I asked her what was wrong. The girl didn't say anything. She didn't ask me until she got on the bus. Do you remember seeing the tracks at Grandpa Liu Kui's house when you were a child? I shook my head and said, I only remember that you stared at cockfighting eyes when you saw me. I didn't remember anything else.

LAN Xiaoying looked at me angrily: "well, it's an honor for me to be remembered so deeply by you." Then he started the car and drove to Tiantai village.

"Is cockfighting an honor?" I asked with a wink.

"You know what I'm thinking now?" LAN Xiaoying asked murderously.

I nodded and said, "yes, I want to kick me down."

"Then don't you shut up?"

Speaking of her childhood memories on the road, LAN Xiaoying clearly remembered that there was a piece of scrap iron about a foot long at home, which was often used to press things. At that time, she didn't know it was a train track. Now she remembered the shape of scrap iron. There is only one railway near Tiantai village. It must have been dismantled from this railway.

At that time, the village was too poor. Let alone a section of railway track, it was a piece of corroded waste iron slag, which would also be picked up home. When she said this, I suddenly remembered that our family seemed to have this kind of scrap iron. When I was a child, no one played with me. I often smashed things with this thing. I remember smashing a pot. Grandma endured anger and didn't scold, but she ignored me for a few days.

I just can't remember the shape of scrap iron. If I can't find it at Grandpa Liu Kui's house, go back to my old house.

Walking on the dirt road back to my hometown, my mood suddenly became extremely complex. But now it's getting dark. Just when we go back to the village, we don't want to meet the villagers we know. We go into the two ghost houses in the dark. It's estimated that no one will find out.

When approaching Shiyan village, there was a heavy fog. There was a vast fog everywhere, and the visibility was very low. It's not far anyway. We decided to get off and walk. Unexpectedly, after turning off the engine, I untied my seat belt. Suddenly, I saw that the window was full of fog, and a line of small words were written on the fog: two days later, I got on the mountain behind Shiyan village!

LAN Xiaoying stared forward in surprise. I also opened the door and inquired around. But the fog was too thick to see a human figure at all. LAN Xiaoying didn't find any ghosts. Then we both sat in the car and looked at this line of small characters, feeling depressed. I don't know what the other party is playing.

It seems that it's the hand of this craftsman again. This bastard is really terrible. I haven't seen his true face until now. To put it bluntly, I didn't even touch a hair, but I was fooled around. In fact, in this regard, I have lost!

It's just that I haven't lost my pants yet.

After a long time, I said, "he just came to deliver the notice. Don't worry about him. Just remember the time and place. Let's go into the village. "

LAN Xiaoying obviously suffered a great blow to her morale. With a gloomy face, she got out of the car, locked the door and said, "why did you put the boarding place on the back mountain of Shiyan village? I suspect we want to get on the bus after we die. "

As I walked, I said, "if there is a ghost train in the city, it is bound to be seen, and the place where the train haunts needs a shady place. The back mountain of Shiyan village is the most suitable place. And far from Huangyu City, we also have the idea of cutting off our request for help from anyone. Only two people can come. As for wanting us to get on the bus after we die, they can't do it. "

LAN Xiaoying looked at me sideways, but finally sighed and said nothing.

After walking some way forward, the fog dissipated slowly, revealing the stars in the sky. At this time, she had arrived outside Shiyan village, but LAN Xiaoying went to Tiantai village first since she determined that there were railway tracks at Grandpa Liu Kui's house. Along a small road outside the village to the west, you can vaguely see the house you lived in when you were a child in the south of the village.

We couldn't see anyone around, so we quickly slipped out of the wall and climbed over. We also dare not turn on the lights, but every inch of land in the yard is very familiar. There is no need for lights. But there are withered grass everywhere. You can feel the desolate picture in this yard without seeing it.

LAN Xiaoying suddenly stopped. I thought I saw a ghost. Unexpectedly, the girl covered her face with her hands and trembled. It turned out that she had aroused sadness and began to cry.

I patted her on the shoulder and whispered, "I've been sad several times last time. There's no need to cry once. Look for something first."

LAN Xiaoying took her hand off her face, looked up to the sky and said angrily, "I didn't come in last time. This time I stood in the yard. I couldn't help my inner emotions."

I said with a smile: "think of something interesting. When you open your eyes to see me every day, your eyes seem to pop out..."

"Fuck you, cold-blooded animal." She gave me a push and walked to the door.

In fact, even cold-blooded animals can't be indifferent to this small courtyard. My heart is also full of rivers and seas. If I would cry, I would have cried.

LAN Xiaoying stretched out her hand and pushed the door, and the rotten door suddenly tilted down. Then she turned on the light and saw that the house was full of cobwebs and dust everywhere. However, there are many mottled footprints on the ground dust. We're not surprised. It's estimated that we've recruited thieves.

LAN Xiaoying went to the table and stretched out her hand to open the drawer. Seeing that the window flowers she had cut were still there, she immediately trembled and shed tears.

I don't have time to be emotional. Let her cry here and look for the scrap iron everywhere. But I searched all over the house and couldn't find it anywhere. I feel strange in my heart. I haven't lost anything at home. Why did I just lose this scrap iron? Back in the house, LAN Xiaoying was touching her bed and shedding tears. To tell the truth, I also felt very sad, but this was not a sad time. She forcibly pulled the girl out of the door and went out over the wall.

They ran back to Shiyan village. On the way, I prayed silently in the direction of Grandpa's and dad's grave. It's not easy to come back, but I really don't have time to add soil to the grave.

After entering the village, it was more than nine o'clock. It was quiet in the dark street. They quickly slipped outside our old house like thieves. It's my turn to be sad here. Tiantai village is Lan Xiaoying's home, and this is my root. The complex emotion in my heart was difficult to control. I held the wall and my nose was sore.

"Anyway, you can't shed tears. Don't waste your feelings. Go in!" LAN Xiaoying pulled me, turned her head over the wall and entered the yard.

Faint, smelly girl, I don't give face!

Stepping on the dead grass into the house, I had mixed feelings all the way. When I had to pull the drawer to see if the clay figurines I pinched were still there, the girl slapped me in the hand.

"Don't learn from me. Go find something."

I looked at her wrongfully. Why can you look for the memory of childhood, I can't. is it too cruel for a child who can't cry?

LAN Xiaoying glared at me. OK, I'll find it. I remember that since I smashed the pot, grandma hid the scrap iron under the bed, so I went directly into the inner room, touched it under the bed, and the shape is the track!

When I was excited, I wanted to cheer. Suddenly I met a cold palm. I couldn't help but excite my whole body!