Chapter 443

Name:Profound Pure Guard Author:剑如蛟
The emperor lay back in the bathtub. The voice was gloomy: "there was a clue about this from the end of the war 40 years ago. During the war, the fighting power of the barbarians was obvious to all. When they were in a desperate situation, they would certainly fight hard. However, there were few casualties when Yang Yansi sent the residual Army back. At that time, I thought it was wrong, but I didn't go deep into it. I just thought that the people below were slack and wanted to save the lives of the soldiers.

But now it seems that all his calculations began at that time. He Yang Yansi really lived up to his reputation of "magic calculation". When it comes to layout, few people in the world can compare with him... "

The emperor's news is very timely. The next line of news will not be more than an hour before and after it is transferred to him. It is almost real-time. So he has been very clear about the context. Now he simply tells Yang Xiusheng.

With a bang, the corner of the table was smashed by Yang Xiusheng. He was especially angry and shouted, "it's crazy!"

"It's really rampant, but it's not incomprehensible. Everyone likes to prepare their own back road. The higher they stand, the more they like it."

"The future? You mean that Yang Yansi colluded with the barbarians and left a future for himself? Hum, does he still want to take refuge in the barbarians one day?"

"Uncle, have you ever heard of the word" birds are full and bow are hidden? "Before Yang Xiusheng answered, the emperor continued:" I've just heard people talk about it. I think these four words should best explain Yang Yansi's inner worries and be his motivation. "

The new words that came out of the emperor's mouth were not invented by himself, but learned from the copper bars reported by the people below. He felt that they were very appropriate and concise.

"Birds and bows hide?" Yang Xiusheng read the new word once, and then he understood that even if it was literal, it could represent a very possible crisis on Yang Yansi.

If all the birds are killed, why do you need a bow and arrow?

In other words, the enemy has been killed. What else should soldiers do? Is there too much food to eat?

This truth is very simple, but it is easy to be ignored. There are fewer plans at the peak for the possible trough in the future.

Yang Xiusheng could not help but agree with the emperor's "magic plan". Forty years ago, Yang Yansi was preparing for his possible "birds and bows" in the future, and he really had the courage to do it when it came to the end.

"However, since he has arranged in advance for so many years, why did he start to implement it in recent years?" Yang Xiusheng still has doubts.

"Because of me."


"Uncle, as you can see, my body won't last long. Although no one knows how long I can live, I know that I should arrange the future affairs as soon as possible. So I want to choose a qualified successor for the country like my father."

The Emperor didn't continue to say the following words, but Yang Xiusheng had understood it. Although he had not paid attention to the political affairs of the country and the dynasty for many years, he knew what the former Emperor did when he established the crown prince.

When the five sons of the first emperor were selected, three died. One of them has gone far away. So far, I don't know where he is. The last person left is Yang Jian.

Now, if Yang Jian wants to emulate the former Emperor, it must be another bloody sculling.

Even Yang Xiusheng can imagine that in order to establish a prince, Yang Jian must first look at the skills of several sons, so he will indulge in the control of the temple, and indulgence will breed factions and private parties. The army with a decisive force will certainly be deliberately suppressed by Yang Jian, so that everyone in the army is in danger and dare not participate in the struggle to win the legitimate rights. Only in this way can the "selection" be limited to a controllable range.

Unfortunately, people are not as good as heaven. Yang Jian's series of actions of "selecting" Chu Jun deeply stimulated Yang Yansi, the first person in the army. In order to protect himself, he had to move out the retreat hidden for decades: the capitalist enemy made the enemy grow rapidly enough to threaten the old Jing Dynasty, and then forced the national Dynasty to re-establish the prestige of the army.

Put it simply: aren't you afraid of birds? Simple, just keep the prey there all the time, don't you?

Yang Xiusheng doesn't need to know every detail. It's basically clear. I didn't ask the emperor if there was evidence. If the emperor thinks you have a problem and you are a threat, then you have a problem and you are a threat. It makes no sense. Yang Xiusheng and the emperor are in the same perspective. Moreover, Yang Yansi is at most a "trouble" in his eyes, not much thorny.

"Can such a rampant person just hold it down?" Yang Xiusheng was obviously not at ease. According to his idea, it's better to cut grass or remove roots.

"Just hold it down. Yang Yansi has done so much for the country. Even if he is crowned king, it is barely enough. Although the merit is not worth it, the face of the country still needs to be. It's ugly and inaudible to kill him directly. Besides, there has been a military incident recently. If Yang Yansi's signboard of" God of war "is down, it's great."

"What do you mean?" Yang Xiusheng thought that even if the emperor kept Yang Yansi alive, he would keep him in custody, for example, in the prison of Fenghong villa. But the emperor mentioned the word "signboard". Since it is a signboard, there is no reason to close it, how should we "press" it?

"Seal his accomplishments and give him a ban. Then I'll let people stare at him."

The emperor thought that the reason why Yang Yansi was difficult was, on the one hand, the other party's great reputation in the army. On the other hand, the terrible xuanhai realm was rebuilt into a. Reputation can stay for a while. Accomplishments must be suppressed. Only in this way can we have the condition to control each other.

This can give Yang Xiusheng a problem.

"The method of intercepting the pulse can seal his meridians and make the true Qi unable to work. If you cooperate with the pill for a long time to make his true Qi turbid and know the sea, you should be able to meet your requirements, and can erode his cultivation foundation slightly. In the long run, even the monks in xuanhai have to retreat."

This method is insidious, but it is the safest way Yang Xiusheng can think of.

"Can't be solved?" the Emperor didn't know much about practice. He wanted to hear the exact answer.

"Pulse cutting is a unique method of our royal family. It is effective for all people below the triple level of xuanhai territory. If you want to break the pulse cutting, there is no way to break it by force. Only the meridians are broken. If others help, their cultivation is at least 40% higher than me. Therefore, I don't think Yang Yansi has the opportunity to break it."

The emperor nodded when he heard that Yang Xiusheng was so determined. After a moment of silence, he said, "then do as you say. You'll do it when Yang Yansi comes. Are you sure?"

Yang Xiusheng didn't reply, but snorted contemptuously.