Chapter 720

Name:Profound Pure Guard Author:剑如蛟
It's natural for people to think carefully and plan for themselves. It's universal. Xuanqingwei's pond is also applicable.

Therefore, although Shen Hao saw Wang Jian's mind clearly, he did not feel unhappy.

Wang Jian is now in charge of Blackwater. The power and financial resources in his hand have been separated from the normal system of xuanqingwei to some extent. Although he wanders outside the system and lurks under the system, he has a high degree of freedom.

But Wang Jian's high degree of freedom must make Wang Yiming uncomfortable. Because Wang Yiming is in charge of all the daily work of the black flag camp in fengri City, especially after Shen Hao went south with the army, Wang Yiming obviously felt that there was a large vacancy in his hand. Therefore, it will become more and more obvious that Wang Jian and Wang Jian don't like each other or have a secret contest with each other.

However, Shen Hao will not easily reveal his views or likes and dislikes to another person in front of Wang Jian and Wang Yiming. He only needs to hold the last measure and does not need to spend too much thought.

Seeing that Shen haolue had passed Wang Yiming's remarks, Wang Jian secretly said it was a pity, but he still didn't dare to show it on his face. Now he has learned these Chengfu and won't be as angry as before.

"Come on, what's the matter with Tang Qingyuan?"

"Lord Hui said that Lord Tang had a conflict with Lord Kuang in mid March. It is said that they fought fiercely in Lord Kuang's public house at that time. Finally, Lord Kuang was angry and hung up Lord Tang's position, and ordered Lord Tang to return home to rest and recuperate.

Then Lord Tang seemed depressed and became ill. His subordinates had visited him, but he was blocked by the steward of the Tang family. He said that his condition was not suitable for people, so he didn't see Lord Tang. "

Shen Hao frowned when he heard the speech. I always think this series of things are so strange?

Tang Qingyuan, such a mature and prudent person, will have a face-to-face conflict with Kuang Shengyuan?! It doesn't sound like Tang Qingyuan's style!

What else is "depression and illness"? Still seriously ill? What does that mean? What serious illness can you get from the cultivation of Tang Qingyuan's spiritual realm? Shen Hao doesn't believe it!

"What is the cause?"

Wang Jian shook his head and said, "there's no definite news. Neither Lord Tang nor Lord Kuang said anything about it. Even when Lord Kuang hung up his post to Lord Tang, he didn't hold a meeting and directly gave orders.

However, an adjutant of Lord Tang said that it seems that Lord Tang has been investigating the case about your almost being killed by magic before. It seems that he has an eyebrow, but he seems to have a disagreement with Lord Kuang. "

"Hmm? It has something to do with me?" Shen Hao was really surprised. He didn't expect that Wang Jian's remark about Tang Qingyuan would come around him.

"Yes, sir, that's what Lord Tang's adjutant said. But it's uncertain whether Lord Tang's position has been suspended for this reason."

The so-called "post hanging up" means that "the post remains unchanged, but all post powers and errands are suspended", which is equivalent to the most severe warning, and more serious is demotion or imprisonment.

Don't think it's normal to argue with Shangfeng because of errands. You know, this is xuanqingwei. It's a special violent yamen that rules the military system and breaks away from the law. If you argue with Shangfeng, you may be charged with a "crime" at any time, which can cut off your head. Unless your backstage is hard enough to move you, you will end up as lucky as Tang Qingyuan.

After a long silence, Shen Hao waved back Wang Jian. After sitting for a while, he was about to ask the concierge to call Wang Yiming, but the concierge told him that Wang Yiming had been waiting outside for a long time.

It seems that both Wang Jian and Wang Yiming know that Shen Hao will ask them to ask questions. The difference is only one before and one after.

The porter withdrew Wang Jian's tea cup, made another cup of tea for Wang Yiming, and then closed the door regularly.

"Congratulations on your great progress in cultivation and your great achievements in the south. You will be promoted in the future!"

Wang Jian's words are similar to Wang Jian's. when he comes up, he first takes a picture of Shen Hao's horse, and then bows to see him.

Shen Hao also waved with a smile to let Wang Yiming sit down and talk.

Different from previous Wang Jian, Wang Yiming has not changed significantly in more than half a year. He sat in a chair with half his buttocks upright.

"I'll ask someone to tell you if you're here. Tell me, what trouble have you had in the past six months?"

"Don't worry, sir. Although you are with the army in the south, your prestige is still there. No one dares to stab at the black flag camp in fengri city. Everything is fine."

When it comes to being able, Wang Yiming is really capable. He is no worse than Wang Jian. Even because of his birth, Wang Yiming often works more mature and more considerate than Wang Jian. It's just a little less momentum than Wang Jian. They have their own strengths and weaknesses.

Wang Yiming is naturally prepared to come on his own initiative. Although he won't encounter any big trouble in the past six months, there are still some errand problems, and Wang Yiming also needs to give Shen Hao a simple report on his errands in the past six months.

Finally, without waiting for Shen Hao to ask, Wang Yiming took the initiative to say: "Sir, about the recent affairs of Lord Tang Qingyuan, my subordinates have not summoned you before, mainly considering that Lord Kuang is involved, and it is likely to involve a prince. In order to leak unnecessary information, that's why..."

Wang Yiming has his own consideration, and even he will stand in Shen Hao's position to consider for Shen Hao. This habit can sometimes save Shen Hao a lot of things, but sometimes it is easy to self defeating. Like this time.

Shen Hao directly waved his hand and interrupted Wang Yiming's explanation. He knew that Wang Yiming must have known that Wang Jian came first. He was worried that Tang Qingyuan would be blamed for this, so he took the initiative to explain. Even before Wang Yiming finished, Shen Hao could guess what his so-called "consideration" was.

"Is the imperial" big test "directly related to our xuanqingwei? Or do you want to get involved?" Shen Hao put away his smile. He doesn't like his subordinates. Although Wang Yiming is capable, this time he has too many ideas and takes himself too seriously.

"My Lord, I was considering..."

"What qualifications do you have to consider the Royal" big test "? That's what adults Jiang and giant people should worry about. You and I should worry about it. Lord Tang and I have an old relationship. If I get into trouble because of my business, I should help, not because of your so-called" consideration ".

Wang Yiming, you have overstepped. "

Shen Hao's tone became gloomy. He looked at Wang Yiming like a poisonous snake and looked at the prey in front of him. His evil spirit surged out unreservedly.

Wang Yiming was thrilled. He knew it was bad. His legs softened and he knelt on one knee. He knew that he had screwed up this time.