Chapter 457

Name:Profound Pure Guard Author:剑如蛟
The southern front is about to rise, and the situation is urgent. All localities, whether garrisons or garrisons, are beginning to take action. The first step is to send experienced people with middle and low ranks to Haixia for training. On the one hand, they are familiar with the environment and on the other hand, they do a good job in assault training for the soldiers to be carried out later.

In this case, it is not too much to say "tension".

The impact on ordinary people has begun to appear. Basic goods such as firewood, rice, oil and salt can best reflect the problem. The price has increased by nearly 10% again in the past month, which is still a "small increase" only under the strong pressure of the Ministry of household. Otherwise, if local grain merchants are allowed to raise prices, it will be more than this "just 10%.

And this is just the beginning. If there is a real fight, the price will rise not only for fuel, rice, oil and salt, but also for everything, and you may not be able to buy it, because there may be regulation.

Finally, there may be "expropriation", which is the most direct means of interfering with people's lives. Generally, it will not be used, but this possibility is not ruled out. The scope of expropriation has almost no lower limit and upper limit, from a line to your life.

So the common people do not want to fight. However, if it does fight, it will still give support to the country and the DPRK to a great extent, because with the words "Jingjiu people", we believe that the country and the DPRK will not go to war indiscriminately, that every war is necessary, and that the country and the DPRK will bring victory.

This is not brainwashed, but the old Jing Dynasty has been so horizontal and strong for thousands of years. The people do not want to fight, but they are never afraid of war.

There are all kinds of people in the army. There are those who are eager to fight, so as to make money, make contributions and have a bright future. There are also those who do not want to fight and want to live in peace and pay. They are even more afraid of war, because war will kill people, and the first to die is their soldiers. Anyway, I have a lot of ideas, but there is a word in my mouth: kill the barbarian bastards!

Then there is the local civil service group, which also has various ideas. Those who support the war and raise national prestige are; There are also objections; There are also those who are worried.

Some people are excited. However, the reason for the excitement is not the southern military itself, but a series of effects brought by the southern military. These talents do not care about the military affairs, but only about the situation. When the military affairs work together, the situation will break the original appearance, and there will be various situations that will not appear in peacetime stability. As the saying goes: chaos. As long as there is chaos, you can fish in troubled waters and have all kinds of opportunities.

The Grand Prince came to find Jiang Cheng. His purpose was to ask Jiang Cheng to take several people he had placed in the pacifier yamen of Jingxi town to the south.

How good is the south? The situation is imminent. It's definitely a top priority for decades. It's certainly a good thing for someone to share the credit there. If not, find a way to adjust it.

Why didn't the eldest prince go to Zuo Yuliang, the military Taoist priest of the border army?

People's Zuo Yuliang should also give face. The commander of the border town dare to see the prince in private? Are you full? Don't talk about seeing you. It's silly to be ignored.

As for the more recent Fushi Yamen in Jingnan Town, why not find it? There's no one there yet. Besides, the governor yamen of Jingxi town is the hottest place in Xuanqing guards recently. It has made great moves and handled many major cases, which is deeply valued by the commander Pang ban.

The current case of Wu Xuhong was led by the governor yamen of Jingxi town. Moreover, I recently heard that the Jingxi army and the Jingxi garrison are also transferring people to the south. As long as Jiang Cheng, the pacifier of Jingxi Town, is willing to help and get several people to become supervision envoys in the Jingxi army, can he follow them to the south?

This is the idea of the Grand Prince. As for Jiang Cheng, a hundred people in his heart were unwilling and declined repeatedly. Finally, the prince's face was very ugly. When he left, he almost looked at him several times in the way of "staring". "If you dare not give me face, we'll see!" could not be more obvious.

Jiang Cheng was upset. These princes are really busy now. They wantonly courted and courted people holding power in all directions. In Jiang Cheng's opinion, this is "accumulating power".

There are so many forces in Jingjiu Dynasty. The seven princes rely on their abilities to win over and expand their own strength. When everyone is divided up, or the time comes, they will have to take these accumulated forces and fight hard.

Should there be another drama of Li Chu?

Even in Jiang Cheng's view, it is possible to seize the line. Who makes the eldest prince smell delicious and good, which makes Jiang Cheng feel bad. He can't accept this kind of person to inherit Da Tong.

In fact, King Jing is not the only prince who came to find Jiang Cheng during this period. The second prince, dry King Yang Ye, and the fifth prince, Shou King Yang Lin, have all come to him, but the words of the eldest prince are the most direct, and the other two are just tempting. Not too forced.

Xuanqingwei said that the emperor's personal soldiers would only and could only be loyal to the emperor in power. Even after the establishment of the crown prince, the crown prince could not enjoy the loyalty of xuanqingwei. But people are different. They may not be able to bear the temptation, especially those who have the idea of stealing chickens. They always want to get some benefits in advance. Such people are not absent in Xuanqing Wei. As Jiang Cheng knows, some people in Sifang town have "flirted" with several princes.

Jiang Cheng didn't have so many little thoughts. His thoughts were all on Pang ban. He did what Pang ban did. He won't stand in any other team except for the new emperor.


It was noon when Shen Hao came out of the town envoy Yamen. He wanted to find a place to eat after sealing the Sun City, but he smelled the smell when he came near the transmission array.

The smell recalled Shen Hao's memory. It was the taste of salt and pepper chicken. He had found this smell in the imperial city before. It tasted very good.

Forget it, don't seal the sun city back. Eat chicken today.

After greeting the bodyguard, Shen Hao found the small restaurant again according to the route in his memory.

The name of the restaurant is easy to remember. It's called: no loss.

The waiter was still the fat man. He smiled at Shen Hao and asked what to eat. He looked like he still remembered Shen Hao.

"Do you remember me?"

"Remember! You are the uncle of xuanqingwei. You brought a pot of delicious wine last time. Hehe, how can you forget? You still eat chicken with pepper and salt today?"

Seeing the waiter, I really remember myself. Shen Hao smiled and raised his hand and ordered five. One he ate himself, the other four ordered for the guards, and some side dishes for dinner.

Because the store is small, except for one table, the other two are occupied. Shen Hao asked the bodyguards to sit together, but the bodyguards didn't dare. They said they could eat outside the door. After shouting three times, no one moved, and Shen Hao gave up. Xinzhi knows that even his bodyguard is now deeply influenced by the "evil star" on his head and is more afraid of him.

When the salt and pepper chicken came up, Shen haogang tore off a chicken wing and was about to send it to his mouth, but he heard someone shouting at him.

"Eh! You finally showed up again!"