Out of the stairs, Ling Wei saw that there were different degrees of bruises on both of us. Some of the previous doubts dissipated. If I really have a bad intention towards her, why do I have to make myself scarred?

Back in the nursing office, director Liu and Liu Min were shivering under the table. Seeing that we came back safely, they hurriedly asked whether they had driven the little girl away. I winked at Ling Wei, so the little girl copied my words and said it was a theft gang who came here to rob money and color. Fortunately, Bai Yu was clever and drove them away.

These two people are not so easy to fool. First of all, Liu Min said: "many people are telling about the little girl. In the early morning, they often see it suddenly appear and disappear. Others have seen it in the duty room. At that time, the door of the duty room was locked in the middle of the night. If it wasn't a ghost, how could it run in, and how could it suddenly disappear? "

Ling Wei asked, "why haven't I heard of it?"

"Because you are timid, everyone dare not tell you." Liu Min skimmed his lips.

My heart says, are you brave? I'm not as scared as Ling Wei just now.

Director Liu also frowned and said, "just now after I entered the house and closed the door, there was no one inside. Just sitting on the chair, the little girl suddenly appeared across the table. And suddenly the seven orifices bled and became ferocious. I got up and ran, but it... Then I struggled to break free and ran out. This is not a ghost. What should be the explanation? " The old guy must have been caught by the little girl and scared out of his wits. In order to save face, he skipped the plot.

Ling Wei didn't know how to explain and turned her eyes to my face.

I coughed and said, "director Liu, why do you believe in ghosts? They are really a gang of thieves, and their means are as miraculous as magicians. If you can't confuse your eyes, do you dare to steal from the hospital? I told you just now, little girl. At that time, I saw her sneak into your office and hide under the table. When you go back, she will suddenly come out to scare you. " Then I tried my best to round up the unreasonable places one by one with lies.

The two of them could not help nodding by what I said, which could be regarded as a "scientific" explanation to round up the real ghost. But director Liu suddenly blushed. He didn't seem to be aware that it was a scam. He was embarrassed by children in front of his subordinates. He had no face.

"Bai Yu, why didn't you tell me about the little girl sneaking into my house just now? Was it that I was scolding you, angry and deliberately didn't say it? You don't have to explain. It's no more than sophistry. Go on the night shift tomorrow. " Director Liu gave me a stinky bear with a black face, and then turned away without giving me a chance to explain. After taking a few steps, he turned back, "also, don't get close to the nursing office or talk to the nurse in the future."

His uncle's, this is a typical river and bridge, plus desire and crime. I wonder, what do I have against you? Why do you have to fight me? If I had known this, I should have scared you to death just now. I'll exorcise the ghost again.

Ling Wei then gently pushed me: "go back quickly."

I returned to the duty room very depressed, but then I received a text message from Ling Wei.

"Don't be angry. The director is old-fashioned and has excellent face. In fact, he is quite good. Thank you for saving me today. I'll invite you to dinner tomorrow! "

Between the lines, it seemed to reveal a gentle breath and a faint fragrance on Ling Wei. Looking at this message, my heart suddenly felt like a spring breeze. I was very happy. I immediately threw my unhappiness out of the sky.

I immediately replied to a text message: "tomorrow morning after the night shift, you treat me to breakfast."

"OK, it's such a happy decision!" But in a few seconds, she returned another one.

After the shift was handed over in the morning, Ling Wei and I winked secretly. She went downstairs first. I lingered for a while before going down, so as not to let director Liu seize the handle again. Out of the hospital gate, the little girl was waiting outside the door. Now she changed into a white dress with her snow-white face. Under the rising sun, she was as pure and lovely as an angel.

When the little girl saw me approaching, she smiled before saying anything. There were two dimples on her cheeks, which looked very charming. She smiled and asked me, "what would you like to eat?"

"Fried dough sticks and soybean milk. It's delicious at the corner over there." I mean, at the corner of the guide, director Liu's house is in the north, so he won't see us "stealing" in the morning. Khan, this word is used as if we have "x love". In fact, we are purer than snowflakes.

"Let's go!" The little girl gently touched her beautiful head, put her hand around my arm and walked south.

This makes me a little uncomfortable. To be honest, no woman has ever had such close contact with me except grandma. Although I feel uncomfortable, I like it in my heart!

At the corner of the street, we sat on the snack stand and asked for two bowls of soybean milk and several fried dough sticks. The little girl opened her lips and bit a small mouthful of fried dough sticks, which looked very attractive. When she saw me staring at her, she blinked and smiled, which made me a little embarrassed. She lowered her head and snored soybean milk.

His uncle's is so hot that it almost sprays out!

I must be very red at the moment, and the little girl may think it was caused by the embarrassment just now, so she quickly changed the topic: "do you want me to buy such a cheap breakfast to save me money?"

I'm really interested. She just went to work, and her salary is not high, and I don't have a salary at all. In this case, what big meal are we going to have? Now my pocket is cleaner than my face. I don't allow such a cheap breakfast if I want to rush to pay the bill.

At the moment, my throat was so hot that I couldn't speak. First I nodded, felt wrong, and shook my head.

"What's the matter with you? He didn't speak, nodded and shook his head? " Ling Wei tilted her head and looked at me in surprise.

The burning power finally slowed down and was about to speak. Suddenly, a boy in his twenties sat next to me, impolitely picked up my fried dough sticks and ate them. While eating, he shouted, "come on, a bowl of bean curd and put more leek flowers."

He is no one else. He is my classmate Chang Hao. Because he is thin, he is a little too old. He is nicknamed "two monkeys"!

"Chang Hao, are you off the night shift or on the day shift?" Ling Wei greeted him with a smile.

The boy and I are in the central hospital. Because they often go to surgery to find me, they are also very familiar with Ling Wei. But he was first assigned to obstetrics and gynecology. This is not surprising, because according to the rotation table we arranged, all departments of the hospital should be rotated in a year. Internal medicine and surgery are large departments, which need to stay for 80 days, while obstetrics and Gynecology and pediatrics are medium departments, which can be rotated in 40 days.

"I'm off the night shift..." the boy ate fried dough sticks and spoke vaguely.

"Eat slowly and don't choke." I looked at the way he wolfed down, as if he had been hungry for a few days.

"No, I'll rub a meal. You blame me for being a light bulb and cursing me in the morning?" The boy quit staring.

Lingwei immediately blushed. I hurriedly explained, "we met by chance. Don't haw like an eight woman."

"By chance? Your house is in the West. How can you run south... Oh, why do you step on my feet? " The boy screamed in pain when I stepped on his foot.

"I told you it was a coincidence. Can you say something else?" I can't help winking at him. We can joke about it. Don't embarrass the little girl.

Chang Hao stared at me with a grin and said, "well, I heard two big news last night, one is that the body of the morgue was skinned recently, and the other is the romantic story between your director and our director. Which do you want to hear first? "