Chapter 566

Name:Profound Pure Guard Author:剑如蛟
Zuo Yuliang's hands are very stable, and each action has been skilled to the extreme. With Shen Hao's eyesight, he can clearly see that the wax laid by his hands is uniform, and there is no omission at all.

"This suit of armor has been with me for nearly 20 years. It has experienced a lot of battles and suffered a lot of damage. Now it can be repaired and repaired, but it can't compare with the new armor. It's a souvenir to keep it. However, if it's not taken care of often, it will rust quickly, and it will collapse in less than half a year.

In fact, new armour is the same. Oh, no matter how good things are, they can rot in disgrace. "

Shen Hao tied his hands and nodded to his side, but he felt vaguely in his heart that Zuo Yuliang had something to say. Is this an allusion?

"You've handled cases here before. You've stirred up a lot of battles. Do you have any views on the situation here?"

"I think the situation in the South seems to be getting more and more tense. I can't tell the details. I really know too little about the situation inside and outside the South Pass." Shen Hao pretends not to hear the thorn in each other's words. At the same time, he also shows that he is actually "black eyed" about the situation in the south.

"Hehe, it's not appropriate to use" tension "to describe the situation in the south. With the rise of the military front, Nanman is no longer stable in the original line of baitouxia, Jianchuan and Huzhu. There have been no less than 20 large and small collisions since July. However, it has been very quiet in the past ten days. Can you guess the reason?"

Zuo Yuliang didn't wait for Shen Hao to answer. He didn't ask for Shen Hao's answer, but went on with his own way: "it's like two people fighting. First scold each other or push each other as a test, and then accumulate strength to punch."

"You mean, it's imminent?"

"Of course. It's difficult for the barbarians to ride the tiger. In order to set up the king's court, they took the initiative to show their minions to us and arouse our ideas. Now their goal is basically achieved. As long as we leave the customs, that's the day when their king's court will rise. Then the war will be inevitable.

Within five days at the earliest, but beyond the end of this month at the latest, Nanman will make great moves. They can't afford it. "

Shen Hao was surprised when he heard the speech, and then he was relieved that "what should come is coming at last". The situation in the South has been deadlocked for so long. Now it's time to intensify. It's no surprise. But he didn't expect it to happen to be caught up by him.

Whether within five days or at the end of this month, Shen Hao believed Zuo Yuliang's judgment. This also makes some of his previous plans have many defects, and he needs to adjust with the situation.

"Therefore, your majesty has redefined the functions and powers of your supervision envoys, which is also a good thing for our border troops. The war is coming, waxing the armor leaf is preparation for war, and adjusting the internal rules and regulations is also preparation for war. Is that the reason?"

"What Zuo Shuai said is very true. When I come to the army this time, I want to be a pair of error correction hands, so that all our internal rules and regulations can be carried out reasonably and smoothly."

"Correction? That's a good statement. But some people's mistakes are not easy to correct."

"There are laws and military regulations, as well as their own authority regulations. Check them one by one. If you don't encourage them, you can change them. The lower officer believes that you can perform your duties properly and will never add more trouble to Zuo Shuai."

Zuo Yuliang looked at Shen Hao, then nodded with a smile. He didn't say much. He turned and went to the desk, opened the drawer, took a signed procedure document from it, handed it to Shen Hao, and said, "I hope you don't disappoint me or your teacher."

"Remember, lower officer!"

With Zuo Yuliang's signature document, Shen Hao has finished all the procedures of taking office. Bow down and leave.

How to put it? Zuo Yuliang's first impression of Shen Hao was that he was a man with deep mind. It does have the flavor of being a literary minister. I like to carry a gun with a stick and leave three points in my speech. I need you to guess or think about it, otherwise it is easy to miss many hidden messages.

From Guanli to Tanshi's official residence, Shen Hao was still thinking about Zuo Yuliang's words.

It seems that Zuo Yuliang is intentionally or unintentionally testing and guiding. He has repeatedly mentioned the maintenance of armor. Is it suggesting that the border army is the "armor" of Jingjiu dynasty? The supervisor's job is to maintain "a". The effect is good or bad. No one cares before. Now the situation is imminent. Those who do "maintenance" should keep an eye on it, so as not to have a negative effect.

"Give me a copy of the internal regulations for supervising the army. The rest will be postponed until I study the situation here."

Li Jiang and Zhang ye heard that they should be, and then withdrew.

Soon, a thick internal regulation of military supervision came into Shen Hao's hands.

This is the newly revised regulations on the supervision of the army in the past half a month. There are signs on it to indicate which are the previous regulations inherited and which have been changed recently. There is a comparison between the old and the new.

It can be seen that not all the supervisors are waiting to die. There are still many capable and practical people. At least this summary is very good, which is clear at a glance and saves Shen Hao a lot of time.

After careful reading, Shen Hao found that these supervisors were not liked by the military. It may not only be that they constrained the military, but also because these Regulations are really many slots.

First of all, the identity of supervising the army in this regulation is very clear. You must learn from the "military Tao hall" in the great power school. At the same time, you also need at least the cultivation of Qi refining background, so as to touch the threshold of becoming a supervisor.

So it seems that civil servants still attach great importance to the military supervision system, and the selected people basically belong to the leaders of "both civil and military skills".

In particular, the "Grand National Academy" is full of top knowledge in the old Jing Dynasty, and the "military Tao hall" is about the art of strategists.

It can be said that these supervisors are definitely not people who don't know the soldiers. At least they know much more than laymen like Shen Hao.

Secondly, there is a criterion of "reporting before moving" in these Regulations on military supervision.

These two add up. Laymen like Shen Hao feel that they have a big head, not to mention the generals who are directly angry in the army? It's strange to be used to these people.

As the saying goes, "half irrigation makes a sound". The elite of "both civil and military skills" selected by thousands of civil servants may really understand military affairs, but there is a world difference between talking about military affairs on paper and practical operation. It is not the same thing to talk and fight with human life. In addition, the supervisor has no command and can only "dictate" from the side. Only when he can be in the same tune with those generals who get up.

In addition, can "report first and then move" be called rigid and strain free? If everything is reported for approval before reaction and response, where is the possibility of "seizing the fighter"?