Chapter 829

Name:Profound Pure Guard Author:剑如蛟
Yang Wenguang, the prince of Jin, who secretly caused trouble during the Royal "big test", has countless connections with the blood clothes gate of the dead city. Even according to the initial feedback to xuanqingwei above, Yang Wenguang took root in the dead city largely relying on the blood clothes gate.

Now the new news in hand seems to be related to the moon shadow building and the blood clothes door. The appearance of the blood clothes door in the Royal "big test" is probably not an accident or coincidence, but a deliberate arrangement.

"Are you sure it's a bloody shop?"

"Yes, sir, the shop is apparently opened by a casual master, but in fact, there is a hole in the blood clothes door behind it. It is usually the exchange of magic weapons and spirit stones. We spent money on the informant in the dead city. There is no problem with our credibility.

Moreover, in addition, the man entered a small force's residence in the dead city, and then he didn't come out again. "

"What forces?"

"A force called the ten thousand Flower Club. The Scout checked that among the forces in the dead city, the ten thousand Flower Club is not popular at all. They are engaged in errands in the inner corners of the dead city. They are not valued, and few people care about them. They have a low sense of existence. But after careful consideration, he found that the ten thousand Flower Club has existed for too long. The earliest known ones can be traced back to more than 300 years ago. This one This is not in line with the law of frequent changes of lower forces in the city.

Therefore, the four part analysis of this ten thousand flowers will certainly not be simple. It should be deliberately positioning itself at the edge of the dead city in order to obtain unnecessary attention, but what it is doing behind it has not been found yet. "

Shen Hao's fingers gently knocked on the table and thought for a while before he said, "the moon shadow building has its own system. It is reasonable that there should be no command relationship between the moon shadow building and the blood clothes door. Then they were prepared to help Yang Wenguang with their Yin hand. Would it be entrusted by others?

Now, almost all the tentacles of the moon shadow building in the Jingjiu Dynasty have been cut off, and Yang Wenguang's head has been cut off. It seems that things have been completely screwed up. When they return to the dead city, they either report back to their hometown or to their employers. Or both? "

Shen Hao habitually gave a direction he thought might exist.

"Your Excellency, do you mean that the relationship between Yueying building and Yang Wenguang is employment, not subordinate to the blood clothes door? And the employer should be the blood clothes door? So Yueying building will continue to report the situation to the blood clothes door after things are screwed up?"

"Well, it's a possibility. Of course, it's also possible that Yang Wenguang is hiring Yueying studio. Like the news fed back from the above, Yang Wenguang's so-called skill of melting life is likely to make him reborn and not dead. Yueying studio seems to be reporting to the blood clothes gate or to Yang Wenguang after his rebirth in the dynasty through the blood clothes gate.

After all, it's too big to participate in the Royal "big test" and block it. It moves the bottom line of the imperial family of the country. The moon shadow building doesn't dare to pass the test with a light "failure". After that, there will be any revenge. I'm afraid they won't be willing to bear it alone. They have the idea of pulling the blood clothes door into the water. "

After a pause, Shen Hao continued: "there are too many possibilities. Now we can only analyze and deduce. Let the people in the dead city work hard and pay attention to the relevant news. Even if we don't get anything for the time being, there will certainly be a horse's feet behind us."

The establishment and effectiveness of the information system originally requires long-term operation, which can not be shortened and changed. It requires ordinary accumulation, setting goals, paying close attention to observation, and looking for available opportunities in the passage of time.

"Don't worry, sir. My subordinates have informed the people on the other side of the dead city. All the things about the blood clothes gate will be focused on. At the same time, the new Wanhua meeting in the field of vision will also be listed as the primary goal, and pay attention to it all the time.

My Lord, do you think this 10000 Flower Fair is the place where the moon shadow building is located in the dead city? These people like to play Yin. They will not make a big noise in the dead city. They will put their name on the bright side. "

Wang Jian's suspicion is also based, but there is another news from Lianxiang's mouth, which is still hanging, and there is a logical collision with the million flowers.

"Wanhua Club... Did you find any news about LingXiao palace recently?" Shen Hao couldn't make up his mind about LingXiao palace.

Lian Xiang made it clear that she was not only from the moon shadow building, but also from LingXiao palace. Therefore, LingXiao palace and Yueying building must be very close.

If the new Wanhua meeting is the shell used by the moon shadow building to hide people's eyes and ears, where is the LingXiao palace?

Wang Jian shook his head and said, "LingXiao palace is dead in vain. There is no clue at all in the city. At least at present, there is no news about LingXiao palace, whether it is the spy's own exploration or the informant's intelligence.

Sir, do you think LingXiao palace will not waste the dead city? "

"It's impossible. LingXiao palace is a sect that has long publicized its demise. I'm afraid it has a lot of grievances and grievances. I'm afraid it can't stand on the boundary of the old Jing Dynasty. It can only be a dead city. If you don't find it for the time being, continue to find it. When your hands are familiar with the dead city, you should find something new."

"This way..." Wang Jian needs a clear instruction from Shen Hao.

"Continue to make secret investigation here and make file records. At the same time, extract a copy of your new information and report it to the governor's Yamen. We can't hold it in our hands. We have to go up."

Wang Jian nodded: "my subordinates understand. Please rest assured."

Shen Hao buried his head again, picked up the document in front of him and said casually, "anything else? If not, go down by yourself."

"My Lord, one more thing. This is a preliminary summary of the intelligence that cooperates with the black flag camp to temporarily launch the evil killing operation. Please have a look." Wang Jian has a lot of things in his hand. He can only be urgent first and then slow down. Now he will talk about the important things of the moon shadow building first, and the rest will be discussed later.

Shen Hao took the document handed over by Wang Jian, opened it and said, "simply say it."

"My Lord, there are changes in the most biased places of Fengcheng and Guangshun city. Some seem to go for the propaganda of the black flag camp."

"Go on, what's the change?" any change indicates that there is a problem, and these are expected. Those evil friars hidden in remote villages or mountain towns must be aware of the actions of the black flag camp, and they certainly won't wait to die. It depends on how we fight.

"Almost all the remote villages and towns have recently come up with a" saying "or" miracle " It is said that a god robbery will come recently, which is the most direct test for God's supporters. If you pass, you can get God's reward, both money and power. If you fail, God will abandon everyone in the village and town, and the disaster will be ignored. At that time, the people in the village and town will either migrate, flee or die. "