Chapter 425

Name:Profound Pure Guard Author:剑如蛟
Time was pressing, but Shen Hao didn't urge the torture people below, because the killing talents in the front-line torture must have taken out the strength to eat milk, but their bones are hard. What can you do?

So hard connection doesn't work. Naturally, Shen Hao will not wait to die. After getting the three copper bars, he immediately sent a new order to Wang Jian, asking them to screen the ten hard bones immediately, from their resume to interpersonal relationships, and then compare them one by one to see what can be taken out for analysis.

The ten people's papers are all on Shen Hao's desk. They are copies of rubbings from the Ministry of war. They are very detailed. The same copy is also available from Wang Jian.

Before that, Shen Hao only looked at the general resumes of these people and did not study their past in detail. His previous idea was that he would not waste too much time and energy on these first batch of people, but now it's another matter.

"They are all old hands in the army."

These ten men have been in the army for a long time. The shortest one has been in the army for 25 years, and the longest one has been 47 years. Moreover, Shen Hao noticed that all these people had solid military skills in their letters. The natural military who participated in the last barbarian war made great contributions. Those who did not participate in the last war also made great contributions to suppressing bandits and clearing up the barbarians. These people don't exaggerate to say that they are people of hundred wars.

Zhou Qing, who has been in the army for 31 years, has successively served as the commander, commander-in-chief and captain of Jingxi junfengxiao battalion. After that, he was stationed at the point of fire. He served as a pioneer in the school. He had cleared the horses and bandits and thirty-nine barbarians for eleven times. He had made eleven meritorious service and made meritorious service to the six viscount. Now he is stationed in the beach stone and appointed to serve as the master.

It was this week that Zhou Qing almost took Chen Tianwen back. Now he just ate all the hard dishes of xuanqingwei's torture, but he still didn't recruit. Finally, he was in a trance and was forced to stop the torture.

He's a real hard bone.

Generally speaking, people with firm will must have their own persistence and stick to things, either people in mind or some kind of spiritual pursuit.

What Shen Hao doesn't understand is that these guys are clearly helping the barbarians grow and doing treason. Where do they come from? Do bad things also become spiritual pursuit?

Unless these people don't think they're doing something bad.

Just like some profound evil friars, they don't think their actions are wrong at all. Instead, they take it for granted and are even willing to give up everything to pursue.

But these guys are not evil friars. They look normal on their resumes. This makes no logical sense.

The rest are similar to Zhou Qing.

"My Lord!"

While Shen Hao was frowning and thinking hard, Wang Jian's voice sounded after the running outside the public house. It was estimated that he was stopped at the door.

"Come in."

As soon as Shen Hao's voice fell, he saw Wang Jian push the door with sweat on his face and rush in. Then he closed the door with his backhand, walked quickly to Shen Hao's table and said in a voice: "Sir, we have found a very interesting place."


"My Lord, I asked the imp, the ghost gate and the judge to repeatedly screen the papers of Zhou Qing and other ten people. Every word was guaranteed to be more than ten times. Finally, I found something!

Look... "Wang Jian took out a piece of drawing paper from his arms and unfolded it, just covering most of Shen Hao's table. The picture paper is not a picture, but a dense set of words. It was this time that the contents of the ten hard bones were summarized and put together according to some items.

Wang Jian then said, "Sir, when you ordered, you said that these people must be well organized from top to bottom. The more they go up, the more likely they may be connected by some kind of bond.

At the beginning, we always thought that these people colluded with each other with interests as the link. But we couldn't find the interest chain connecting them after much effort. These people couldn't get together, whether it was money or their usual official contacts, or even their private contacts. Even, several of them were famous incorruptible in the army. Yes, you see, these are them. He said Our official comments are either medium or excellent every year.

If we insist on finding something in common, that is, the official career of these people will basically come to an end. "

Shen Hao frowned and gave a sound. He also found this in his previous inspection. These people's official positions are not low, and they have great military achievements, but there is almost no way to continue to climb up, because their cultivation has reached the top. This is limited by talent and difficult for manpower.

Wang Jian then said, "generally speaking, a group of people who have no hope of official career will lose their initiative. However, the official evaluation of these people is not the case. They still maintain a high enthusiasm and perform meritorious deeds no less than they did before they reached their present position.

What is this? I can't go up again. Anyway, at that time, we thought: are these people sure that they will have opportunities for promotion in the future after they have made contributions? Otherwise, it doesn't make sense of their strange actions.

Later, a guy in the judge put forward such a view and said: will these people participate in the "Ma San case" just because they are motivated by promotion? They do a good job and keep saving credit. When the war really starts, if they make meritorious contributions again, they may be promoted exceptionally even if their accomplishments are not enough! "

When Wang Jian said this, the expression on his face showed that he recognized this speculation.

Shen Hao also raised his eyebrows. He had to admit that his heart moved just now. It was really possible.

Participate in the capital enemy, let the barbarians recover their strength as soon as possible, and then start a war again. Each of them is the backbone of the leaders. They will certainly be sent to the front of the battle. At that time, as long as they don't die after a war, there will be no less meritorious service. Coupled with their usual accumulation, it's hard to say whether they can be promoted exceptionally.

So there's a real motivation. You can even speculate on other people in this case who are in a similar situation.

Of course, small shrimps like Xie Kai don't count. They are cannon fodder, don't know much, and they are simply seduced by Cangtou Xiaoli.

"Did you find anything else?" Shen Hao was in a much better mood. He didn't expect that Wang Jian would really analyze it. This is much more effective than relying on his own hard thinking.

Wang Jian said with a smile, "what's more, sir? You see, we've combed the resumes of these ten people many times and found another interesting thing, that is, they all served in the fengxiao camp of Jingxi army. They were either school captain or their length. The longest spent eight years in the fengxiao camp.

We specially checked the relevant documents in the army and found that this fengxiao camp was the hero camp during the last war with the barbarians, so it was granted the title, and the founder was Xu Hong, the left servant of the army. "