Chapter 1125

Name:Profound Pure Guard Author:剑如蛟
After staying in the dead city for a long time, Tan bin feels that people will become very sensitive. If there is any trouble, he will startle the seat, not to mention he is still a spy of Blackwater, which is even more acute.

You can't be sharp because you'll die.

Just under Tan Bin's eyes, the top spy who followed him to waste the dead city has died three people. Fortunately, the three entered the dead city in other capacities and were not involved in the car and horse shop.

Since the beginning of this year, the investment in the dead city has continued to increase. As far as Tan bin knows, the funds in his hand have doubled again, and so have the personnel, men, women, old and young. People of all kinds have entered the dead city, and then summarized them into his hands layer by layer.

Of course, the people on the ninth floor of these people don't know who they are working for. They are just sent here after rigorous training. These people have their own business of concealing their identity. Either a carpenter, a cook, or a fugitive, and an old singer

With more people, Tan Bin's pressure rises. Although he knew that the job of spy was to dance on the edge of life and death, he still wanted to try to avoid the death of his spies.

When a spy is caught, he will die miserably. It is almost impossible to die happily.

So many times, spies are not afraid of death, but rather fear of life is better than death.

The three top spies just mentioned died silently, and even now they can't find a body. The only thing we can be sure is that they didn't talk much, because they can't do anything even if they want to talk much.

One pill in the morning and one pill in the evening. If the hour passes, he will die. The pills are placed separately by themselves. Top spies do not lack the determination to die. What they prevent is that they can't bear torture. Once they are captured, they can resist it for most of the day. After that, they don't have to worry.

There's really no way. It's also exposed paragraph by paragraph. Unless it is a regional intelligence leader like Tan bin, there is no black water, let alone black flag camp.

In fact, Blackwater has been studying the deadly poison that can be embedded in the back slot teeth to give spies in case of accidents, but the safety is always a little poor. It is said that Lord Shen has given a dead order and must get it out before the end of this year. If there were that medicine, the spies would suffer less.

Including Tan bin himself.

Although the days passed with trepidation, there were still some gains. Moreover, with the cars and horses taking root in the dead city and equipped with a new generation of Tianyan in the qualified Meimei air conditioner, the intelligence collected has gradually begun to be able to master independently, rather than relying on informants to spend money to buy.

For example, Zhengyang sect, which is the focus of intelligence, although the sect of this pseudo evil friar is insignificant in the dead city, it is definitely not simple. Tan Bin's spies spent a lot of effort and thought to get in touch with these people. Although the information collected is superficial, it has made progress, and it has confirmed the authenticity of a lot of information.

For example, Zhengyang sect will regularly take away a group of slaves, all young children or half-aged children. Most of these children were abducted from the Jingjiu Dynasty. The people who did this were human traffickers in the Jingjiu Dynasty. Although there were casual practitioners involved, most of them were ordinary people.

However, the sale of people should be strictly controlled in Jingjiu direction. No one can do this except toothing. If they find it, they will be beheaded and there is no other punishment. No matter the vehicle or ship, anyone with children or women should check the guide and documents to prove their identity, otherwise they will be taken under custody.

Therefore, the children taken away by Zhengyang sect are also involved in a human trafficking network all over the territory in the Jingjiu Dynasty. If you dig deeply, it is definitely another big case.

In fact, this case has already started to be investigated. These children began to return to the dead city from the channel where they entered the dead city. At the same time, the inspection of the weak water and the water gate on the gorge river has been strengthened.

According to tan bin, at present, Zhengyang sect has not received a large number of children in March, only a few scattered.

Moreover, according to the information feedback, Zhengyang sect has become much more active than before after lacking the source of children. Not only did they take the initiative to contact several black businessmen in the dead city, but also the retail traders who they despise on weekdays expressed their willingness. As long as they are under the age of 15, both men and women want it, and the price directly rose by 50%.

The so-called "black merchants" are actually the same as the black market in the old Jing Dynasty, but they can buy and sell far more things than the black market in the old Jing Dynasty, and they can accept more entrustment without a lower limit, as long as you can afford the price.

There are rumors that there are three leaders behind the black businessmen who secretly support them, otherwise they would have been swallowed by others.

Compared with the mysterious and powerful black merchants, the salesmen who walk around the dead city are much worse. It's not too much to pick up some leftover materials that the black merchants don't want. Moreover, there is no guarantee to trade with a salesman. Even swindlers who specialize in pitching people also pretend to be a salesman in the city.

Of course, those who can contact and afford the black businessmen will not go to the salesman. Generally, people looking for salesmen have no choice, or gamble on luck.

Zhengyang sect is the latter. They also gamble on luck and hope to receive another batch of children in need from any channel.

No one knows what Zhengyang sect wants so many children to do, and no one asks. But everyone knows that when these children enter the gate of Zhengyang sect, they are equal to animals in the slaughterhouse, and their fate is doomed.

In addition, Zhengyang sect collects not only children, but also a large number of medicinal materials, a large number of times. But no finished pill has ever flowed out of Zhengyang sect.

In fact, before paying attention to Zhengyang sect, those two dealers or informants who are also taking into account intelligence in the whole dead city don't care much about Zhengyang sect. Although the origin of this sect is mysterious, it has a low sense of existence in the dead city. It does not contradict people, nor does it get too close to other forces.

But when Tan bin began to mobilize people and deliberately slowly observed and approached Zhengyang sect, he found that Zhengyang sect was not a low-key sect. They just scattered their behavior and didn't seem to attract so much attention.

Not far away, it is said that these only inaccessible medicinal materials are full of questionable doubts.

Where did the medicine come from? If it's made into pills, Zhengyang sect can't use it up. Where's the rest of the pills? Or is there another place to go after these herbs have just passed the hands of Zhengyang sect?

In addition, many medicines imported by Zhengyang sect are not cheap, even precious medicines. Where did Zhengyang sect get such a large sum of money?

Combined with the recent intelligence task given to tan bin, he felt that he should have touched a very important message.

However, unfortunately, the internal situation of Zhengyang sect is still unknown, and even informants can't understand it deeply. It takes time to brew, but also an opportunity.

"Maybe you can change your mind..."