Chapter 572

Name:Profound Pure Guard Author:剑如蛟
Pang ban followed the eunuch quickly into the palace gate. He knew that the eunuch who led the way was the emperor's close eunuch, so he asked "what's the matter with the Chamberlain?". The eunuch dared not answer Pang Ban's question, but dared not talk about the emperor's recent affairs. He could only answer: "it's urgent."

most urgent?

Pang ban will probably understand as soon as he wanders around in his heart. At present, what can be called "one hundred thousand urgent" at home and abroad can only be in the south.

Pang ban received an urgent report from the south early this morning. It was sent back by Shen Hao, the newly appointed chief inspector of the southern frontier army. He said that there might be great changes outside the pass in the near future, and listed some signs. Now it seems that the urgent report is likely to be right.

When he saw the emperor, the emperor waved to stop his gift and threw a copper bar over.

"Look first."

Unfold the copper bar and read it quickly. Pang ban secretly said "sure enough".

However, today is August 16, and the war report is the tenth day of the first day. Six days later, the reaction speed is really too slow. I can't help but think of Shen Hao who was transferred to the south. The boy still has foresight and intelligence channels first. Otherwise, he will lag behind like the army?

"Zuo Yuliang asks for an order. According to the rules, his family needs to keep an eye on him. You xuanqingwei will take care of this matter. I ask all the members of the Zuo family to leave your sight, but they can't let the other party notice you obviously, okay?" the emperor's tone was stiff.

"I understand."

"In addition, you also keep an eye on the home of the commander of the Fourth Front Army. If there is any change, report it in time."

"I will comply."

Silence for a long time, the emperor speechless, Pang ban knelt on the ground and dared not get up. The room was silent.

After a long time, the emperor said again: "once the southern soldier Feng arrives, there will be changes in the imperial city. You... Restrain your people. Don't meddle indiscriminately and keep your duty."


The emperor stared at the Pang ban kneeling in front of him, sighed for a few seconds, flattened him, and waved, "get back."

Pang ban bowed out, and his hurried steps showed that he was also eager. The news from the military headquarters obviously lags behind, which has a great impact on xuanqingwei's action. He can only seize the time. At the same time, he also expects Zuo Yuliang and the governors of the Quartet army not to give him trouble at this juncture.

As soon as Pang ban left, a eunuch came with a bowl of soup and medicine and handed it to the emperor. Yang Xiusheng also followed the eunuch and came in. He glanced at the bowl of soup medicine for several times, but his eyes were helpless.

"How did you increase your dosage recently?" Yang Xiusheng asked after several days.

"I can't help it. If I don't add it, I can't maintain the effect. And you should know the urgent report just now? The situation is going to be chaotic. I have to cheer up and be the emperor for the last period of time, or I'm ashamed of my ancestors and ancestors."

Compared with Yang Xiusheng's gloom, the emperor was very free and easy. He had been trapped in this bad luck for decades. No day was light and comfortable. Suffering was like torture day after day. Death may be a "great terror" for others, but it would be a fundamental relief for the emperor.

But before liberation, the emperor must do his final duty, or the huge empire will leave the root of cholera.

With Yang Xiusheng's accomplishments, even if he was not in the house before, he could perceive everything said in the house. In addition, he had been obsessed with these machinations, so he naturally knew what had happened. Nodded and said, "what are you going to do? Settle in first or rush out first?"

"Hehe, why should we divide the order? Even with the support of Yang Yansi and others over the years, the barbarians did not plunder the population for 40 years in vain. Coupled with their east window incident, the barbarians had to rise in advance. How well can they be prepared?

In contrast, although the southern army has gradually eroded over the years, the commander-in-chief has always been available and can fight, and the basic combat effectiveness can be guaranteed. Now, as long as Zuo Yuliang does not advance rashly, slowly uses the atmosphere of war to train the soldiers in the rear gradually, and presses them to the South bit by bit, it will take more time, and the final victory will belong to the national Dynasty. I believe this Believe it. "

The emperor's eyes flashed with confidence. He had run this huge empire for decades. How could he not know the details of the Empire? There has been no war for 40 years, which has accumulated a thick family background in the Empire. Look at the most ordinary people who can eat a big meal of fat meat in three or two days. They know that so many people don't feed meat on food.

There is enough food to feed animals. It should be clear to what extent the officials of the old Jing Dynasty are now well-off.

These things the emperor said to people for the first time. Yang Xiusheng also knew the emperor's true thoughts about Nanman for the first time. So he wondered, "so you arranged Zuo Yuliang to be the head of the border army Road bank?"

"Of course. Zuo Yuliang was in my pocket a long time ago, but few people know. He is capable and loyal. He has always calculated the situation of the barbarians. Now he is also the first-hand candidate for the use of troops against the southern barbarians in the country. I'm still more relieved."

"How do you settle down? You know, once the southern military front arrives, I'm afraid many things will take advantage of it. How are you going to deal with it?"

The emperor smiled and his eyes were shining. It seemed that he was not a dying man, but a hundred times energetic. Yang Xiusheng thought of a word: reflection. I can't help feeling sad.

"Uncle, you ascended the throne after my father. Those things have been repeated in the history of the country, which seems bloody and gloomy, but facts have proved that this is the most effective and direct way to choose Ming Jun. the country has continued in this baptism of blood.

Therefore, no matter whether the east wind or the west wind blows in the Imperial City, I'll just watch from the middle. Whoever can come to me depends on their own skills. If they can't even cope with this small scene, they are not qualified to inherit the great tradition. It's a pity that there is still no spiritual genius like uncle in this generation, otherwise I will have no regrets in my life. "

"You tell Pang ban not to move. What if someone is bold?"

"Uncle, are you worried that they will attack the imperial palace? Hehe, they don't have the courage and ability. If Pang ban doesn't move, the four front armies don't dare to move. If Fenghong villa doesn't move, the surrounding doors don't dare to move. As long as these people don't move, the others will play with them. I painted the venues for them."

Yang Xiusheng shook his head and said after a long silence, "you are really like your father and Emperor. You see everything very clearly. You always calculate everything clearly before doing things. Unfortunately..."

The emperor drank all the soup and medicine in the bowl and said with a smile, "the wrong calculation is that he shouldn't have taken the throne at the beginning."