Chapter 894

Name:Profound Pure Guard Author:剑如蛟
Others may not feel the distant sight, but what accomplishments do Pang ban have? Xuanhai territory is double. Regardless of the distance between him and the emperor, even if it is farther, he can sense who is looking at him, and with his eyesight, even the leg hair of a mosquito can be seen clearly as long as he wants.

This was also the time when Pang ban felt that he had been paid the most attention by the emperor since he ascended the throne. A banquet was enough to watch him for almost a cup of tea, and his eyes were very playful and looked like a smile.

For the emperor, Pang ban has his own understanding and views.

From the perspective of ministers, many of the emperor's ideas are childish and extreme, not only Yang Shu, but also the former Emperor Yang Jian. He always likes to distinguish people clearly, "good" and "bad". Although he won't blatantly label them, he really divides height in his heart. In fact, it's a little too taken for granted. Good people and bad people really have to be separated. Where can they be clearly divided?

From the monk's point of view, the emperor had a strange smell that he had always been curious about but never dared to explore. It was a kind of shuddering breath that he often felt even though he was in xuanhai. How can an ordinary or low cultivation emperor exude such an abrupt breath?

Perhaps this is the secret of the royal family or the secret of the emperor. Because after the first emperor retired, the breath on his body disappeared, just like it was transferred to the new emperor.

There was curiosity, but Pang ban didn't dare to take action, because every time the idea came out of his heart, he would instinctively feel extremely dangerous. It seemed that if he did so, he would be in danger of killing himself. The monks in xuanhai have this feeling. Pang ban doesn't dare to take risks.

Smart people can understand not only from the point of view, but also from one look.

Pang Ban's cultivation made him like a fish jumping out of the water at the state banquet, seeing the shore and the further flow of the river.

The emperor looked around the whole dinner, but his eyes only stayed on his Pang ban and ye Lansheng for the longest. What does this mean? It means that the emperor's mind has been filled with his pangban and Zuo Xiang Ye Lansheng recently.

It is often said that the person whom Pang ban misses will not live for half a month. This is an exaggeration. Pang ban thinks it's a good joke. But people who are concerned about by the emperor can't be jokes. This kind of thing has two results, either a great good or a great bad.

The emperor is so special and extreme. There is no middle price to talk about.

Pang ban asked himself that he had always been dedicated to the royal family without any slack. This idea was not his own, but derived from his mentor, the commander of the last generation Xuanqing guard. Even for the new emperor Yang Shu, Pang ban is obedient. He is very stable about his identity.

So Pang ban doesn't think it's a bad thing for the emperor to pay attention to himself. On the contrary, it should be a good thing for xuanqingwei. And another person who was concerned by the emperor like him was hard to say.

That person is Zuo Xiang Ye Lansheng.

Others don't know the details of Yang Shu, the former seventh prince. Can't you know? It's just that many things were explained by the emperor first. He can only pretend not to know. That is not a magnanimous person. Although it is not "not to leave overnight revenge", it is also the Lord who will revenge. Expect to change your temper after you ascend the throne? Dreaming?

Before the emperor ascended the throne, ye Lansheng made small moves behind his back, and put his own interests above the national Dynasty. The sinister intention is sure to die. It's just that ye Lansheng is still thinking about getting lucky. Relying on his identity and reputation, as well as his dirty calculations behind his back, he doesn't really implement them. He feels that it's an attempt.

But does the emperor need to be careful when he wants to kill someone? No need at all. As long as the emperor wants anyone to die, he can die legitimately. As for how to be "honest", it's xuanqingwei's job.

"But why did you wait so long?"

Pang ban is not polite to eat and drink, but he has been thinking in his mind. According to Xuanqing Weili's judgment of the emperor's disposition to be the prince, ye Lansheng must be hated by the emperor, and the things behind them are not small. Just forming a party and private enterprises can see the head, not to mention the insidious conspiracy in the stillbirth, someone will not stand torture, and it is absolutely enough to copy the family and destroy the family.

But why is it the end of March and there is no sign of Ye Lansheng moving for four months? This is unreasonable, not to mention the emperor's temperament.

The only explanation is that the emperor was staring at more than one ye Lansheng.

The state banquet lasted until Haizheng, and many people were a little tired. After the last song "thunder" compiled by the former Emperor was played, the whole audience knelt down to send the emperor off. Then the state banquet ended and they went out of the palace. As for whether to make an appointment to have another drink, most people still choose to go back to their homes.

Pang ban naturally had to go home. He didn't have the habit of drinking everywhere, and no one invited him. His leisure is to return to his small house to meditate and practice.

The next day, in the afternoon, Pang ban greeted Jiang Chengzhao, who was busy in the town governor's Yamen.

"My Lord." he saluted in good manners. Jiang Chengcheng stood opposite and waited to listen to the tune.

"Well, come on? Sit down."

Jiang Cheng hurriedly said yes, but his heart hung up. Since he became the caretaker of Jingxi Town, few people have been so polite to him.

Are you so polite? It's just that Jiang Cheng thinks so, but Pang ban doesn't think so. The reason why he is kind is that what he wants to say next is very important. He hopes that Jiang Cheng can do it in the best state and pass this state to the student of Jiang Cheng.

"Your student's Edition reward has also come down. The evil killing action he made before has hit the life gate of those bedbugs. Even if he can't see the direct effect for the time being, it can be predicted that it must be of promotion value. Therefore, the integration of local black flag camps should be put on the future."

These are all agreed before. Jiang Cheng knows it well. So he didn't interrupt. He sat in his chair and waited for Pang Ban's words.

Sure enough, Pang ban then said, "you can explain things to Shen Hao again. This is the situation everywhere. You can take it to him and let him have a look. You can know it in your mind." Pang ban took out a thick letter from the drawer and pushed it to Jiang Cheng. The letter was banned.

Needless to think, when Jiang Cheng saw the ban, he knew that he could not see it. It is estimated that only his disciple Shen Hao can open it with his waist token and soul wave.

After Jiang Cheng carefully took the things back into the storage bag, Pang ban continued: "three days later, I will find all the caresses of Sifang town for face-to-face discussion, and you need to talk about the improvement of Jingxi over the years and highlight the role of black flag camp. Do you understand what I mean?"