Back home, Huasi said Li Xingxiang called and asked her to go to the company. How can the chairman not go to the company to preside over such a big event? LAN Xiaoying advised her not to go until I came back to discuss what to do. I said I really can't go. Now there are new clues. Li Xingxiang may have killed the female ghost.

He knew that we had taken away the female ghost for fear that the matter would be exposed. In addition, the evil murderer from Shiyan village must have dug a hole in the company and waited for us to go to the net. Before the truth comes out, don't go back to the company or have any contact with Li Xingxiang.

Huasi immediately called Li Xingxiang and said that he had gone away and would not be back until two days later. After that, he hung up the phone without waiting for Li Xingxiang's reaction.

LAN Xiaoying asked me what new clues I found. I shook my head with them and the three entered the bedroom. When I said that the female ghost was Li Xingxiang's wife, they were all stunned.

Huasi was very surprised and said, "I know sister Xiaoyue. I was just 17 years old when she died and went to her funeral. You let it out and I'll see. " Although she has been haunted by Yu Xinyue for so long, she has never seen each other.

So I called from the green onions. Out of joy, I stared at the flowers: "my God, it's really sister Xiaoyue!"

"Do you know me?" Yu Xinyue asked in surprise.

The flower shop immediately cried, "why don't I know you? Your father and my father are business partners. You are eleven years older than me. You always took me to play before. Then you became a bride, and two years later you... You died... "

"How did I die?" Yu Xinyue asked nervously.

"You are..."

I coughed and said, "you died of illness." I'm afraid he knows he's hanged. Once his heart is stimulated, he will be fierce again.

Obviously, the lie can't be concealed from Bing Xue's clever Yu Xinyue. He frowned and asked, "who is my husband?"

The flower shop didn't stop this time: "it's Li Xingxiang!"

"Is that him?" Yu Xinyue couldn't help shaking his head and looked incredulous“ He saw me yesterday. Why didn't he recognize me? You lied to me, you lied to me! "

Seeing that the situation was bad, I quickly collected Yu Xinyue into the green onion and pasted a forbidden sign. Then he looked at the flower shop and said, "now it has lost its memory and can't tell it too much. Just confirm its identity."

LAN Xiaoying frowned and said, "you said Yu Xinyue was hanged from the. Yesterday, Li Xingxiang pretended not to recognize it and didn't let us intervene in this matter. Then Li Xingxiang must have killed it!"

I knocked on the tip of my nose and said, "nothing can be done until the truth is found out. Only by restoring Yu Xinyue's memory and allowing it to personally testify against Li Xingxiang, can we not only eradicate a major scourge of Huashi, but also find out the sundries from Shiyan village! "

"Didn't you say it's hard to restore its memory?" Asked LAN Xiaoying.

I rubbed my eyebrows and said, "no matter how difficult it is, I have to find a way!" This time not only for an unknown female ghost, but also for ourselves, we must find a way!

Suddenly remembered that in order to recover Zhao Tianhu's main soul, Chen Xi asked him to find Yin corpse's eyelashes. I once asked him, but the boy was very strict. He said he promised his friend and couldn't tell where he got it. It's private. I won't ask. Since he has this way, can he make some zombie tears?

Thinking of this, he called Chen Xi. In the house to avoid being heard by grandma, so we went outside the door to talk. The boy's eyes stared like a light bulb when he heard the zombie tears.

"Master, I'm so big. I've never heard of zombies crying. There's no such thing in the world. How can I find it?"

I tapped the tip of my nose with my hand and said, "where did you find the shadow corpse eyelashes last time? I think there should be zombie tears there. "

Chen Xi sighed and said, "I'd better tell you the truth. 70 kilometers southeast of Huangyu City, in the mountains, there is a place called "Flower Shadow Valley". There is a shadow gate hidden inside, which specializes in raising zombies. The sect leader's surname is Hua, and he borrowed one of the shadow characters, so he was named Huaying valley. I have visited famous masters everywhere and have been there. However, Zou shadow sect is a corpse raising family and does not spread it to outsiders. Besides, I am useless in raising corpses, so I didn't worship the master. Later, when you wanted to find Yin corpse eyelashes, I went to Huaying Valley to buy them. "

The shadow gate is recorded in the supreme secret. There are all kinds of people in the world, including corpses, ghosts and mandrills. Often this kind of craftsman will avoid living in deep mountains and forests, which is difficult for ordinary people to find and find. Although it is now the 21st century, this family has been handed down from generation to generation and is not extinct. But we haven't heard of it or seen it. We think it doesn't exist at all, but they do exist.

Zombies have three nicknames since ancient times, namely "moving corpses", "walking corpses" and "walking shadows". Because the walking shadow is relatively obscure, the real corpse keeper never takes the name of raising corpses and will call himself the walking shadow gate outside. As for why they raise corpses and how to make money, I don't know. Anyway, this kind of occupation is very mysterious in the world and can be comparable to driving corpses in Western Hunan.

Although mysterious, the corpse raising aristocratic family does not harm people. It is recorded in the book that their corpses come from a correct source. They never collect "black corpses" or harm people to make corpse sources. I think it's impossible for them not to accept black corpses. It's a good business to make money. After someone kills someone, no matter how the corpse is destroyed, there are traces to follow. Giving the body to Zou yingmen means that the person has disappeared from the world. If the body can't be found, the case can't be solved. And those who send black corpses will certainly give them a valuable reward.

"OK, take me to the shadow gate." I said I was going back to get my bag.

"Master, wait first." The boy frowned and stopped me. "The shadow gate has rules and never sees outsiders. I almost lost my life when I broke in by mistake. I promised not to say it and never come to this place again. The door Lord let me go. Later, because he was eager to worship the teacher, he risked his life to go to the Flower Shadow valley. Fortunately, the old sect leader died. At present, his daughter is in charge of the family. After all, he finally sold my eyelashes to drive me out. But this time, if you dare to come again, you will die. I really dare not go. "

I said, "you don't have to go. Explain the location clearly. I pretended to be lost and broke in."

Chen Xi said bitterly, "they all have kung fu. I think they are better than you. Plus there are so many zombies, I'm afraid you can't make it. "

I patted him on the shoulder and said, "no matter how powerful they are, is there another claw? How many cattle can their zombies have? I've killed Qingguang corpses, and I'm afraid of a few bargains? " In fact, I'm playing drums in my heart. Do you want to go?

"Well, I'll draw you a detailed topographic map when you go home. You won't get lost if you follow the route."

We were just about to go back when a homeless beggar came up and recognized the man begging on the night of the new year's day. His face was covered with shocking scars. Anyone who looked at it would remember correctly.

I ignored this man because I was anxious to go back and ask Chen Xi to draw drawings. Who knows, just turned around, the wanderer said in the back: "I saw something outside Hua's door last night, which may be helpful to you!"