Chapter 453

Name:Profound Pure Guard Author:剑如蛟
Tang Qingyuan was stunned.

"There are not only officials but also prisoners in the Yamen."

Such a sentence seems to have nothing to do with what they discussed just now, but in fact it has something else to do. Tang Qingyuan also understood it. Now he is stunned, but he is making calculations quickly in his heart.

"You mean that guy is likely to be put into the Yamen's cell as a prisoner?!"

"Does Lord Tang think it's possible?"

Tang Qingyuan was silent for a while before he said, "I have to say that your brain is really different from most of us. You can think of such things so quickly." then he looked at the map on the wall and said: "What you said is really possible, and it's not difficult to do it. You see, if you come out of this inn, you can only turn left and go up a short distance to the left street of the local Yamen. There are many yamen walking there. If you do something unusual, you may be caught."

The cells of the local yamen are different from those of Xuan Qingwei. They are divided into two parts. The inner cells are heavily guarded and are used to hold some serious criminals or death prisoners waiting for execution. The outer cells are not strictly guarded. They are mainly used to hold prisoners of small cases, such as sneaking chickens and dogs, fighting and making trouble.

Generally speaking, people who are locked up in the outer prison can come out in ten days and a half months at most. If they are asked to pay some confiscated silver money, they will come out faster.

Tang Qingyuan meant that as long as the man ran to the street near the Yamen and made some small things, such as making trouble and fighting, or stealing, and then was deliberately found, he was likely to be transferred to the local Yamen. In addition, the crime was a petty theft, which was likely to make the Yamen ignore the exploration of his monk's identity, muddle through, and then put him in the outer prison, making the outside world think that He disappeared.

Who would have thought that a petty thief would be a strong monk? Naturally, he would not use disk inspection. After being closed for ten days and a half months, the wind in fengri city would stop. Wouldn't it be easy to get out of the city at that time?

The more you think about it, the more likely it is. Tang Qingyuan can't sit still. He stands up and wants to verify it, but Shen Hao stops him again.

"Don't worry, Lord Tang. If the man is really staying in the dungeon of the local yamen as I thought, there's no need to hurry for a while. Because according to your previous information, the man may have something to do with the imperial internal guard. I'm afraid you have to communicate with the top first."

"Well, you're right. I'm going to go to the local Yamen to check the list of prisoners they have detained recently, and then find someone to take the portrait to the prison guard to identify it. I won't be in a hurry. You can rest assured." Tang Qingyuan hurried to leave. When he went out, he turned his head back and said, "thank you."

"Lord Tang, you're welcome. It's just a small gesture."

Tang Qingyuan hurried away, and Shen Hao stood in front of the map for a long time. He had a hunch that his judgment would not be wrong this time. He thought in an alternate position. If it were him, he would also choose to sneak into the prison to avoid his eyes and ears. Anyway, the outer prison in the local yamen would not use any torture. How comfortable it is to stay in it for ten days and a half months?

The problem is that Shen Hao's own situation needs to be considered if he is really an imperial internal defender.

Shen Hao is still thinking when he gets back to his position. It's reasonable to say that some Liangzi he had with the two princes would never let the other party do such a thing of intercepting and killing him in the street. The gain is not worth the loss.

Since it's not an old hatred, it's a new one?

Shen Hao unconsciously knocked on the table with his fingers and pondered for a long time before he had a vague guess that a Prince wanted to use his death to achieve a certain purpose, not to have a direct hatred with him.

As for what purpose?

Shen Hao guessed that he probably had to fall on the "Ma San case" he was still investigating at that time, involving the military. Once he died, the first suspected object must be the military. It's hard to say how xuanqingwei will react at that time, but it's certain that it will become chaotic.

But it's not clear whether these are guesses. We can't know until people catch them.

Tidy up his thoughts. Shen Hao took out the file that he had done half before and continued to write. He should be able to finish it today. After that, he will review it twice to see if there are any omissions, so he can report it to the superior and apply for closure at the same time.

I forgot the time for lunch. The porter sent me meat cakes and soy sauce, as well as a pot of fruit wine.

Most of the wines in this world have very low alcohol level, which is similar to the beer in another world, and this kind of fruit wine is the same, which is similar to a drink with a little alcohol taste. It is also because the alcohol level is generally low that there is no "XX wine is good, don't be greedy" It's not a big problem to drink too much and go to the thatched cottage several times. Therefore, even xuanqingwei's canteen is provided with fruit wine at noon.

Shen Hao's appetite. The porter Liu has seen it. He took three meat cakes, each of which is almost three or two times. There is more than a kilo of pickled meat, and some vegetable balls. Generally, the meal is enough for three people, but it's just right for Lord Shen.

Eating vigorously, the porter Lao Liu came in and said Wang Xiaoqi wanted to see him. He said it was urgent.

"Let him in, and then go to the canteen to get some cakes and soy sauce, even fruit and wine. Wang Jian should not have eaten."

"Good Lord."

Wang Jian followed and came in. When he heard Shen Hao's words to invite him to lunch, he quickly thanked him. Then he found a chair and sat down under Shen Hao's sign.

"My Lord, the" four parts "of Xu Hong's family have almost been sorted out. Please have a look." as he said, Wang Jian took out an inch thick document and handed it to Shen Hao.

Shen Hao took a look but didn't take it. Instead, he continued to eat and asked Wang Jianxian to talk about it.

"My Lord, the accounts of Xu Hong's family are very interesting. They are a bit similar to the makers in the gambling stall. Many big businessmen are covered below to help them make money. In addition, Xu Hong's reputation is suppressed. The business is basically earned. Thanks to the small amount, the accumulated amount is amazing.

In addition, the Xu family involves many trades, but it is mainly related to medicinal materials, leather and cloth. It has a complete set of structure, from production to sales... "

Wang Jian first gave a general introduction. After a while, old Liu, the porter, came back with the food brought to Wang Jian. After putting it down, he consciously closed the door and went out.

"I didn't ask Lao Liu to pour you fruit wine. I'll use it as water to quench my thirst. If you drink it, you'd better drink underwater cakes."

"Hey, what the adult said is that I can't drink this wine, or I'll delay things."

The two stopped to discuss, chatted and dealt with their lunch. When Lao Liu came in and took away the tableware, Wang Jiancai continued: "my Lord, in addition to these open businesses, the Xu family still has some secret businesses, mostly medium and high-grade pills."

"Hmm? Pills? Sell or buy?"
