Chapter 705

Name:Profound Pure Guard Author:剑如蛟
Yang Shu discussed with his counselor when he visited Jingxi before, and finally decided to marginalize the five Liu brothers, but he would not send them back to the dead city.

The purpose is to see what the moon shadow building and the nine life immortal want to calculate.

The reason why he is so bold is that his strength has increased a lot than before, his confidence has soared, and he has the confidence to test some risks.

The master of single unit Danjing Houjing includes the royal guards who were around before. Yang Shu has a total of seven people around him, not counting the five Liu brothers who were pushed to the periphery. So according to Yang Shu's view, he now has the strength to put the five brothers of the Liu family in front of him to see what the other party is going to do.

"Let's all sit down." Yang Shu asked some counselors to find a place to sit by themselves while picking his teeth.

Yang Shu made a tooth sacrifice, but several counselors didn't. They waited for a while to go to the back kitchen of the palace to get some noodles or other snacks.

In the past, it was not like this. Yang Shu ate alone and the people next to him looked at it. In the past, Yang Shu asked his people to eat around a table or several tables together, whether it was a roadside stall or Shanzhen game. Now this rule of eating separately has only recently begun. It is said that we must start to establish the majesty of King Yang Shuling. We must show our dignity and inferiority earlier. We can't be as casual as before, so there is a new rule of eating separately.

When all the people sat down, Yang Shucai said, "let's talk about the second step of money and grain tightening. I said it roughly before, but now the war in the South seems to change faster than we expected. In this way, the second step of money and grain tightening is likely to meet the conditions in advance."

"Lord, it's right to put the general plan ahead, but my subordinates think that although the south is now in full swing, it seems that there will be a decisive battle, but my subordinates think it won't be so fast. Because Zuo Yuliang's Chinese army is still in Wuhu, there is no tendency to press forward, and even the left and right wings don't press up, which is completely different from what they looked like before the war."

"Hum, is Zuo Shuai's strategy so easy to guess? Don't you see that in the documents of the Ministry of household, the grain and grass plan of the border army has increased by nearly 30% in recent January? It's obviously preparing for the great showdown. I think a great showdown may break out in the middle of next month or early June."

"The barbarians have not even set up their own king's court. Do they take their heads to fight? It's unreasonable."

"Now I'm discussing. Why are you so obedient and arrogant?"

Counselors eat with their brains and mouths, hands? Counselors can't do anything, so they can't fight no matter how fierce they are. On the contrary, what is noisy is the norm of counselors' daily communication. Although the two of them were flushed with each other as soon as they came up, in fact, they have a good personal relationship, but they always have differences during the discussion.

In fact, their attitudes also represent the two views of the counselors present.

Then you can talk to me. The final result of the negotiation is to promote the strategy of the second step of tightening money and grain, but there is no need to report it in a hurry. Everything will be discussed after there are obvious changes in the military affairs in the south.

In fact, the first step of money and grain tightening has been officially implemented throughout the country. The impact will certainly appear slowly, but it will not have a great impact on the lives of ordinary people. Because the accumulation of the past 40 years in the Jingjiu Dynasty will not hurt your muscles and bones in three or two times. Seeing that restaurants and pubs around the world are opening as usual, you can know that the intensity of the first step of money and grain tightening is not high, but relatively mild.

If we start to implement the second step of money and food tightening, it will be very different from the current situation. It means that more than 40% of the money, grain and other materials of the national Dynasty will be transferred to the front line, and high consumption industries such as wine making will be directly interrupted.

Of course, the second step of the austerity strategy will be implemented at the right time after reaching an agreement with the Ministry of household and the Ministry of war.

The discussion reached Haizheng time. After the tone was set, the other counselors left. They didn't know whether to eat or sleep directly. Only the counselor stayed.

"What else?"

"Yes, my Lord."

"Well, I'll ask the kitchen to make you a bowl of noodles. You should be hungry, too. Eat and say." Yang Shu didn't give the other party a chance to refuse, so he directly asked the internal guard to go to the kitchen to make trouble.

The master had no choice but to thank him. My heart is also warm. The spirit king may have many minor defects in his character, but he really takes good care of his subordinates.

Soon, a bowl of miscellaneous sauce noodles was sent. It didn't take much weight, but the counselor had enough to eat.

"Don't worry, you eat first, and then we can talk about things."

Half a column of incense time, a bowl of noodles was finished, put down the dishes and chopsticks, and the two began to talk about business.

"My Lord, the strategy of tightening money and grain has made you gain a lot of people everywhere. Although it is not as stable as the gate valves and forces, it has at least gained a lot more than before. Do you think we should start to try the ownership of the four gates this time?"

In the past, Yang Shu's main strength was in the merchants, and he had his hands in all walks of life, either overtly or covertly. It may be exaggerated to say that he was omnipresent, but he was all over the country and the dynasty.

Now, with the special power of tightening money and grain, Yang Shu has made a circle in the key cities around the country and gained a lot of local official forces that had never been able to start before. Of course, these forces are not stable, but they have indeed brought great benefits to him. Only in terms of momentum, he has reached the front position of the six princes.

Now the first step of tightening money and grain has been completed. Yang Shu hurried back to the Imperial City in order to take advantage of the hot iron and want to get a greater voice and initiative in the heart of the imperial city after his strength has greatly increased.

Where does the right to speak come from? The Minister of the central court will help you speak in the temple, or there are your people in the key positions of each department. Or, the force that can choose to stand in line in the imperial city is in your hand.

At present, there are few Yang Shus in front of him, whether they represent his voice in the temple or his staff in each department.

The only thing that Yang Shu can take as a breakthrough and have the opportunity to take it in his hands is the force institutions that can stand in line in the Imperial City, as well as the guards of the four gates of the imperial city and the Yamen servants of the local yamen of the imperial city.

"Now that you're back, try the depth. Do you have any ideas?"

"Lord, now the four gates, the Middle East, the West and the north, have been controlled by King Jing, King Shou and King Lu, the son of the four princes. It's hard for us to move. But the south gate used to be the man of King Qian, and it's only a short time since he took office. Now King Qian's murder has no foundation. If we step in, we may get back.

Another is the Yamen Yamen in the city. At present, the local Yamen in the imperial city is controlled by the sixth Prince Qi Wangfeng, but it is said that the wind in the civil service group is wrong recently. If you have the opportunity to pry away the people of king Qi, the Lord can find a chance to make up. "

"If we don't talk about the four sects first, we need to think about it again. How can we get involved in the affairs of the Yamen?"

"You can ask Bai Shangshu to help."