Chapter 888

Name:Profound Pure Guard Author:剑如蛟
Little duck Bay.

A small village near the sea is located in the west of Jingxi. Except for the natural disaster from the evil sea in the west, there has never been any other disaster here. Most of the people living here have passed down incense for generations.

Rely on the sea to eat the sea, rely on the mountain to eat the mountain. Although it is located in a remote area, there is no shortage of food. Fresh and tender yellow skin carvings, thick and solid long billed fish, and round dolphin fish with fragrant teeth... There are different kinds of fresh fish to eat all year round here, with and without shells. Many varieties can't even be named except local fishermen.

Behind Xiaoya Bay is a natural fishing port, which is convenient for boat berthing and access. It is not far from a sidewalk paved by the villagers themselves. You can go to the town more than 40 miles away by small car.

Fish and seaweed alone can live, but who doesn't want fish soup with rice? There are no fields in the fishing village, and all the food is traded by the seafood business in the town.

Fresh fish is the best to sell, but it can't be transported far. It's generally limited to the town. No matter how far it is, it's not what the villagers can do, because it stinks. The second is dried fish.

Of course, there are also transportation without urgent cost, the whole process is pulled away by the ice cellar car, or even the direct storage bag. But this has nothing to do with small fishing villages such as xiaoyawan. Even though they are rich in seafood, they don't have many hands and output. There are no rich businessmen to buy and sell.

Behind the fishing village, there is also a chaotic stone bay. On top of a huge rock, there is a small temple with a radius of three feet. In it, a monster named "sea fish king" is enshrined. It is said that it can suppress the weather, protect fishermen from going to sea safely and reap rich harvest. People come to worship all year round.

It can even be said that this small temple, which does not know who built it or how long it has existed, is actually the only spiritual sustenance of dozens of fishermen in Xiaoya Bay. The old pass on the young, the young pass on the young, passed down from generation to generation, and this is their life.

It's not just to pray for the sea fish king to bless the smooth sailing, but anyone who has a headache or has a mental expectation will come here to worship. It's not really useful, but for psychological stability.

However, recently, the quiet little duck Bay has not been peaceful.

First, a group of people with black robes and knives came to the village, accompanied by the mayor and the mayor of the town, who said they came to publicize the harm of Shen Hao's "evil friar".

In front of these black robed people, the mayor and Bao Chang, who were rarely seen before, were like a dog tied with a rope. They wagged their tail and tried their best to please. They could not see the prestige of these two big figures in Zhoubian village and town in the past.

Although the villagers are simple, they are not stupid. Although they don't know what the black robed people are, even the mayor and the mayor are so servile. They know that these black robed people can't be provoked. They can either avoid them or learn from two big people. Be honest.

Only those who have traveled far and seen the world in the village know who these people in black robes are.

Xuanqingwei!? How did these evil men come to a small village like xiaoyawan? Although they were laughing, the villagers who knew the meaning of gluttonous grain on their chest trembled. Otherwise, if they had no place to run here, they would have run away.

There are also clan elders in the village, but they are also at a loss about the arrival of xuanqingwei.

But a few days later, the villagers' tension fell back. These black robed Xuanqing guards didn't do anything evil in the village. On the contrary, they sent a lot of rice noodles. What they asked was to ask each family to draw people out to listen to "preaching" on the Pingba in the village.

Moreover, the content of the mission is also very interesting. For the young people in the village, it is like a strange story. What evil friars, what martial arts, and what are evil, cruel and terrible. Anyway, they listen with interest. At the same time, the idea that "evil friars are not good people" began to form in the minds of the villagers.

The black flag camp propaganda team here also felt that things were going well. The people in Xiaoya bay were very simple, and there was no obvious idea of exclusion. They cooperated very well inside and outside. After some exploration and education, it is listed as "low risk".

Of course, there are so-called "worship gods" in Xiaoya Bay, but this thing is very normal. Even people in the city, don't they also have sacrificial activities during the blue moon festival? It's essentially the same as this. Just make sure that the "worship" here has nothing to do with evil friars.

Instead of being hasty and perfunctory, the missionary team here went to the rocky bay behind the village and explored it several times. It was a very shabby little temple, and there was no sign of evil friars at all. And there is no legend about "worship God" in the village.

The villagers just got used to the fact that the propaganda team came once every so long, and then came the news of the "Southern victory".

Although no one in the village took part in the war, it did not prevent the villagers from being happy. Drink as soon as you are happy, even if the wine is bad, it can be as intoxicating.

Some people go home drunk and fall into bed, while others wander around while they are drunk. It's hard for every family to go. When they go, they will be nagged or coaxed home to sleep. Therefore, the back luanshiwan has become a common place for several drunken people who like to run around in the village.

If you roll into the small broken temple, the kind sea fish king will not be angry. Once you sleep, the wine will dissipate, and you will go home refreshed.

However, the only disadvantage is that the wind is strong in the small temple at night. Even if the back is facing the tuyere, there is still wind pouring in outside. Even if it is not so cold after spring, it still needs to freeze people. Fortunately, you can hide behind the stone statues in the temple and block some wind. Then you can fall asleep quickly when you are drunk. It's just that it's not clear whether you're ill the next day.

When I was sleeping, I had a dream. In the dream, the kind sea fish King appeared. He said that the temple was windy and easy to be cold, so I gave the medicine. If it was cold the next day, I would eat it

The pill is not big, just like beans. It's round and red. It's still warm in your hand. Even in a dream, you can smell the attractive sweetness from the pill.

"Hey, hey, the medicine given by the sea fish king turned out to be like this?" after an idea, he fell asleep.

Until dawn, several drunks who had a cold wind all night returned home dizzy. Except for one lucky man, the others caught a cold.

When people in the village get cold, they usually pull some herbs and boil a bowl to drink. I can't bear it before I go to the town medical school.

However, one of them inadvertently remembered the dream, and then reached out and subconsciously took it out of his pocket. The original funny expression on his face was stunned. He was still laughing at his dream last night, because he really caught a cold, and then subconsciously touched his pocket. As a result, he really touched a warm pill!?