Chapter 614

Name:Profound Pure Guard Author:剑如蛟
Shen Hao felt that his inner thigh was very uncomfortable. If he hadn't cushioned it with real Qi, it would have been worn out. He had some feelings when he came out of the clumsy fire before, and this time it was more obvious. I didn't expect to have such trouble sitting on the horse for a long time for the first time.

"Shen Daren, can you ride such a long horse once? Hehe, it's all right. You'll get used to it when you come back. You're not willing to take a carriage or something later."

It was Chen Zifang, the Dan master, who walked side by side with Shen Hao.

Previously, Chen Zifang suggested that Shen Hao, the new "chore manager", patrol the camp with him. Shen Hao responded to the idea of "assisting and following", but Chen Zifang's "patrol" is not only the Chinese Army's main array settled in Wuhu, but also the camps on the left and right wings that are slightly ahead of the Chinese Army's stronghold, as well as the front-line positions from Jianchuan to Huzhu. Even the major military stations and supply points along the road are among them.

So Shen Hao followed Chen Zifang around Wuhu, and now he is moving towards Jianchuan, where the front-line war is the most intense. According to Chen Zifang's idea, first go to Jianchuan, and then go south to Baitou gorge, and finally to huzhuyuan.

"Let master Chen Dan laugh. In the past, he used to work in the city or in the suburbs. In distant places, he also sent Dharma array instead of cars and horses. Indeed, he has never crossed the road like this."

"Soon, after the supply point in front passes, we can enter the boundary of Jianchuan. We're not in a hurry. We'll have a rest later. Just look at the supply point. What does Lord Shen think?"

"Master Chen Dan arranged it." what can Shen Hao say? Xuanqingwei has now pushed him out as a "temporary bridge". He can't really be a wooden man and don't do anything, can he? And Zuo Yuliang sent Chen Zifang to push him away? But even if he had to do something, Shen Hao was not ready to take the lead. Chen Zifang was in front. He just knocked the side drum.

This time out, Chen Zifang took a team of 800 riders. On the one hand, they escorted him and Shen Hao. On the other hand, when they arrived at the front line, they would leave some flexible reinforcements to serve as the front line. It is said that there is a lot of pressure in Jianchuan recently. A small group of barbarians often break through the front line of defense and disturb the rear military station. Some riding teams are also convenient to react.

But in terms of the terrain of Jianchuan, a large-scale cavalry charge is enough, and a small-scale ride of hundreds of people is barely possible.

Shen Hao also brought many people along the way, most of whom were pro guards he brought from fengri city. In fact, less than half of these people are still in the black water, which is convenient for Shen Hao to pick up the news of black water.

Along the way, these close guards of Shen Hao have stayed and observed, and temporary transfer channels for thousands of miles of notes have been built along the road. These days, Shen Hao relies on these channels not to cut off the news of the imperial city and fengri City, but also to facilitate his long-distance command.

On the road the day before yesterday, Shen Hao received several messages from Wang Jian. After decryption, there were some general messages, mainly about Bai Changqing, the Minister of the Ministry of household, who was preparing to implement the national strategy of tightening money and grain. At the same time, Bai Changqing, a black water analyst, was deliberately alienating his civilian colleagues in the past, which was like self-protection.

Because of the particularity of Qianli note, the amount of information transmitted each time is limited. Wang Jian can't send the complete document, but can only roughly tell Shen Hao about the situation. At the same time, he also brought Shen Hao an order from the Zhenfu envoy Yamen.

"Keep an eye on the seven princes and several leading figures in the civil service group? It seems that the situation in the imperial city is also complex." Shen Hao thought after reading the Qianli note at that time.

Before, Shen Hao kept away from the princes in the imperial city. Judging from the attitude of Jiang Cheng and Pang ban towards them, it can be seen that they are not easy to provoke. Now the war in the south is becoming more and more tense, but these princes are more noisy. They don't know what to do with this? Are you really going to solve all the problems together?

"By the way, Lord Shen said that frequent nail cutting can also prevent many diseases. After thinking about it last night, I think Lord Shen is very reasonable. People's hands touch too many things a day. If their nails grow, they must hide dirt and accept dirt. I don't know how much dirt. If they don't wash their hands and don't pay attention, wouldn't they eat all those dirty things when eating and drinking water? Maybe some people will eat them It's possible that the long insects in the son ate some small insect eggs... "

Along the way, Shen Hao found that Chen Zifang was a real talker. He could talk to you all day. I can talk to you because I know a lot about techniques, medical skills, pills and even military strategies.

Moreover, because of Shen Hao's previous argument of "boiling water", Chen Zifang always wants to take something out of Shen Hao's mouth. "Frequently cutting nails" is what Shen Hao said casually when asked yesterday. Who wants to really let the other party figure out a lot of things.

"Frequently cutting nails and washing hands" is a truth known to children in another world, but it has become a new discovery in this special world. Rao is Shen Hao, who has been used to the world for so many years, but he is still mentally inexplicable and can't laugh or cry.

What remains unchanged in the two worlds is people. What is different is two completely different directions of civilization. It is difficult to distinguish who is high and who is low.

At noon, when we arrived at the supply point mentioned by Chen Zifang, the riders led the horses to supplement forage, and the hands ate in batches. It's actually dry cake and a bowl of bone soup with some oily meat.

Before dinner, Chen Zifang went to the brook to wash his hands, and ordered several ordinary soldiers who were not monks to wash their hands before dinner. He said that he wanted to make an observation. If it was really effective in preventing diseases, he was ready to ask the marshal for promotion.

After dinner, Chen Zifang and Shen Haohao toured the supply point. As soon as Chen Zifang changed his usual gentle appearance, he was extremely strict in the inspection. If he did not comply with the regulations in the army, he would pick out a batch. In case of serious omissions, he would go straight to the military staff. Chen Zifang, the soldier who plays the stick, brought four along to ensure that the stick is sour and cool.

Shen Hao followed Chen Zifang all the way and said little. However, it does not prevent Chen Zifang from becoming more and more enthusiastic about Shen Hao. Because Chen Zifang thinks that Lord Shen is really learned, but he is very modest. Talk about it again. Maybe you can pull out something?

Because of several major omissions, Chen Zifang punished several supply point captains and generals with his staff, so it was night after the circle, so he didn't hurry to go, and he left at dawn the next day.

Shen Hao sighed in his heart that Chen Zifang's power is really big enough. This kind of official also said to fight. Moreover, looking at the posture, he himself, the "chore manager", seems to have the same power as Chen Zifang. The "parallel duty" previously thought by the secret way still seems to have some weight today.