Chapter 574

Name:Profound Pure Guard Author:剑如蛟
The importance of the right to speak is now fully demonstrated in the temple. When the military officer spoke, the civil servants were still tit for tat, but they obviously felt that they were not as angry as before. When the emperor spoke, the civil servants tried to explain several times, but they were interrupted by cold and fierce eyes. Finally, they had to kneel down on the ground without room for resistance.

If the emperor is in a weak position, the meeting today will be very different, but there is no such if.

Now the emperor Jinkou said the general plan, which means that it can't be changed. In front of all civil and military officials, he asked for half a military amulet, opened the ban, sorted it out together with a formal document and order, and immediately sent it to the head yamen of the military affairs Taoist Office in the south. This also means that the war against barbarians in the South officially opened.

This kind of news is impossible to suppress, and there is no need to suppress it. When an urgent order is sent out of the palace, it will quickly spread all over the imperial city through various channels, and then quickly spread to all places along the official path or transmission method array. The speed can be described as galloping.

The first and most common reaction is panic. No matter the common people or those who boast of "upper class", anyone with a little brain knows that the country and the Dynasty will be deeply affected at the beginning of the war.

The common people were worried about the price rise of rice, oil and salt, that their men would be recruited, that their livelihood would be dragged down or even destroyed by the war, and they had no choice but to go to the rice shop to buy more food and store it, but when they arrived at the rice shop, they found that there was a long queue at the door.

Taverns, teahouses and streets soon regarded "fighting Nanman" as the only hot topic. Worried, more people are still discussing whether they can completely destroy those nanmans this time. It's really annoying to fight every few decades.

Those who call themselves "upper class" are also worried that the money they have in the bank will be removed by the national government, that their businesses will be impacted by the war, and that they are also considering whether they can make their children cheaper and meritorious in the war.

Some elegant tea houses, or the summer resort outside the city, gathered in twos and threes. These old men gathered together to talk about almost the same topics as those in the market. The difference is that they talk more deeply and touch more money.

But ordinary people and these great masters who boast of being "high-class" have their joys and sorrows, but absolutely no one mentioned "what if the country loses?"

Will the country lose? Can't beat Nanman? How is that possible! No illiterate fool would think so.

People's ideas can best represent the will and strength of an empire. The common people didn't want to lose, and the people in the Army wanted to rush to the front line and kill the enemy. This kind of war can only be encountered once in decades. If you miss it, you may have no chance.

On the same day, the garrisons in various parts of the country announced that they were ready for war, and the four front armies also announced that they were ready for war. Even the local yamen announced that a curfew would be implemented after Haizheng hour at night from that day on, and those who took to the streets without authorization would be taken back to the Yamen for strict investigation.

The convoys on local official roads are immediately dense, and all kinds of necessary materials are being urgently transported, public or private.

The huge "machine" of the Jingjiu Dynasty quickly improved its running rhythm after the emperor's order was sent out in the Wanmin palace, and the energy generated will be strongly inclined to the south.

These can be felt in the open, but in the dark, the reactions and actions of Jingjiu Dynasty are far more than these.

The military talisman opened by the emperor takes several days to reach Zuo Yuliang, but the news is faster. And this time, with the guidance of Pang ban, the commander of xuanqingwei, the military headquarters learned from xuanqingwei to establish three sets of connection channels for continuous transmission of thousands of miles of notes along the road. The next time the news comes and goes, the vehicle and horse time in the middle will be saved.

To this end, the emperor was satisfied with the record of Xuanqing Wei. Once this method was developed, the efficiency of information transmission doubled. But why hasn't anyone thought of such a simple way before? Finally, when he learned that it was created by Shen Hao, deputy Qianhu, who had recently been particularly selected in Xuanqing Wei, the emperor suddenly felt that it was him again? At the same time, the south is also curious about this person.

The emperor's order came to Zuo Yuliang's hand and half a talisman, so Zuo Yuliang had full power. On the same day, another 15000 soldiers left buhuoguan in the South and divided into three routes to Jianchuan, Baitou gorge and Huzhu. This is the second batch of 15000 reinforcements after the barbarian raid on the tenth day of August. The difference between this time and the previous time is that 2000 of the 5000 soldiers on the three routes are auxiliary soldiers. The role of these auxiliary soldiers is not to fight, but to build various necessary facilities along the road, including but not limited to supply points and fortifications.

Before that, the baggage battalion had increased the speed and intensity of the layout of the road from the Shuhuo to the front line. With the increase of auxiliary troops, Zuo Yuliang thought that the progress was not enough and wanted to improve this long supply line faster.

The news also reached Shen Hao in the fastest time. There are two copies, one is a copy of the emperor's order to Zuo Yuliang, and the other is a personal warning letter written by Jiang Cheng to him.

The emperor's attitude towards the war also made Shen Hao, who was in the southern army, temporarily trapped here. At least he could not leave here until the war situation was stable. At the same time, he could help xuanqingwei to smooth out the information channels in the south, so as not to be passive after knowing everything.

Put down the two copper bars in his hand and put them away. Shen Hao walked to the window with a tea cup. Looking at the busy scene outside the window, he gradually felt the cloud of war getting lower and lower, and the tense atmosphere spread from the clumsy fire pass.

It can be seen that the soldiers who have never been on the battlefield have a rather worried face, and the veterans who have seen blood are much better. Those who are old, have accomplishments and have experienced the last World War are the backbone of the military experts who are calm and even obviously urgent.

Shen Hao has never been on the battlefield, but he is not those recruits. He is also nervous but limited. Xuanqingwei's brothers are similar to him. Because compared with these soldiers, it is xuanqingwei's daily life to experience life and death. To put it bluntly, the battlefield is also a life and death killing. The reason why I feel some tension is that the battle is too big and the atmosphere is affected.

Now, as the chief officer of the supervision envoy, Shen Hao is sure that he is likely to follow him out of the pass to the south, and he doesn't know what the big battlefield in the world looks like.

Halfway through a cup of tea, there was a knock on the door. Zhang Ye, a deputy household appointed by Shen Hao to be responsible for daily affairs, came in.

"Your Excellency, are you looking for me?"

"Well, how are you getting along with the people you were asked to prepare?"

"If you return to adults, half of it has been implemented, and the remaining half can be completed in two days today and tomorrow."