Chapter 598

Name:Profound Pure Guard Author:剑如蛟
Zuo Yuliang led the Chinese army to move forward. The target location is Wuhu, which has a certain construction foundation.

First, the slave caravan was built, and then the army's baggage camp. Now a relatively complete fortification system has been formed around Wuhu lake. Moreover, some sidewalks have been pulled out, which is more convenient for access than other places.

The most important point is that the clean water resources of Wuhu lake are abundant, and there will be no problem in supplying hundreds of thousands of troops.

On the ninth day of October, Shen Hao arrived at Wuhu with the army. What he saw and heard once again refreshed his understanding of the army.

Like toilets and water. It is forbidden to defecate in Chaowu Lake in the army. It is found that it is the staff of the 20th army. Those who fail to report have been found guilty and punished. If one person is punished, the whole thing will be halved. In each camp, toilets should be dug according to the number of soldiers. No one dares to solve it anywhere.

Only clean water can avoid the most terrible thing in the Army: disease.

There are also rats and insects. The doctors prepared several poisons and sprayed them in every corner of the camp every day. Mice and mosquitoes are lucky to survive.

Shen Hao asked, saying that he could understand how to keep the water clean, but why kill rats and mosquitoes? It's not that he doesn't understand, but that he doesn't believe how well a group of guys without nine-year compulsory education can understand infectious diseases?

The answer is: the pests are poisonous, and it is not easy to have rats and insects in the place where they live for a long time, otherwise they will be poisoned and infected. As for viruses and infectious diseases, what is it?

To sum up, it is experience, not insight.

Shen Hao was also relieved. At least he kept the advantage of nine-year compulsory education. Otherwise, he didn't study hard for so many years in vain. Finally, he couldn't even use it. That was the desire to cry without tears.

However, Shen Hao is surprised that these military doctors can sum up that mice and mosquitoes can bring diseases to people. Why have they never seen these people advocate drinking boiled water? In addition to making tea or when it's cold, people here prefer to drink sweet well water or mountain springs, saying it's cool.

Boiled water? It's so hot, isn't it hot to boil water? Moreover, hot water can't be drunk in this weather. It's not cool before you mouth. It's unnecessary!

There is no essential difference between drinking raw water and boiled water.

Shen Hao didn't want to beep in this respect, because it had nothing to do with him. Anyway, he had more than 300 people under his command. He said nothing, no one could control it, and no one dared to object. All the surveillance envoys in the army drank boiled water at the command of the order. Too hot? Cook a large pot at a time and let it cool. It's just more work for the cooks. Although others are not used to it, they can stand it.

Lord Shen is fastidious enough. He drinks water with such affectation.

Other people's broken thoughts have no attack power for Shen Hao. Besides, who dares to run in front of him and make a mockery? It wouldn't be so reckless to die.

Until the third day after entering Wuhu, Shen Hao was ordered to attend the military strategy in the big account of the Chinese Army

Shen Hao is a layman in military affairs. That is, after getting the news that he would come to the border army as the chief inspector, he took the time to read some military books in the library, and then learned some basic common sense from some subordinates who had been mixed with the army. Although he is still a layman, he can still understand six or seven points by sitting beside the military strategy.

According to Zuo Yuliang's deployment, the original frontline of Jianchuan, Baitou gorge and Huzhu should still focus on tenacity, and the main play is to withstand the more and more fierce attacks of the barbarians. At the same time, simple fortifications are built on this line to increase the thickness of defense. In a word: Boil!

The distant supply lines put a lot of pressure on the side of Jingjiu Dynasty. Now the baggage camp can be guaranteed without problems, all relying on the large number of storage bags in the baggage camp. It is carried by high-level friars and transported to and from the front quickly by means of accelerating movement such as divine talisman. Otherwise, all the people in the front would have died if they were carried by carriage alone.

"The country has not been in war for many years, and the barbarian region has been plundered by us for many years. If you give up, it will be difficult to explain to your majesty and the people. Secondly, you can't hand over the land of vitality to the barbarians, which will only add fuel to the fire and help increase their arrogance. Therefore, you are expected to do your best in the early stage."

Zuo Yuliang's words were not only for the large and small generals of the Chinese army. Now there are not only the Chinese army, but also the left and right wings of Wuhu lake and the head of the rear reinforcements.

Shen Hao sits in the corner of the big tent. With a straight face, but very vivid eyes, he pricked his ears and observed everyone curiously.

The generals naturally stood up and promised to go through fire and water. But Shen Hao saw obvious anxiety from the eyes of many generals present.

I don't know whether I'm worried about how to fight the war behind, or whether there is a problem with Zuo Yuliang's strategy.

Shen Hao doesn't understand military affairs, but he knows people. Their expressions are different, but they are all messages, which can give Shen Hao a lot of basis for judgment. I'm afraid Zuo Yuliang's strategy is not so good in many eyes.

However, Shen Hao did not worry as much as those generals who were worried. Because he knew some news that these generals did not know. For example, where did tens of thousands of partial troops disappear in Ogawa?

Will Zuo Yuliang want to fight against the barbarians on the front line from Jianchuan to Huzhu not only because he doesn't want the barbarians to get an inch of land, or have other plans?

After the military strategy is roughly finished, it will not be too detailed. Things change at any time. First move, and then adjust anything at any time. This also makes Shen Hao suddenly. Because he always thought that when marching and fighting, he planned everything first and then carried out it with his head down. In fact, if you do that, you will definitely be killed by the enemy.

After that, the Military Strategy Briefing became a problem discussion conference. The news fed back from the front line and the problems, and the people present are working together to find a solution.

The supervisor, who should have attracted the most attention, became mute because he knew that whatever he said would be rejected by the supervisor sitting next to him. Besides, Shen Hao is also in the account. If he doesn't want to tear his face, he will keep some discretion.

I'm sure I'm unhappy, and I'm not willing to be tied up like this.

After the topic of logistics appeared, a supervisor at the meeting opened his mouth and said that now the logistics pressure is huge. Both the Chinese army and the front line need to be more compact to survive the initial difficulties. It is hoped that some people in the army who are used to living a fine life will change their habits, so as to save energy and do great things, rather than some dispensable hypocritical habits. Second, the external influence is not good, which is easy to cause the disgust of military soldiers.

At first glance, it seems to be very pertinent. It is also in line with the authority of supervising the army and belongs to the category of "reminder". But it doesn't taste right after careful consideration.

The army is full of rough men. Now you are not allowed to drink wine. What kind of fine life do you have? Still hypocritical?

The quick-acting generals glanced at the man sitting in the corner. It seemed that there was some gossip about the man recently. It seemed that it was reasonable to say "fine days".