Chapter 782

Name:Profound Pure Guard Author:剑如蛟
The news that the Jingxi black flag battalion would be expanded soon spread. This is not something that needs to be kept secret. On the contrary, it is also a warm-up to release the wind before the formal landing, which is absolutely beneficial to the deployment after the landing.

The current situation is very interesting, that is, the signboard of black flag camp is unusual, and ordinary people dare not approach. Even Xuanqing guards have a lot of complaints about the three words of black flag camp, especially in Jingxi.

After all, it's the envy.

At the beginning, a single "pilot" let thousands of households have the idea of competing with the black flag camp, not to mention that the black flag camp is now independent, and its level has been raised by half. Who's not jealous?

I have worked hard in Xuanqing Wei for more than ten years, but I can't compare with the jumping of black flag camp in recent years. Shengsheng saw that people who were far inferior to him had jumped up a whole level in two or three years because they had joined the black flag camp.

Envy is envy. The main business of the black flag camp is the evil star surnamed Shen. It's difficult to get in touch with the famous people in fengri city. It's basically impossible to transfer posts by relying on the back door surnamed Shen. Now, after being integrated into the leader yamen, any personnel adjustment with grade should be reported to the leader yamen for approval, that is, the personnel changes at the small flag level are blocked.

Of course, Shen Hao also has his own considerations in grasping the personnel power so tightly. After all, the personnel are the first priority for the leader of the black flag camp Yamen. If someone takes the loophole as a shortcut for promotion and stinks the position of the black flag camp, it will be too late for him to repent. It's better to be more arrogant, grasp the personnel power, and slowly delegate it back as the case may be after everything is smooth.

There are always smart people in the world. There are also many people with long-term and unique vision, such as those in xuanqingwei. Although these people are silent, they have seen a lot of trends since the governor yamen of Jingxi town integrated all the black flag camps in Jingxi into a new establishment, but they just don't have the opportunity to participate.

Now comes the opportunity.

The news was released by Wang Yiming, the principal and Deputy officer of the black flag camp commander Yamen. It is clear that the black flag camp commander yamen will expand the number of staff recently, and fully expand it by 30%!

Before, the expansion of black flag camp was mainly transferred and selected from the front line or reserve of Xuanqing Weili. This time, we can't do it again.

Because although Jingxi black flag camp leader yamen still belongs to xuanqingwei's system, it has relative independence in staffing. If you want to reach out to xuanqingwei's reserve team again, it is inappropriate and contrary to the independent function of black flag camp leader Yamen.

Therefore, according to Shen Hao's requirements, Wang Yiming directly opens the screening scope of this expansion, and all those who meet the conditions and requirements can participate in the recruitment.

In other words, even ordinary people can participate in this expansion as long as you can meet the recruitment requirements of the black flag camp. And the expansion is not limited to monks. Ordinary people without accomplishments can also try. But ordinary people don't want much in the recruitment of the black flag camp, mainly friars.

This will be lively. As the first place to get the news, fengri city soon spread in the "upper class" circle, and then quickly spread to Lianfeng and Guangshun. In only two hours, someone moved to inquire about the specific recruitment conditions and time.

It can even be predicted that in the future, people in all joint positions of the black flag camp commander yamen will receive snowy gifts and invitations.

However, the people who are going to find Tang Qingyuan and Chen Sheng for help today will be empty, because they were called to Shen Hao's public room from the afternoon and didn't leave until the evening.

The expansion is only a part of the action plan to punish evil spirits, but more about the details of the plan. Now that the expansion here has been prepared, the main part of the plan also needs to start the preliminary layout.

One of the things that can be done without waiting for manpower to be replenished is the decoration of copper cabinets. This was determined when Shen Hao discussed the draft with Tang Qingyuan and Chen Sheng, and many of them have been hastened. They are also the ones with array locks. They are ready to give priority to the places at the town level, see the effect first, and then to the villages.

In addition to the copper cabinet, there are also paperwork sorting and early visits. These jobs are now adequately staffed. The main purpose is to summarize the records of evil friars and evil friars who have caused casualties over the years, and then send people to roughly evaluate the attitude of the people in those places towards evil friars and evil friars, and whether similar situations have occurred since the crime.

After Tang Qingyuan and Chen Sheng left, Shen Hao pondered in the public room for a long time. After knowing that he had a clear context for the implementation of the plan, he packed up the things on the table and got ready to go home. But just after packing up, he heard hurried footsteps outside. Then Wang Yiming knocked on the door with a copper bar and came in.

"My Lord, southern military daily!"

Did the military newspaper of the military headquarters copy to Xuan Qingwei? This one was still passed to the commanding envoy yamen by the monitoring envoy of Xuan Qingwei on the front line, and then transferred to Shen Hao.

After receiving the military newspaper, Shen Hao returned to the public house, waved back Wang Yiming, unfolded the copper bar, read it quickly, and then left a happy face.


The battle of baitouxia ended at noon today. Zuo Yuliang broke through the barbarian camp and killed more than 110000 barbarians in several wars! Bing Feng pointed at the barbarians three hundred miles away and asked for Di sang Picchu!

Today, on the second day of September, the war lasted seven days! It's definitely enough for a strategic showdown. And as expected, it was taken down by the old Jing Dynasty, and according to the estimation in the military newspaper, the number of war deaths on the side of the Jing army will not exceed 40000, a solid victory.

He quickly took out the barbarian topographic map in the drawer. Shen Hao happily drew a few strokes on the map, and his muttering smile was more prosperous.

Topographically, there are no geographical conditions between Baitou gorge and sangpicchu that can block or launch sniper warfare. Yimapingchuan is the best place for the army to sweep. With the power of victory, how can the barbarians resist it?

Now look at the military stronghold named "Shimen" in the direction of Jianchuan on the map. Now I understand how much Zuo Yuliang gambles and how far he sees. Shimen is a gateway to the depths of barbarians through thousands of miles of bamboo sea. Now it is the lifeline of the front thousands of miles away. If Shimen military stronghold hadn't greatly shortened the supply line, Zuo Yuliang would not be able to sweep thousands of miles like this.

Shen Hao read it three times before closing the military newspaper. He was in a good mood. But on the other hand, he was also secretly sighing: the military affairs in the south are coming to an end, and I'm afraid the Royal "big test" is coming to an end?