Chapter 759

Name:Profound Pure Guard Author:剑如蛟
What role did Xuanqing guards play in the institutions of the old Jing dynasty? A soldier belonging to the emperor.

What is the crime of deliberately murdering xuanqingwei? Form an accomplice.

Not to mention the ordinary people, even the officials in the ordinary system have to retreat and give way to xuanqingwei when they see xuanqingwei? As long as this kind of thing is put on the surface, it can't escape the word "death". Depending on the situation, it may also copy the family and destroy the family.

Of course, if you kill xuanqingwei as king Jing, you won't involve Zhulian, but the crime of "form conspiracy" won't be reduced because of his identity.

So when the spirit king directly sounded the rising drum at the gate of the Ministry of punishment, King Jing's situation began to slide towards the bottomless abyss.

One of the princes personally wrote the petition, personally played the rising drum, and personally sued and denounced another princes as "exposing" his identity. Such a thing had never happened in the history of the old Jing Dynasty.

Ma xuanlin, the Minister of justice of the Ministry of punishment, had to put on his robes and sit in the trial Hall of the Ministry of punishment, which has always been regarded as a door face and has no practical use. At the same time, he asked the Yamen to open the main gate and ascend to the hall.

It's very rare for the Ministry of punishment to open the main gate to rise to the court. Many elderly people in the Imperial City have only seen it once or twice, and most people haven't even heard of it. Therefore, as soon as the rising drum of the Ministry of punishment here sounded and the main door opened, the streets and alleys immediately went crazy. Not only idle people come to join the fun, but also some people who have something to do can't help being curious. They put down their work and ran to see the rarity.

The spies in Heishui naturally mingled with these people and got close to see the court trial.

Ma xuanlin is not stupid. He wants to disperse the besieged people. The reason is also easy to find. He can perfunctory the past by casually setting a "state secret", and the people dare not stab. But in the end, he was stopped by the spirit king dressed in regular clothes.

Ling Wang said: it's just an ordinary case. The people listen to it and don't have to clear the scene.

Wang Ye said so. Ma xuanlin naturally dared not make a mistake. He could only laugh on his face and knock on the startled wood in his heart to open the trial.

In fact, the court trial is not very strange. What's strange is that the spirit king, as the "informant" side, spoke out in an orderly manner, and gave the verified evidence of the spirit king's house. Ma xuanlin, sitting in his seat, was on pins and needles. He knew that the spirit king was prepared to come today!

According to the way of court trial and the rules of the law of the Jingjiu Dynasty, if someone gives evidence in court, it must be verified and the defendant must be brought to court. If the defendant can't come to the court, he should also go down to the sea arrest document to arrest him and bring him back for questioning. These are based on empirical validity and authenticity.

Ma xuanlin didn't hesitate, because the king of spirit had urged him with his eyes. As a minister of the Ministry of punishment, he didn't dare to openly violate the laws and regulations. What's more, there are a large number of people watching. Where would he go when he saw that it was the "big play" that the Lord told the Lord? If he still wanted fame, he had to follow the normal process first.

Ma xuanlin appeases and accompanies the king Ling. The Yamen servant goes to verify the evidence submitted by the king Ling, and hurriedly reports to the Zuo Xiang Yamen. Finally, someone has to go to King Jing's mansion with the order of the Ministry of punishment to preach King Jing to the Yamen.

What happened? What's King Jing's temper? Will you come to the Ministry of punishment to play at home if you get hurt? Is the criminal department a fart again?

It seems rude and arrogant, but it is actually King Jing's best response now. At least "rude" is better than "speechless" in court, isn't it? Moreover, things suddenly came out, and King Jing had to plan well, but he didn't dare to fight with King Ling as hastily as before.

Ma xuanlin's verifier came back and said it was correct. But king Jing couldn't come. So he said to the spirit king that he would send King Jing to the court as soon as possible under the condition of respecting the law. He also asked the spirit king to go back first. Once the case was tried again, he would inform the spirit king at the first time.

Yang Shu took a deep look at Ma xuanlin. Before turning around and leaving, he warned loudly: "at present, in the current national war, there are bad insects in the royal family who wantonly kill officials in the court. If the Ministry of punishment can't make an example, I'm afraid the signboard of the Ministry of punishment is ashamed of the laws of the national Dynasty and the pride of civil servants!"

When it comes to the word "form conspiracy", the voice is very loud. The people outside the door do not know who led the applause, and some even shouted the slogan of "spirit king's power". It can be predicted that after this incident, the spirit king may leave a very good impression in the hearts of the people in the streets of the imperial city.

Not afraid of power, uphold justice. Who doesn't like such a person? Moreover, this is the first time that ordinary people have seen a prince uphold the authority of justice.

The most important thing is that Yang Shu's unique noble temperament with a little ruffian gas is the only one in all royal families. In the eyes of the upper class, Yang Shu's temperament is "falling price", but in the eyes of the common people, it is "cordial". Many people around them have this ruffian gas.

When Yang Shu came out of the punishment department, he didn't really believe Ma xuanlin's words. He went back and waited for the news obediently. Instead, he turned to Fenghong villa. But what he is looking for is not Jin Jianwei, but the Imperial Ancestral Temple!

The Ministry of punishment represents the national law, which is arguably the most tough. But the people of the Ministry of punishment can't be hard. The typical preparation and mud don't want to be stained with right and wrong. The attention is nothing more than a "drag". In the final analysis, it's just that most senior officials of civil service groups don't like him.

But in this world, in addition to national law, there is also family law. Ordinary people and big families have ancestral halls, and there are family laws in the ancestral halls, and even many things are more strict and cruel than the national laws. In the final analysis, the royal family is also a surname, and there is also family law in the ancestral hall of the family. The spirit king wants the national Legalists to come together, but he wants to see if the people in the ancestral hall want to make peace.

However, it was also very smooth here. I met several elders in the Presbyterian Committee of the ancestral temple. At the same time, the Presbyterian Committee of the ancestral temple also took the note handed over by the spirit king.

Perhaps the ancestral temple will bring the ball to the Ministry of punishment. But Xuanqing guards are involved, and Xuanqing guards are the emperor's own soldiers, which are not governed by the law. If you really want to be more serious, even saying that "Xuanqing guards are the royal family's own soldiers" can barely make sense. Therefore, the ancestral temple is ready to go through the process of internal audit of the ancestral temple under the repeated requirements of the spirit king.

Different from before, the spirit king bowed down and left with a smile. He understood that the ancestral temple would not and could not directly force King Jing to come. And it must be seen and decided by the emperor.

In terms of law, King Jing may make efforts to let his forces help wash white or divert attention. But what about the ancestral temple? Lend a hundred courage to King Jing and don't dare to intervene.