Chapter 950

Name:Profound Pure Guard Author:剑如蛟
The requirements of exotic flowers cannot be put forward by Pang ban. It is obviously a layman. Shen Hao's guess is that the emperor put forward these requirements.

Intention? Shen Hao can't think of it yet, but he is sure that the emperor's intention will be revealed bit by bit as the event goes on.

"Tomorrow, this matter will be known all over the country, and the news of your hosting this case will be spread all over the world. Then everyone will know the knife handle you are holding. In this way, your internal cleaning up of Xuanqing guard can be carried out according to your plan.

However, I have to remind you that the internal cleaning up needs to be cautious, but it can not float on the surface. We must kill those who should be killed, but we must have conclusive evidence and leave no handle. "

Shen Hao bowed down, but he asked in order to be safe: "Sir, do we cap the internal purge?"

Pang ban looked at Shen Hao with a smile when he heard his words. After a while, he said, "if you don't seal the top, even if you find out what problems I or my family have, you can deal with them directly. I'll give you a convenient warrant!"

"Subordinates dare not! Please take back your orders!"

"Hehe, it's a big deal, isn't it a children's play?" Pang ban really immediately wrote an easy-to-do document endorsement for Shen Hao, with his signature and the seal of the commander's Yamen on it.

As a result, Shen Hao came out of the commander's Yamen and got two easy documents in his hand.

It's not that Shen Hao deliberately urged Pang ban, but that he had to test Pang Ban's bottom line. Otherwise, it's easy to make things flawed.

But now it seems that Shen Hao is worried too much. Pang Ban's bottom line is "no bottom line". Including his command envoy, they all fall within the scope of this purge.

Of course, no matter how it is cleaned up, it is impossible to clean up Pang ban. This is an attitude, and that easy-going document is also an attitude, for the sake of an Shen Hao's heart.

The accompanying bodyguards returned. Shen Hao will transfer 200 guards from the black flag camp in fengri City, and then rely on Heishui's intelligence network in the imperial city to investigate Ye Lansheng's case for the first time.

According to the convenience given to Shen Hao by the commander's Yamen, the residence of the commander's Yamen will be the place for his temporary investigation and will continue until he completes the affairs on the side of the imperial city.

Shen Hao went to the station behind the commanding envoy yamen first. I found it unexpectedly small, which is not comparable to the residence of the Fu envoy Yamen in Jingxi town. Even the residence of Xuanqing guard Qianhu office on the other side of fengri city is much larger than here.

Shen Hao's temporary office is a two row house, which is also used as his temporary office for his personal guards. In addition, the dungeon is also the dungeon selected in the commanding officer's Yamen, which is directly divided into half for him to use. At the same time, the dungeon guards will be served by three commanders, so as to eliminate any possibility of prison robbery.

After Shen Hao made a turn around the station, two hundred Pro guards from fengri city also arrived. In addition, Pang ban also asked a commander to follow Shen Hao as protection.

The commander is a master who has outstanding cultivation talent. After the Zhenfu envoy left office, he was relieved to practice and looked forward to breaking through the xuanhai. This time, the commander is jiuzhong in Yuandan territory.

When people arrived, the place was also familiar. Shen Hao immediately led 200 guards to the forbidden army and picked up the chief figure of the case in a camp outside the Imperial City, ye Lansheng, the former left Prime Minister of the Jingjiu Dynasty.

At this time, ye Lansheng was locked by the board lock and was forbidden by various arrays. Even if he was just a civil servant in the beginning of the Qi refining realm, the forbidden army was cautious to prevent all possible accidents.

After carefully verifying Shen Hao's identity and procedures, a general of the forbidden army handed Ye Lansheng over to Shen Hao. Shen Hao also carefully carried out various tests on Ye Lansheng, including checking the body, injury, poisoning and so on. Only after checking it again and there is no problem can he go through the formalities.

Wang Yiming followed. He was very glad that he had one more heart and didn't let go of the position of adjutant Shen Hao. Otherwise, he would have to keep around the black flag camp like Tang Qingyuan and Chen Sheng, and he would directly miss this rare opportunity.

what is it? This is luck! It's also an eye!

Wang Yiming is cheeky and holds the post of adjutant of Lord Shen. Doesn't he just want to be closer to Lord Shen? It is said that Lord Shen is very evil, but Wang Yiming thinks that Lord Shen has great blessings and can often get light in front of Lord Shen.

At the time of Hai, the commander of the black flag camp yamen immediately ordered all the staff to be on alert and listen to the order at any time because of Hongling's urgent order. At that time, Wang Yiming was called to stand by because of the identity of adjutant Shen Hao. After waiting for more than a hour, the order arrived. Then Wang Yiming followed the two hundred Pro guards to the Imperial City, and stationed his command to make the residence of the Yamen.

What case requires two hundred guards to enter the imperial city? And then the command made the Yamen as a station. It seems that it will stay for a long time? But also assigned to the command of the Yamen half of the dungeon?!

Wang Yiming's doubts were revealed in horror when he followed Shen Hao to pick up Ye Lansheng, who was locked like a wooden man, in the forbidden military camp.

"Leave 50 personal guards to join the outer defense of the dungeon. Send some people to the document library to rub out all the documents related to Ye Lansheng's direct and collateral blood relations. In addition, draw 80 people and a half pillars of incense, and then go to Ye's house with me."

The fact that Wang Yiming can come over also makes Shen Hao worry less. Immediately, Wang Yiming arranged his staff quickly. In a short time of half a column of incense, he assigned everything. When he ordered 80 elite, he went out with Shen Hao to command the Yamen to Ye Fu.

Ye Fu, in fact, there is still a plaque of "Zuo Xiangfu". Arrogantly located in an alley behind junhou street, it belongs to the best and best section of the imperial city. Moreover, it covers a large area. There are enough large and small houses in the house for more than 60 people, including 83 servants and slaves.

Except ye Lansheng, who has been taken into the dungeon, these 83 people are now under the custody of the forbidden army in Ye's house.

After arriving at Ye's house, there were a series of cumbersome but essential procedures. After the handover, the forbidden army left the necessary defensive forces to hand over the main control of Ye's house to the 80 elite of black flag camp.

As for the 82 people in the family, they were also sent by the forbidden army to the dungeon of the commander's Yamen, so that the 83 people in Ye's house lived together again.

"Search carefully. Don't let go anywhere. All suspicious or important objects are placed in a unified and centralized manner."

Although the confession is important, the people involved in the case are not trivial. It is inappropriate to go directly to the trial and take the confession. It is also very rash and easy to fall into passivity. First take some material evidence, find out what is hidden under Ye Lansheng's surface, and then go to the trial, so as to better pry open each other's mouth and handle the case more solidly.

Wang Yiming went down to arrange, and Shen Hao sat in the lobby of Ye's house, waiting for the following people to report if they found anything.