother is feeling the meaning of sword here. Now it's inconvenient to be disturbed. Please help the fairy." Shen Hao came out and stood on the only stone road leading to wujiantai and Nie Yun on the side of the sword washing pool, bowing his hands for convenience.

For other sects, the elegant friars followed by the "Qingwan Fairy" must have opened their mouth to drive away. If not, there are senior friars of Chang Baifeng. It's not impossible to coordinate and give priority to the "Qingwan Fairy".

However, those who come over can ignore Shen Hao who is in the middle, but they can't ignore Nie Yun who is closing his eyes behind Shen Hao.

Nie Yun, one of the two eagles in Jingxi, is a representative of Guishan monastery. Few people dare to drive him away in Jingxi.

However, others dare not, does not mean that the "Qingwan Fairy" dare not.

"The meaning of sword here is" sword subdues life ". His cultivation is good, but he can't understand it. It's just a waste of time. Call him out and don't block my way."