However, after these little animals took off, they all stopped in the air. They didn't know whether they were playing the game of cat and mouse or not. They had to scare us enough before they ate them. LAN Xiaoying immediately pulled out a coat from her bag and was ready to fight.

But it won't help. We can't stop so many little animals in the whole clothing store. I hit the tip of my nose with my hand and was anxious to get out. LAN Xiaoying suddenly swung her clothes. I knew that the tomb moth had attacked. Then a strange smell came to her nose and her heart trembled. But at the same time, with a flash of inspiration in my mind, I stretched out my hand and pushed hard on the left and right, and suddenly a gap was pushed out on the right wall.

I rushed in recklessly with LAN Xiaoying. Looking back now, my scalp was almost numb. Behind him came a dark tomb moth, whose sharp little teeth shone a little cold light in the light, as dense as stars in the sky, which was creepy!

This is a flap door. Rao, did we close the door quickly, or did a large number of tomb moths rush in and fall on us, feeling pain like acupuncture all over!

I shouted, "take off your clothes!" He quickly took off his coat, pumped on the wall, immediately killed many tomb moths, splashed clumps of viscous green juice, and immediately filled with a disgusting smell. Then he took off his pants and threw them again. A small number of undead were opened by the clothes.

LAN Xiaoying also got rid of her coat and trousers and killed many small animals. The rest could not stand circling around under the influence of clothes. At first glance, it is not easy to completely eliminate these things. So gasping for breath, he took out some alcohol from his bag, soaked a towel and lit it with a lighter. He slapped and beat around. When the little beast's wings met the fire, they were burned out. All of them fell to the ground, struggling and wriggling on the ground without any temper.

Just after the towel burned, it wiped out the last residual force. I was tired and sat on the ground, spitting out my tongue and panting like a wild dog. LAN Xiaoying is no better than me. She can't hold her breath against the wall. However, the mood for the rest of their lives was always good. They gasped and smiled at each other.

But I saw her snow-white body and her eyes straightened immediately!

The girl reacted quickly. She screamed, covered her body with her clothes and scolded: "don't look at the hooligan!" While changing into a clean coat.

I didn't dare to answer back this time. I turned around and changed my clothes. I couldn't take off any more. It was stained with stinky green liquid and threw it on the ground. Then check the wounds on the lower body. Although they are like the tip of a needle, there are a few black spots, numb tentacles and no feeling. Immediately determine that this thing is poisonous on the teeth.

Then he took out the white talisman of the witch talisman, which specializes in curing evil and poison, burned the harmonious talisman water and handed LAN Xiaoying a bowl. The girl reached out to pick it up and hurried to avoid my eyes. I smiled and didn't dare to talk. I turned my head to look at the space terrain. This is a natural cave with sharp stones on its four walls, which has not been repaired by any man. It may be due to the underground water source. The cave is very wet and the stone wall is covered with water droplets.

The depth of the cave looks very far-reaching. When the headlights shine on it, I vaguely see the narrowing of the road ahead, but I can't see what's going on. No matter what is ahead, we are now on the same road in Huashan. We have to bite our teeth and go on.

After a rest, I looked at the wound on my body. The black spots gradually turned red, exuded some black liquid, and felt the pain with my hand, which was the solution to the toxicity. I said angrily, "let's go." Then go ahead first.

LAN Xiaoying followed silently, but she always followed. I knew the girl was embarrassed and didn't say much, but I couldn't help but think of the tempting picture just now. I don't know if my mouth is cheap. I can't help saying, "it's so big... Ouch!"

Get a kick on your ass and an old dog pours!

The narrowed part in front is obviously excavated manually. It seems that this is a dead hole and a channel has been opened. This pattern is not like an ancient tomb. Along the way, we didn't find any clues. As for what place this is, we can only endure curiosity and move on, looking forward to unveiling this mystery in the future.

The more you go forward, the more smelly the moist air becomes, which seems to be mixed with the stench of tomb moths and ghost birds. LAN Xiaoying handed me a mask, which made me feel much more comfortable. After a few more steps, I heard the sound of running water. It's no wonder that the cave is so wet and it's not normal without water.

Soon out of this narrow tunnel, the front space became wider and turned back to the natural cave without any modification.

A river channel, more than 30 feet wide, stretches forward along the right wall and into the darkness. The river is very muddy, rolling away like yellow soup. I can't stand the smell of transpiration and wearing a mask. LAN Xiaoying immediately reached out and grabbed me. She asked if it was the body fluid spilled during the excavation of the archaeological team at that time?

I think it's possible that the odor and viscosity of the river are very close to the body fluid. The so-called corpse fluid is not the secretion of ordinary corpses, but the body fluid of zombies. This kind of thing is poisonous, otherwise it won't waste the legs of those migrant workers.

But there are too many corpse liquid. It has merged into a river. How many shade corpses are kept at the bottom of the river? I felt a little outrageous, so I squatted down to check. Because the concentration of yellow soup was too high, I couldn't see what was going on in the water. He took out the folding shovel from his bag, straightened it, stretched it under the water, didn't probe to the end, it looks very deep. Just to get the shovel back, I suddenly encountered a resistance and seemed to hook something.

When I pulled back, I saw a round white object pulling out of the water with the shovel. LAN Xiaoying lost her voice and said, "it's a human skull!"

I recognized it at a glance. It was a baby's head. The four-year medical university was not white. I could instantly recognize the age from the size of the bone. My heart was shocked. How could the child drown in this yellow soup river? It's hard for grave robbers to come in this place, not to mention a newborn baby?

Thinking so, the whole little bones were pulled out. The dark eyes and a row of white teeth stained with yellow soup looked particularly gloomy in the light. I pulled the bones to the shore. When I just put the shovel aside to look carefully, the little bones suddenly jumped up and my mouth opened. It seemed that they were going to bite me!

Blue Xiaoying gave a soft cry, picked up the folding shovel from the ground and patted it. Unexpectedly, the shovel touched the skull of this thing and was bitten by its mouth with a click. This scene is very strange and gives us goose bumps.